why do people watch wrestling?
Can you go to Vegas and lay odds on WrestleMania? Because you can in the NBA.
Truth is, wrestling being fake is no secret, if the NBA was, it's too big a secret to keep under wraps. Donaghy may be telling some version of the truth, but he's not exactly credible as a source and there's a lot of money in it for him to create scandal, now that he's out of the NBA and a convicted felon.
Now obviously, Stern, Silver and the NBA as a whole prefers game 7s. More playoff games, equals more advertisement dollars and equals more ticket sales. Do I believe there was a time that the NBA called certain games to extend a series, yea, it's believable. But what I don't believe is the NBA steers certain teams to the finals. Again, did Stern, Silver and the NBA as a whole prefer for LA to be in the finals ever year, yes, but if this were the case San Antonio wouldn't have gotten the first pick in 1997, Boston would have. Cleveland wouldn't have gotten the first pick in 2003, NY would have. San Antonio vs NJ/CLE/DET never would've happened either.