Forgive my indulgence, but Spontae means "troll-killer" in the ancient Numenorian dialect. So here goes:
Phoenix-Talon;1214662 said:
Many of you will probably say that either the Saints or the Falcons game is the most dangerous game remaining for the Cowboys in 2006...
Ok, so the topic is the most dangerous game remaining...
Phoenix-Talon;1214662 said:
Indeed, those games will not be a walk in the park, but the most crucial game is the one that will be played against the Philadelphia Eagles..
Oh wait, now the topic changes to the most crucial game. Fair enough, as most folks with a third grade education know the difference between dangerous (gunshot wound) versus crucial (air to breathe). Onward...
Phoenix-Talon;1214662 said:
Personally, because not all Eagle fans feel the way I do on this subject, and I cannot speak for all Eagle fans, but ...I this that the Cowboys is the healthiest team in the NFC-East. ..
"I this?" I suppose you meant "I think," but considering your prior posts, I should assume nothing...
Phoenix-Talon;1214662 said:
But like most Cowboys fans, you probably think that the Eagles are finished without McNabb...
Absolutely, if in "finished" you mean no chance to advance in the playoffs.
Phoenix-Talon;1214662 said:
Garcia is no McNabb [brilliant observation, seriously- Ed.], but he can deliver and is capable of closing games.
This sentence is known as pablum; you've said nothing using fourteen words.
Phoenix-Talon;1214662 said:
CouPled (sic) with the fact that the Eagles still have a decent to strong defensive system along with it's Offensive wepons still in place.
Defensive systems do not win games; defenses do. And "wepons?" Ugh.
Phoenix-Talon;1214662 said:
One of the stones that could bring down goliath is penalties.
This sentence is a shining example of a butchered analogy. Only one stone slew Goliath (with a capital "G," denoting a proper name), so saying "one of the stones" conveys an ignorance of the story. An analogy is a powerful way to make a point...try harder next time.
Phoenix-Talon;1214662 said:
Dallas is still making a disproportionate number of mental errors and mistake.
The terminology "disproportionate number" connotes a comparison; you've left out the comparable number of mental errors that are acceptable (i.e., proportionate) therefore this statement is vacuous (a theme of your post). And you singularized "mistake" when you earlier pluralized "errors"- a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Phoenix-Talon;1214662 said:
If you underestimate the Eagles in December may not come out victorious.
More pap. Meaningless platitude, like "we need to pull together and play as a team."
Phoenix-Talon;1214662 said:
Now I expect you to disagree with this perspective, but at least try to demonstrate a logical argument.
Considering the foregoing, your request demonstrates the height of irony, as "a logical argument" is something you clearly misunderstand.
Phoenix-Talon;1214662 said:
The Eagles are the most dangerous game the Cowboys have remaining in the 2006 Regular Season.
Again, back to "dangerous." I thought we were still on "crucial"?
Another banal, thoughtless, cliched, stale post filled with trite platitudes. By all means, keep them coming, as I enjoy the chuckles when reading.