The *OFFICIAL* why you hate the Commanders thread

Frankly, I couldn't care less about the 'skins. I'm 40, and we've beat them WAY more times than lost in my lifetime.

I've hated the Eagles, Niners, and Steelers much more than those spares.
Because of posts like these:

"It doesn't surprise me that the Commanders are favored over the Cowboys. I believe the Commanders should be favored because Dallas was exposed in each of their last two games how medicore they are. Denver defeated them like a good team should and the only reason they beat Kansas City was because of a nonsense penalty deep in Chief terroritory and then the Kansas City kicker hooks a 42 yarder left and gives Dallas the fluke victory. Not impressive at all."
Because of one thing nowadays... DANNY "NAPOLEON" SNYDER... spoiled brat ____ERWOOD

I absolutely love the fact Daniel Snyder is their owner :D

I always find their hatred of anything Dallas to be so amusing as to cause a chuckle or two (if you know a skin fan or two watch how they start foaming at the mouth and spittle will start flying while the decible and octive of their voice gets louder and louder as they talk about the Cowboys)

I also love how they compare anything on their team to the Cowboys of past or present...

In reality their is nothing about their franchise that is even worth the effort of hating on...

now granted there was a time...oh years and years ago.. but we have since as a franchised passed them up long ago
RXP said:
This is why.................


Two of the gayest people I've ever seen........


An unbelievable lack of class.

This is week three mind you. You would think they clinched the East. I understand that we had beat them bad for several years now, but did our coach and owner display acts of homsexuality when we SWEPT the EAgles? Just another reason why we mop the field with their azzes on Sunday.
Yakuza Rich said:
Here's mine off the top of my head:

1. Every time they lose, their fans claim they got "screwed."

Come to think of it-the zebras made alot of favorable calls in the Cowboys and Hawks games earlier. If anything they evened out with that bad 2 pt call against the Bucs recently.

And FWIW too-if Greg Williams hadn't called one too many blitzes in the Bucs game, they would have won easily. So where was the outrage on him?

2. Every year they are "Super Bowl bound" according to their fans.

Yah-I fall for the hype too. Thought they were Super Bowl bound in 00, and then again last year.

3. The Joe Gibbs "handshake."

For some reason, I've always liked him. He's always been the Forrest Gump of the NFL, for some reason.

4. Their idiotic "fight song."

One of my faves, actually.

5. Their fans calling Cowboys fans bandwagon jumpers, yet you couldn't find a Commanders fan if you were able to levetate and pass out $20 bills before Gibbs arrived in town.

Personally, I've been jumping back and forth b/w here and there since I became a football fan. The Cowboys and Commanders, for some reason, are 2 very attractive teams at the same time.

6. They always look to go after Dallas players in FA. That being said, those players wind up stinking up the joint.

Yah-glad we don't get any Foreskin players from there. Hope we DON'T get Lavar.

7. Most of the Washington DC media are the most blind homers I've ever read.

Not really-glad they're reporting their true colors recently, actually.

8. Clinton Portis' STUPID dress up act.

I find it hilarious, actually.

10. Joe Gibbs whining about everything and anything under the sun.

See #1-their favorable and unfavorable calls on them have pretty much evened out.

Just like with us-we got screwed by the refs in the Skins and Seattle games, but then got those breaks back in the KC and Philly games.
I think such a thought provoking question deserves a time honored answer
---just because---
Hey, we think you folks are pretty special, too. :)

In the spirit of the day ...

You Will Suffer Humiliation When The Sports Team From My Area Defeats The Sports Team From Your Area

As you can see from the calendar, the game is coming up this weekend. I'm sure you are as excited for it as I am, as our cities are rivals and have been for quite some time. Your confidence in your team is high, but rest assured, you will suffer humiliation when the sports team from my area defeats the sports team from your area.

On numerous occasions, you have expressed the conviction that your area's sports team will be victorious. I must admit that every time I hear you make this proclamation, I react with both laughter and disbelief. "Ha!" I say to myself with laughter. "What?!" I say to myself in disbelief. How could you believe that your sports team could beat my sports team? It is clear that yours is inferior in every way.

When the sporting contest begins, the players on your team will be treated as though they are inconsequential. It will be remarkably easy for my team to accumulate more points than yours. There are many reasons for this, starting with the inferior physical attributes of the players representing your area. Strength, speed, and agility are just three of the qualities that the players on the team from your area lack. The players representing my area, on the other hand, have these traits in abundance.

I would not be a bit surprised if the individuals on the team from your area were sexually attracted to members of their own gender. That is how ineffective they are on the field of battle.

Underscoring your team's inferiority is its choice of colors. It is ludicrous to believe that your team's colors inspire either respect or fear. Instead, they appear to have been chosen by someone who is colorblind or, perhaps, bereft of sight altogether. The colors for my team, on the other hand, are aesthetically pleasing when placed in proximity to one another. They are a superior color combination in every way.

While we are on the subject of aesthetics, let us compare the respective facilities in which our teams play. While my team's edifice is blessed with architectural splendor and the most modern of amenities, yours is a thoroughly unpleasant place in which to watch a sporting contest. I know of what I speak, for I once attended a game between our respective teams in your facility. Let's just say the experience left me wishing that my car was inoperable that day due to mechanical problems, rendering it impossible for me to get to your area to attend the game.

If you need another reason why the sporting franchise representing my area is superior, look no further than the supporters for the two sides. Not only are the supporters of the team from my region more spirited, but they are also more intelligent and of finer breeding than you and the rest of your ilk. In addition, the female supporters of the team from my area possess more attractive countenances and figures than yours. Some of the women from my side that I have observed could make a living by posing for pictures for major men's magazines. The women who cheer for your team, I'm afraid, are far too unattractive to do so.

