The media walls are closing in on the Jones family

The walls aren't closing in fast enough....

These media people who are afraid to ask the tough questions are pansies. Not a single one of them works for Jerry, so who gives a flip how many threats he wants to throw around? To hell with Jerry and his threats.
Yet, you follow and watch his product.

So who's the pansy?
Nobody at the Ticket got fired when Jerry took his ball and ran home. They are doing just fine, and have always dominated the Fan in ratings whether they could interview Jerry or not. Jerry's importance to radio interviews is highly over rated. Nobody really wants to hear from that jerk.
Apples and oranges.

If your job as a reporter is to cover the team which entails going to practices, interviewing players and coaches and, yes unfortunately, Jerry, as well as being in the post game press conferences, and the team decides you are now barred from all of that: how do you do your job?

Whoever is paying this reporter would then also have to pay someone else to do all of the above. They are not going to pay 2 people when they only need 1 so the one who cannot do their job is fired.
Jerry will go to his grave admitting nothing.
In all fairness he has at times admitted mistakes. That's not the issue with Jerry. It's the fact that he doesn't care what the media and fan base thinks when his decision making seriously undermines team progress. Those admissions are of the disingenuous kind. Jerry is epic narcissism infused with good old boy veneer.
This team will be sold either before Jerry's passing or shortly after.
Figure Bezos, Musk, or the S. Arabs will be the buyers
Selling Price...........14-16 Billion.
Yet, you follow and watch his product.

So who's the pansy?
You have a strange way with how you use words. I called the media pansies because they don't have the balls to ask Jerry the hard questions. Yet you called me a pansy because I keep following this circus.

I don't get it....
Nobody at the Ticket got fired when Jerry took his ball and ran home. They are doing just fine, and have always dominated the Fan in ratings whether they could interview Jerry or not. Jerry's importance to radio interviews is highly over rated. Nobody really wants to hear from that jerk.
Fake Jerry is a better interview anyways.
If Fish has ballz enough to takes this kind of stance, I'm guessing he knows that there is more biting commentary to follow by other media members (not named Mickey, Babe, or Brad).

I think that the Jones family prescribes to the infamous PT Barnums quote that " There's no such thing as bad publicity"
Yet, you follow and watch his product.

So who's the pansy?
I think part of the issue is that as fans we believe that the Cowboys are " our product" and that Jones is just the current guy leasing it.....thats why we remain loyal to the Star....not the Jones

If the Jones started this team in 1989 I'd be gone
Our fearless leader captain Jones.
:laugh: :laugh::lmao::flagwave:
If Fish has ballz enough to takes this kind of stance, I'm guessing he knows that there is more biting commentary to follow by other media members (not named Mickey, Babe, or Brad).

I am waiting for our local media to ask the tough questions after the Philadelphia game in two weeks. Don’t be scared to ask how Philly pays everyone and still has money to bring in top free agents and fires coaches/trade players that don’t get the job done.
The public criticism may have increased but Stephen said the 2024 and 2025 cap and contracts would be a tight budget fit.

That lets the fan base know that continued offseason inactivity should be the expectation.
While the public criticism may have increased, Stephen's recent stand on how the 2024 and 2025's cap and contracts will be a tight budget fit, lets the fan base know that continued offseason inactivity should be the expectation.
I can't even imagine doing nothing after a season like this. They should literally fear for their own safety at that point.
I think part of the issue is that as fans we believe that the Cowboys are " our product" and that Jones is just the current guy leasing it.....thats why we remain loyal to the Star....not the Jones

If the Jones started this team in 1989 I'd be gone
This is so true. The Cowboys were “America’s Team” over a decade before anyone had even heard of Jerry Jones.

Think about this….before Jerry bought the team, the Cowboys won 20 playoff games in 29 years. They played in 10 NFC championship games in 13 years, won half of those and also won 2 SBs.

Since Jerry came along the team has won 16 playoff games in 35 years, but 12 of those were won in the 90s! And under the Jones regime, we have played in 4 NFC championship games, winning 3 and 3 SBs - all within 1992-95.

So without the first 29 years of their existence, and without Jimmy building those 90s teams, this franchise would be a joke. The Jones cartel acts like they are personally responsible for the incredible popularity of the Cowboys. Jerry didn’t buy the Browns. He bought America’s team.
He doesn't think he's the best. He just doesn't care. It's his way regardless of what it does to the team.

Focus on his age. Currently 82 years, 2 months, 1 day.
Due to all the vodka over his life, that brain is pushing 99 1/2 years
Fish himself has been a bootlicker as well for as long as I can remember....after the draft and FA period when many of us commented on his podcast that "the season was already over", he more than once snapped back with "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!", and came up with several excuses to as why we were all crazy....hell, I've known it since August of 2023 when I looked at our pathetic WR corp....not to mention the scatter armed dim -witted QB attempting to hit them in stride.

Someone should let him know how wrong he was now.

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