It still amazes me with our dysfunctional organization we’re able to field a competitive team at all. You’d think we’d be more of a 4-6 win team more consistently.
I think it’s why he stays the course . He thinks he’s close. And when you look around at all of the other franchises who do it the right way we actually fare better than about half the league .
Unfortunately though those franchises at least at some point have a better opportunity of finally getting it right while we stay in this perpetual mediocre mode providing just enough hope to hype from year to year.
good post, I think you hit it on the head.
Jones boys do good enough in their eyes lol to think they are so close!
And they are not the worst, just will never be good enough.
If they cant learn and adapt enough to win 1 SB in 26 year time frame, that is pathetic ! Most gm's only get 5 years or so.
Jones boys been at it a long time , and yeah they have gotten better, and that is mostly due to hiring mcclay as their "ghost gm" lol.
but for that long of a time period, they get a grade of pathetic from me.
And the bad thing is forget a SB trip, not a win but a trip lol, they havent been able to get past the Div round, and that is also pathetic!
Not 1 time have they been able to win in Div round.
if I had been running the team that long and had their record, I would be so embarrassed that I would hire a GM !
But the jones boys evidently cant see how pathetic their record is, they are blind to it, and ignore it, and like you say they think they are close,
so they just keep going, continuing to make themselves look like morons, which they are because they cant see how miserably they
have failed.
Also see jones boys dont think about the fans and how they have let us down, to them we are just the noise, and pawns, and we are the idiots,
not them lol.
They only think about themselves, and evidently they can lose and lose and fail over and over and it just doesnt bother them ! lol
And they have fun playing the part of gm and sidekick gm, and as long as it is fun to do why worry about failing and losing?
The jones family are so rich they no longer live in the real world, they live in Jonestown, which is a fantasy land, where they are great
and famous , and winners ! lol They know it all so dont tell them what to do lol.