I am sorry but this is about the dumbest, myopic, and unfounded take that there is. I really dont know where to begin.
Lets start with baseball. Baseball has no salary cap and no revenue sharing. That is why you have teams like the Yankees who have a payroll of over $200 million and other teams like the Devil rays who have a payroll under $20 million. That less than 10% of NYs spending power. Tou put the disparity furter in perspective the theam with the secon highest payroll is at about $130 million, about 35% less than the Yanks.
You throw in a weak commisioner and you have no proactive policies and you end up with the mess that is steroids. People in Pittsubrgh or Miluakee or Tampa arent going to the games because their teams are terrible because they cannot afford the players to compete, not because they are high paid or 'watered' down. Games at Yankee Stadium or Fenway Park have been sold out for decades and will continue to do so.
As much as the baseball comparison was horrible the economic involved here make your stance even worse. The salary cap is set up that so of the total revenues produced by the NFL about half goes to the players and half goes to ownership. It is not as if Tagliabue or whover is the commisioner now just pulls a number from his pet monkey Stanley and hands it to Adam so he can tell us what is up.
If the league were to lower the pool for the players then all you would be doing is having the owners make miore money. As it stand now its an equitable distribution of cash especially when we are paying to see the players and not the owners.Down with the bourgeois pig. Rise the proletariat. But seriously, 50-50 is about as fair as you could get.
Furthermore it is not as if these contracts are something that is new. IT WAS LAST YEAR WHEN HUTCHINSON signed his deal. Noone was getting hysterical then and these deals for guards are right in line with what Hutch got. The price for top guards in free agency is stable. Think for a moment that Walter Jones was making MORE money than Hutch was and signed his contract before Hutch and I really begin to wonder why the hysteria now. Ever checked out Payton Mannings deal?
And this whole concept that all of a sudden the players are no longer in touch with the fans making a difference is laughable. i dont have the labor statisics in front of me but average Joe makes around $40k a year, going to work every day for 8 hours every day, he pays a mortgage for 30 years and drives each and every one of his cars at least for 5 years so he can pay that note too. Joe goes to the local bar to have a drink and he pays to go to most civic functions.
Pro football player since the mid to late 70s has no connection to Joe. The poorest of them makes ten times as much as Joe and the the majority of the players average 50 times more. During the season he goes to work for 4 to 6 hours a day and during the offseason he gets a couple months off and even then only comes in a max of 4 hours a day. He buys his house cash, he buys his cars cahsh, he gets paid to go to civic events and is invited to attend the finest places in town. He doesnt have to cook his own food he has a nutritionist do it. So when he looks out into the stand he might appreciate who you are but he simply is not living the life that most fans are living.