The only hope I have


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I agree there will be change I am just in hopes Steven gets tired of the whole thing takes the money and runs just sells the team.

Unfortunately I have the feeling he's going to follow in his Father's footsteps and try and enjoy some type of Rockstar status as he pilots the team through mediocrity.
Another possibility is maybe at some point he hires a general manager during his tenure but this is all going to happen after Jerry gives up the reins and who can say how long that'll last
I’m not as worried about Stephen as I am about who comes after him. SJ is already 14 years older than Jerry was when he bought the team. By the time JJ is either stepping down or passing to the great gridiron in the sky, SJ may be in his mid-late 60s.

I could easily see SJ either hiring a GM or deciding he wants someone else to take over. He’s lived his entire manufactured by nepotism NFL life in the shadow of his old man. I’m not sure he is hungry to be “Jerry-Lite”. At least I pray he’s not.


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The only hope I have left is that my grandson who will be born in early October and raised to be a Cowboys fan will have the opportunity to see the Cowboys win a super bowl like I did.
There is a better than average chance he can outlive the Jones business model and team building of our beloved team.

We here on this board are just cheering for the laundry at this point are way too many Jones's in line to inherit this team that have been mentored in Jerry's business model that has proven after almost 3 decades we will never see another super bowl in our lifetime.

What are your thoughts anybody believe one of The offspring will sell the team at some point and give us a chance not that we'll be alive to see it.

But I do have hope for my grandson I think he has a chance
Great post,Im resigned to the fact that us fans from the 60s and 70s era Will never live long enough to see another SB championship.


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I see the cowboys having a rough mediocre upcoming season in 2024 , despite an improved defense , but with the same mediocre QB and running game . a 9 or 10 win season at best. Unless they trade or draft a new dynamic coach and a top 5 QB, the 2025 season will be about the same
9-10 wins.
in 2026 after the world cup , jerry hangs his hat at 83 years old and hands it over to Stephen who basically knows what jerry knows. This results in more of the same , until stephen gets a bit tired and hires a GM in 2030.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Then you better hope Jerry passes the organization on to Charlotte.
He won’t and I really don’t know why anyone thinks things will be better with her. She would likely hire GM, but that doesn’t guarantee success. Or she might let someone in the family or relative run the team. A lot of Cowboys fans seem to think that if Jerry would just hire a GM it would assure another championship and it won’t.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Love to see all the dire predictions as that usually means a good year. I’m expecting another 12 win season and a deep run in the playoffs. Lots of careers are on the line this year for players and coaches. Time to roll! :starspin: