BREAKING NEWS **********The Official Dak Prescott Injury Thread **********

No one wants to see any player go down, injuries are serious. I wish Dak a speedy recovery.
I also hope all those Romo haters learn from this, all those "he got injured too often" "he was made of glass" etc.. in an era where QBs were not protected by today's rules, hopefully this shows them that ANY player is just 1 play away from a devastating injury no matter who that player is and in some cases no matter the rules.

I understand the impulse to get more yards, but the reason most QBs slide is obvious, and it is not because they are weak, scared or cowards. Dak didn't need to look for more yds on a 1 & 10 play with 7+ yds gained already, and much less do a stiff arm to the defender. I am not blaming Dak for the injury but I question the decision to go for more yds - as if the game clock was less than 1 min on a 3 & 10 - and do a stiff arm to the defender, a simple slide would've sufficed for a comfortable 2 & 3 or so with plenty of time on the 4th qtr. Instead well...... hopefully, a lesson is learned across the board.

apologies if this has been mentioned before, I haven't taken the time to read all 10+ pages of comments
ok, all feelings aside. This is why you secure what you can and not go "Rod Tidwell." There's so many possibilities. What if, Andy does well. This mixed injury lowers your value. Possibilities that you may even be released. Wow.. Dak needs to fire his agent today.
If they release him do they save whatever is left on the last 11 games
I haven't seen too many posts yet on this. But if and when I do, that person is going on ignore immediately.
You must not have ready many posts in any thread on the topic, nor the game thread, then.
I'm sure,like most of you are sick. I feel terrible for Dak. Wish it didn't happen. BUT in War, and I'll throw us into battles during WWII and Vietnam, the best people were lost but there was always hope if things hung together. Someone ALWAYS took the flag forward. If our Cowboys can't do that then they are what they are but maybe, just maybe (in all unlikely probability) things will go a different way than what you think. Currahee!! (Band of Brothers)...
Really sucks for him, especially given the things that he has dealt with this offseason.
You must not have ready many posts in any thread on the topic, nor the game thread, then.

No, shortly after it, I didn't post as much, then stopped in order to eat. Just now getting back to reading stuff.
And what I have seen so far, I skimmed over a lot of posts.
No, shortly after it, I didn't post as much, then stopped in order to eat. Just now getting back to reading stuff.
And what I have seen so far, I skimmed over a lot of posts.
Let me fill you in, Jazz, it's running rampant.
I had to pause the game for a bit and my nephew texts me and says "well, Dak is out for the season". I told him I paused it and what happened. He said "you'll see...its bad". He was right. Im not the biggest fan of Dak to be honest but I dont want to see any player hurt like that let alone a Cowboy.

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