BREAKING NEWS **********The Official Dak Prescott Injury Thread **********

Dak doesn’t need looking after. He made 34m this year plus endorsements and has an insurance policy that means he probably earns in the region of 100m. Financially he alright.

I hope he makes a 100% recovery because that was gruesome and I don’t wish that on anyone. I’ve wanted Dallas to sign Dak long-term for three years but I don’t think they can now looking at that injury. I hope I’m wrong because Dak’s been a baller.
Shoutout to Jason Garrett on being the second person there to check on Dak. Before any Cowboys coaches got there.

Not a fan of JG's work, but a great man and a class act he has always been.
A broken ankle isn't more than an 8 week thing unless there are complications... I say this with firsthand knowledge...
That makes me feel better. Thanks. I'm praying for him. I feel terrible about today.
This was the first injury that really took my breath when I saw it. I felt so bad for Dak. He is a great guy, whether you like or dislike him as a player. I had tremendous respect for him coming out talking about his depression issues and all the personal challenges he's went through. To see his great season come to an abrupt end is very sad. Get well, Dak.
Dak doesn’t need looking after. He made 34m this year plus endorsements and has an insurance policy that means he probably earns in the region of 100m. Financially he alright.

I hope he makes a 100% recovery because that was gruesome and I don’t wish that on anyone. I’ve wanted Dallas to sign Dak long-term for three years but I don’t think they can now looking at that injury. I hope I’m wrong because Dak’s been a baller.
Thanks for filling us in that he's ok financially :rolleyes:
That one pissed me off. He was trying not to draw a bs flag and gets hurt in the process. Smh.

Yep... was pissed at that too, for the same reason. These guys aren't that nimble to begin with, yet scared to death they will draw a penalty, so have to land stupid, just to not get a flag that would most definitely have been called.
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Just looked that up - means the bone was piercing his skin. Ouch.

Or muscle. I was hoping it was the growth plate and his ankle dislocated. Now if it's a clean break, he'll be back by next season. the worst one was Alex Smith and he was able to come back. The question is how mobile will he be.
FWIW, I had the same thing happen to me from a motorcycle accident - compound fracture, lower right leg, broke tibia fibula. Surgery, hard cast for 7 weeks, walking cast for 4 months. Complete recovery, no problems - weightlifting, football, running, etc.
Compound fracture and dislocation of the ankle sounds like a "log splitter" fracture. If that's the case, it'll be multiple months before he can even put weight on the injured foot/leg.
ok, all feelings aside. This is why you secure what you can and not go "Rod Tidwell." There's so many possibilities. What if, Andy does well. This mixed injury lowers your value. Possibilities that you may even be released. Wow.. Dak needs to fire his agent today.

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