One of the more pathetic aspects of the team from your area is the fact that only people in your immediate area possess an affinity for it. By means of contrast, the team from my area inspires loyalty and affection in individuals who live in many other geographic locations.

To illustrate this point, let me tell a brief story: Recently, I was on vacation in an area of the country far away from my own, and I saw many individuals wearing items of clothing that bore the insignia of my team. I approached one such individual and asked him if he originated from my area. He said no, explaining that he simply liked the team from my area and had for many years. Interestingly enough, during this trip, I saw no clothing or other paraphernalia bearing the insignia of your team.

Do you still doubt that the team from your area is inferior to the one from mine? Just look at our teams' respective histories. In the past, we have defeated you on any number of occasions. Granted, there were times when your team beat my team, but those were lucky flukes.

The day of the game will soon be at hand. And no matter how hard you pray to a higher power or how many foam accoutrements you wear in support of the team from your area, your team will be defeated. We will win and you will lose. This is your fate.

Prepare for humiliation. It shall be upon you at the designated hour.

© Copyright 2001 Onion, Inc., All rights reserved.
for us older guys it goes back to George Freakin Allen, talk about a no class individual.
oh, and those god-awful ugly uniforms.
Om said:
Hey, we think you folks are pretty special, too. :)

In the spirit of the day ...

You Will Suffer Humiliation When The Sports Team From My Area Defeats The Sports Team From Your Area

As you can see from the calendar, the game is coming up this weekend. I'm sure you are as excited for it as I am, as our cities are rivals and have been for quite some time. Your confidence in your team is high, but rest assured, you will suffer humiliation when the sports team from my area defeats the sports team from your area.

On numerous occasions, you have expressed the conviction that your area's sports team will be victorious. I must admit that every time I hear you make this proclamation, I react with both laughter and disbelief. "Ha!" I say to myself with laughter. "What?!" I say to myself in disbelief. How could you believe that your sports team could beat my sports team? It is clear that yours is inferior in every way.

When the sporting contest begins, the players on your team will be treated as though they are inconsequential. It will be remarkably easy for my team to accumulate more points than yours. There are many reasons for this, starting with the inferior physical attributes of the players representing your area. Strength, speed, and agility are just three of the qualities that the players on the team from your area lack. The players representing my area, on the other hand, have these traits in abundance.

I would not be a bit surprised if the individuals on the team from your area were sexually attracted to members of their own gender. That is how ineffective they are on the field of battle.

Underscoring your team's inferiority is its choice of colors. It is ludicrous to believe that your team's colors inspire either respect or fear. Instead, they appear to have been chosen by someone who is colorblind or, perhaps, bereft of sight altogether. The colors for my team, on the other hand, are aesthetically pleasing when placed in proximity to one another. They are a superior color combination in every way.

While we are on the subject of aesthetics, let us compare the respective facilities in which our teams play. While my team's edifice is blessed with architectural splendor and the most modern of amenities, yours is a thoroughly unpleasant place in which to watch a sporting contest. I know of what I speak, for I once attended a game between our respective teams in your facility. Let's just say the experience left me wishing that my car was inoperable that day due to mechanical problems, rendering it impossible for me to get to your area to attend the game.

If you need another reason why the sporting franchise representing my area is superior, look no further than the supporters for the two sides. Not only are the supporters of the team from my region more spirited, but they are also more intelligent and of finer breeding than you and the rest of your ilk. In addition, the female supporters of the team from my area possess more attractive countenances and figures than yours. Some of the women from my side that I have observed could make a living by posing for pictures for major men's magazines. The women who cheer for your team, I'm afraid, are far too unattractive to do so.

One of the more pathetic aspects of the team from your area is the fact that only people in your immediate area possess an affinity for it. By means of contrast, the team from my area inspires loyalty and affection in individuals who live in many other geographic locations.

To illustrate this point, let me tell a brief story: Recently, I was on vacation in an area of the country far away from my own, and I saw many individuals wearing items of clothing that bore the insignia of my team. I approached one such individual and asked him if he originated from my area. He said no, explaining that he simply liked the team from my area and had for many years. Interestingly enough, during this trip, I saw no clothing or other paraphernalia bearing the insignia of your team.

Do you still doubt that the team from your area is inferior to the one from mine? Just look at our teams' respective histories. In the past, we have defeated you on any number of occasions. Granted, there were times when your team beat my team, but those were lucky flukes.

The day of the game will soon be at hand. And no matter how hard you pray to a higher power or how many foam accoutrements you wear in support of the team from your area, your team will be defeated. We will win and you will lose. This is your fate.

Prepare for humiliation. It shall be upon you at the designated hour.

© Copyright 2001 Onion, Inc., All rights reserved.

in a word.......dumb..... :D
30yrheel said:
for us older guys it goes back to George Freakin Allen, talk about a no class individual.
oh, and those god-awful ugly uniforms.

You’re not kidding. Allen hated Dallas with a passion. This is where the rivalry really began.
cwbyfan72 said:
This is week three mind you. You would think they clinched the East. I understand that we had beat them bad for several years now, but did our coach and owner display acts of homsexuality when we SWEPT the EAgles? Just another reason why we mop the field with their azzes on Sunday.

Brilliant point. Didn't Gibbs say it was one of his biggest wins ever? What a joke.
I hate that stupid eastern motors video. Anyone living in the DC Metro area has probably seen it.

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