The most disturbing trend of this whole cockamamie season

How many penalties did we give them yesterday at critical moments?? The sack at the 2 then the roughing from Mawoya, the Hitchins face mask on 3rd down. The holding on 3rd down. On and on.

We did get a call in the end zone where Martinez never did anything to Dez however. That was an awful call.
Who leads with the crown against a QB? How amazingly ******** was that?
This is something I don't understand.

Garrett drills it into them everyday: "Finish the fight!" He probably has members of the team write it on a chalk or white board repeatedly. He even had T-shirts with the phrase printed out which they could wear while working out or whatever and be reminded.

This is what coaching is all about: platitudes and T-shirts.
I love your sarcasm!!!!:thumbup:
Which makes this team no different than the Romo era teams

Some difference.

For one many times during the Romo era there was very little or no running game present, which meant the passing game carried the brunt of the offense. Even this season with the offensive line & running game not quite up to 2016 standards, the rushing attack is still more consistent than many of the teams Romo was on.

Also Romo has the benefit of a decent defense in '07 and a darned good defense in '09.

I'd like to see this team with a defense as good as the '07 squad.
Dallas scored 10 points in the second half yesterday.

From two drives. 10 points from 2 drives. Nothing wrong with Dak in the second half yesterday, it was the Packers getting the ball first and our defense not being able to get them off the field

On defense they aren't.

And the offense while very good has had too many breakdowns.

Yes BUT it is not the coaches fault
Anyone but the HC has to be to blame

Lack of Discipline: not the HC
Lack of execution: not the HC
Bad play calling: not the HC
Lack of intensity: not the HC
Poor adjustments: not the HC
Team playing flat: not the HC
Repeatedly giving up big leads: not the HC

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