I can't even have Tony in my sig anymore. Used to do it as a way of wishing he would figure it out but at this point, I've lost all hope.
He's a loser. Plain and simple, he just doesn't have it in him to be a QB who can be counted on regularly.
If you are going to playoffs and have to win 4 games from wildcard to Superbowl, odds are Tony will cost your team somewhere. Just cannot win with him playing like that.
He hasn't gone 2 games without fumbling or throwing an INT.
That's awful.
Honestly, it wouldn't mean that much to me if the rest of my week wouldn't suck after a loss.
Don't know about the rest of you guys but after a loss, I hate every second of the upcoming week until Friday. This week will be a long one. Thanks Tony. You're my hero. You turned what should have been a blowout by a large margin into a loss by a small margin. Good job.