The One Player That Would Make Things Exciting They Refuse To Play

Even if he plays well, Jerry won't be able to keep him, can't get into a bidding war when you have given your other mediocre 4th round pick all the money
Trey Lance.

The punter got more pass attempts last night.

Cooper Rush is so bland and boring that it makes you lose focus on the game.

Who cares if Lance sucks at this point? What’s the worst that can happen? We lose by a 20?

If they announced today that Lance is starting next week it would instantly bring more excitement to the fanbase. If not for no other reason then the unknown that he brings. We still haven’t seen him get a real chance with the starters.

There is nobody wanting to watch Cooper Rush out there again. There is zero excitement in that.

We. Want. Lance.

Sink or swim.
Deuce Vaughn.

Although I'd prefer to see Lance over Rush, Lance isn't going to be here next year because we have our starting QB (based on what we're paying Dak).

Our running game has been mostly meh, especially the old vets. Might as well give Vaughn every chance to prove himself.

Frankly, I'd also like to see us play Schoonmaker more and Luepke less. I have little doubt that Luepke has a role beyond this year, so he has less to prove than Schoon does.

I also want us to get Richards and Bass on the field because we're going to have to sort this line out next year.
If I was Lance I would refuse to go run this pathetic excuse of an offense.

Worst running game.
Worst receivers open distance and rate.
Questionable, at best, playcalling.

Then, even if he throws a good pass, if it's an afternoon game at AT&T, there's a decent chance the receiver will be blinded by the sun.

So while I am not against Lance getting a shot, I have a sneaky suspicion that the "excitement" will be very short lived.

Jerry seems to think his best chance to win is with Rush at QB.
Maybe so, but Lance is more exciting and they both suck! :grin:

It hardly matters. Both of them aren't likely to make the playoffs.
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Lance & Mingo double fourth rounders wasted by Jerry the GM and a 6 burned on Phillips who couldn’t crack a horrible DT rotation .

It’s like the preseason Grier outplayed Rush but Rush was kept . And I throw Mingo in the mix because you already have WR’s you’re not developing so why throw a draft pick at another one .
If you want Lance, the first thing you have to do is get rid of McCarthy's pocket based system.
Trey Lance.

The punter got more pass attempts last night.

Cooper Rush is so bland and boring that it makes you lose focus on the game.

Who cares if Lance sucks at this point? What’s the worst that can happen? We lose by a 20?

If they announced today that Lance is starting next week it would instantly bring more excitement to the fanbase. If not for no other reason then the unknown that he brings. We still haven’t seen him get a real chance with the starters.

There is nobody wanting to watch Cooper Rush out there again. There is zero excitement in that.

We. Want. Lance.

Sink or swim.
Absolutely. But don’t hold your breath lol… JJ can’t make a good decision to save his life at this point

The guy refuses to put curtains up to help his team at this point. We are in JJ bizzarro purgatory now.

White is black, up is down, dumb is smart etc…
I will tell you what he must really suck in practice to barely get a snap after duck went down.

Jerry and his excellent GM'ing skills! Has a chance to see if his GM hunch could payoff, yet refuses to play him. So like I said, he's either been really bad in practice or JJ in his feeble mind is trying to outsmart everyone by not playing him so he can sign him to a cheap contract.

Honestly I just think JJ doesn't want to look like a bigger fool than he already does with his moronic GM'ing skills!
Obviously they need to play Lance, but Jerry doesn't feel like we have "Learned our lesson" yet so the beatings will continue until moral improves......We need to start a go fund me for a full on "Jerry Sucks" chant for all the home games...i think he would get so pissed he would get on the PA and scold the fans...would be great!

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