The *OFFICIAL* why you hate the Commanders thread

This is why.................


Two of the gayest people I've ever seen........


An unbelievable lack of class.
My Mother used to work for a Newspaper owned by Jack Kent Cooke. One year the Skins won the Super Bowl and JKC threw a great big extravagant party. So extravagant in fact that he cancelled all Christmas bonuses that year for his smaller newspapers.
Joe Gibbs-From his gigantic glasses-they are so 1980s, even though they weren't even in style then and looked rediculous-to his stupid ugly sweaters that he wore in the 80s and that tacky "R" hat.

Daniel Snyder- need I say more.

Sonny, Sam, and Frank (or any other jabroni they manage to scrape up, Larry Michaels or whatever)-a pack of human hemmorhoids.

The band-yeah.

The fans- the most ignorant bunch in all of fandom-they make up Super Bowl wins with idiotic combinations (vs. Dallas, vs. 49ers, etc.), regular season wins, and Hall of Fame players: "Hey, do you remember when we won that Super Bowl over Dallas when Jerry Rice caught that 104 yard TD Pass- I was like, "Hail to the Commanders, Hail Victory!!!"

Their colors- just puke.

Their racist logo- what part of the word Commander and a Native American in a head dress sticker is not offensive? Much worse than Fighting Sioux or anything of that sort.

The city- the biggest pos in the nation, with a bunch of rich (politicians) and poor (gangs, druggies, and a druggie mayor) crooks running it.

Jack Kent Cooke- old dead bastid.

I guess that's all.
I hate their vulgar, pushy, nouveau riche pint-sized owner with the Napoleonic Complex, the clown who insists on everyone calling him "Mr." That obnoxious feudal attitude makes me want to upchuck, but at least Dan Snyder proves that money can't buy you class.

I hate that bug-eyed ex-49er FO stooge that now plays Billy Martin to Snyder's wannabe Steinbrenner. Over-rated puppet, yeah you, Cerrato.

I REALLY hate that phony sanctimonious hypocrite, that whining senile Gibbs. I couldn't stand him the first time around, and that's when he could actually coach, but now his petulant refusal to shake hands after a loss, or the half hearted way he extends it is just plain pitiful. I hate the bellyaching about calls after most games, man up and take a page from Bill's Book. Bad calls are part of the game. And like it or not, the zebras are sacrosanct, and should be.

I hate that self-absorbed Arrington, that punk Taylor, that Gibbs fair-haired second wind of a Brunell, over-rated Jensen, loony toons Portis, and never-in-a-million-years-will-you-touch-Witten-level Cooley, gassed out Springs, and the rest of that crew..not a likable soul in the bunch.

But mostly I hate the ultimate homers and unrepentant delusionaries who make up the majority of their fanbase. There are a few exceptions, but the level of euphoria that reeks from the Fed Ex environs pollutes even the few reaonable ones. I love to see their hopes dashed after a loss, any loss, even when they are nowhere near a playoff race. I love their weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth and can't wait to revel in it this week when once more my boy runs thru their secondary like wildfire.

They are the best rival fans in the league, imo, and their silly team is unworthy of them. The Skins have not been worth hating for a long long time, but their fans ALWAYS are...props to them for that. :laugh1:
Because any where north of the Red River is Yankee land!The only exclusion is the Cowboys fans ANYWHERE you may be!
I used to hate the Commanders, but one day after spending a few minutes on Extremeskins, i realized how pathetic and a waste of space they are.

The Cowboys will once again rip their hearts out. Good, they deserve it.
cwbyfan72 said:
And here I was arguing with a Skins fan that we don't have posts like these! Oh well.

The diff is that we may have one or two of these thread sthe week before our game with them.

Their well-justified feelings of inferiority keep "Cowboys Hating" at the top
of their agenda year 'round.
Those of you on this forum who live in MD put up with Commanders fans everyday and have heard it all, the sad thing is its all repeated excuses when we win. Yet when we lose (this yr in particular) its as if they never ever ever ever lost a game and the win means Commanders win the superbowl and we here it over and over regardless is we win the next meeting. but we have the numbers 5 and 14 to help us out
Danny White said:
Their racist nickname.

j/k... the real reason I hate them is that they're pure, unadulterated EVIL

Exactly! :hammer:

:skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins:
:dissskin: :dissskin: :dissskin: :dissskin: :dissskin: :dissskin: :dissskin: :dissskin: :dissskin:
:suxskins: :suxskins: :suxskins: :suxskins: :suxskins: :suxskins: :suxskins: :suxskins: :suxskins: :suxskins: :suxskins: :suxskins: :suxskins:
the Dead Tree crew is another reason. I would like to bean bag shotgun these ****ers in the face...I just hate ignorant idiots like these guys.


What a triumvirate of real freaking losers we have here. I bet these three haven't seen a ****** since birth.
stilltheguru said:
who are those people?

and why so much hate for them?rofl

The Dead Tree Crew.

A posse of wanna be gangstas who claim to beat Cowboys fans in the stadium and outside every year.

*goes to a skins game in fed ex untouched*

but nah thats quite funny
My number 1 reason for hating the Commanders......................................

Because they are the Commanders. 'Nuff said. :skins:
I "hated" the Skins long before I even knew what they were. Indians v. Cowboys man. Bad Guys v. Good Guys.

The Indians were BAD :mad: (except for Tonto...he was one of the good ones.) They were savage, bloodthirsty killers who would scalp you and throw a tomahawk in your back. That's what Hollywood and the Government told me to think. Now, of course, the Indians are GOOD :) (except Tonto...that perpetuator of a racial stereotypes.) Indians lived harmoniously off the land and were hunted and worse by lawless Cowboys expanding to the West.

Be honest. All that other crap had nothing to do with it unless you became a fan after elementary school or someone older told you they were the enemy.

I did hate the Fun Bunch junk and seeing the Smurfs trying to celebrate in the end zone back in the day is probably my earliest memory of an us v. them relationship.

Also, listening to Joe Jacoby abuse his tongue and human speech in a near-constant stream of commercials all throughout my childhood was also a source of the hatred.

...and their uniforms are butt ugly unless you have a ketchup and mustard fetish.
cajuncowboy said:
My number 1 reason for hating the Commanders......................................

Because they are the Commanders. 'Nuff said. :skins:

Thats it right there. :skins:
This might be a bad example, but they are kind of like Texas Tech.

Hardly ever any good.

The most arragant fans.

And did I say the most arragant fans?
Funny thing is I cant add to this thread. I dont hate any team. I just love the Cowboys. To me, hating another team would be like all the anti-cowboy fans out there.

We are not commoners. We are the Dallas Cowboys.

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