I hate their vulgar, pushy, nouveau riche pint-sized owner with the Napoleonic Complex, the clown who insists on everyone calling him "Mr." That obnoxious feudal attitude makes me want to upchuck, but at least Dan Snyder proves that money can't buy you class.
I hate that bug-eyed ex-49er FO stooge that now plays Billy Martin to Snyder's wannabe Steinbrenner. Over-rated puppet, yeah you, Cerrato.
I REALLY hate that phony sanctimonious hypocrite, that whining senile Gibbs. I couldn't stand him the first time around, and that's when he could actually coach, but now his petulant refusal to shake hands after a loss, or the half hearted way he extends it is just plain pitiful. I hate the bellyaching about calls after most games, man up and take a page from Bill's Book. Bad calls are part of the game. And like it or not, the zebras are sacrosanct, and should be.
I hate that self-absorbed Arrington, that punk Taylor, that Gibbs fair-haired second wind of a Brunell, over-rated Jensen, loony toons Portis, and never-in-a-million-years-will-you-touch-Witten-level Cooley, gassed out Springs, and the rest of that crew..not a likable soul in the bunch.
But mostly I hate the ultimate homers and unrepentant delusionaries who make up the majority of their fanbase. There are a few exceptions, but the level of euphoria that reeks from the Fed Ex environs pollutes even the few reaonable ones. I love to see their hopes dashed after a loss, any loss, even when they are nowhere near a playoff race. I love their weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth and can't wait to revel in it this week when once more my boy runs thru their secondary like wildfire.
They are the best rival fans in the league, imo, and their silly team is unworthy of them. The Skins have not been worth hating for a long long time, but their fans ALWAYS are...props to them for that. :laugh1: