The *OFFICIAL* why you hate the Commanders thread

I kind of love the Skins...because they are almost always willing to give us at least one win a year. :D
Yeagermeister said:
I'd add Theesman to the list but other wise it's perfect :D

Theismann, Diron Talbert, basically every piece of vermin who has worn their colors.

Up until George Allen, they were annoying, they took it to a personal level once he arrived. It continued on through Theismann.
why i hate them:

dexter manley calling us a mediocre team back in the 80's which was prolly true.
allen their coach from the 70's and all the spy crap from them
their WR's: monk, sanders and gary something (84): hated them
their NT who madden used to love. had a helmet all scarred and stuff
joe jacoby
I am definitely a bigger fan of Cowboys success that Commanders failure. There are so many Commanders fans that love more than anything to see us lose.

They had a poll on ES asking if they would have rather lost the Cowboys game but won 3 other games they lost and a large number of fans picked beating the Cowboys.

I almost pity them, they way their team lets them down every year... that is until I hear about Gibbs blaming everybody except himself and the team.
I can't remember not hating them! What would the world be if the Commanders were not hated? It is like hating the Soviet Union, it is just natural! The fall of the USSR and the fall of the Commanders were two historic events of the 1990's. Two evil empires gone. . . .and the world was safer!
fortdick said:
I can't remember not hating them! What would the world be if the Commanders were not hated? It is like hating the Soviet Union, it is just natural! The fall of the USSR and the fall of the Commanders were two historic events of the 1990's. Two evil empires gone. . . .and the world was safer!

You kind of worry me...but at the same time...Keep an eye on those Commie Pinkos :laugh1:
George Allen, Diron Talbert, Dextor Manley, Billy Kilmer, the hogs, the fun bunch, Mark Mosley, Fisher, Hamburger, the freakin' Counter Trey, Theismann, Kenny Houston stopping Walt Garrison on the 1 yard line.

I could go on, but I'm already experiencing acid reflux......... :puke:
My Commander hate started at a young age. My BEst friend was a skins fan and I always had to hear abotu Gary Clark. I remember the year we beat the skins stopping them from going undefeated. What a great yeat.

Ok here my reason.
1) I am trpped in teh DC metro and I hear nothing but skins this skins that.
2) Their fans are blind homers who ignore obvious facts
3) anyoen they draft is an automatic probowler
5) Art, who likes to twist reality to suit his own fantasies
6) Bubba, who is just plain dumb like his name suggests
7) Hearing skins fans moan about how Art Monk shoudl be in the HoF and how much better he was than Irvin, when in reality Monk played 70 more games than Irvin and only had 800 more yards and 3 TD's more than him.
8) Having to hear about them whine about how the refs cost them the game every time they loose, but they fail to acknowledge when the refs help them win.
9) Sean Taylor
10) Having to listen to skins fans bragging about winning on monday night like they have been dominating us for the past 10 years.
Any Boys fans should hate them. I couldn't stand that song when I was little Joe Theisman was a whiny little QB. My Dad told me when I was 6 that the Redsins and Boys don't like each other.
The *OFFICIAL* "It doesn't matter why, just that you do" answer.
crappy fans, crappy team, crappy city, crappy coach, crappy front office and crappy players.
Yakuza Rich said:
Here's mine off the top of my head:

1. Every time they lose, their fans claim they got "screwed."

2. Every year they are "Super Bowl bound" according to their fans.

3. The Joe Gibbs "handshake."

4. Their idiotic "fight song."

5. Their fans calling Cowboys fans bandwagon jumpers, yet you couldn't find a Commanders fan if you were able to levetate and pass out $20 bills before Gibbs arrived in town.

6. They always look to go after Dallas players in FA. That being said, those players wind up stinking up the joint.

7. Most of the Washington DC media are the most blind homers I've ever read.

8. Clinton Portis' STUPID dress up act.

9. When they make fun of Cowboys fans despite the fact their most cherished fans dress up like women.

10. Joe Gibbs whining about everything and anything under the sun.


my main reasons are more historical than current though I cant stand the site of Snyder. I hate the Commanders because of George Allen who was so damn jealous of the boys. I hate them because they trounced us in the nfc championship game in the first full season I was a fan and then again in 82, but we havent beaten them in the playoffs. I hate them because their men dress up as woman to see the game (or used to anyway). I hate them because the have one of the god ugliest uniforms in sports and one of the god ugliest nicknames in sports. I hate them because two of their SB wins came in strike years which to me are illegitimate wins and the third came because their gm was able to master the confusing and very short lived Plan B free agency thing.
When I was a little kid rooting for Dallas, my older brother was a Skins fan (he still is, I know, it's sad) and one year the Skins beat the Cowboys. The headline in the sports page the next day was "Skins whip Dallas, take over East lead". For days he kept showing me the headline and repeating it to me. From that day on, I hated the Skins with a passion. To this day, when we talk Cowboys/Skins, one of us inevitably brings up that headline.

That's the foremost of numerous reasons I hate the Skins
Portland Fanatic said:
Just bcuz..............hehehe

  • Gibbs is the biggest cry baby of any NFL coach in history.....
  • The biggest win in Gibbs LIFE was a meaningless regular season game this year
  • I hate men that dress in womens clothing and put pig noses....sick!
  • Snyder is a clueless joke
  • They use every excuse in the book when it comes to losing...step up...take it like a man

pretty good list PF.... and very accurate!
I'm a Cowboy fan. Hating the Commanders is what I do.

Loving the Cowboys and hating the Commanders just go together naturally.

Like rice and gravy or spaghetti and meatballs. Like JD and Coke or 7 and 7.

These combos don't need a reason. They just exist ;)
The only time I hate the skins is when we play them. Other than that I have always been a fan of the NFC East. By far the most sucessful division in all of football.
Don't forget the fact that according to their fans theskins have never been beaten in the past ten years They either:

1) got screwed by the refs
2) are part of a NFL conspiracy that requires them to throw games (such as the Giants blowout)
3) are vastly superior team than their opponents and completely out played them but somehow managed to give the game away to the other team

I HAVE NEVER heard a skins fan actually admit that their team was outplayed by their opponent
Their racist nickname.

j/k... the real reason I hate them is that they're pure, unadulterated EVIL

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