FootballOutsiders could be right. I honestly am on the fence with this team right now. The front office has been pretty on point with their decision making thus far so they have earned a small degree of trust. For one, you could make the argument that with an improved pass rush alone, the need for last year's production in the running game is considerably reduced. But if you take off the kool aid goggles for just a moment and look at it logically, the Cowboys sudden emergence from mediocrity in a year where they on paper were predicted to fail epically was heralded in by a significantly improved running game. Clearly, Zach Martin played a significant part in that. But a healthy Demarco did too. He was also a significant contributor when healthy in previous seasons before Martin and Frederick. And in those games where he was effective the Cowboys win percentages improved drastically. Now, we don't have him; which I am on record as saying I'm okay with. He wanted too much for too long and very well may lose a step as a result of how much the Cowboys leaned on him last season. With the crutch removed, you would think the Cowboys would attempt to either upgrade or at least maintain the status quo. Instead, they are ripping up that blue print and moving on to a new one; the by committee approach. It very well could work, but why after finally getting that identity back after years and years and years of straying from it and trying it a different away without much success would you say, "to hell with it, let's try something new!?"