To be fair, he's also cost us games by being aggressive in spots where all he needed to do was call a softer defense. And when those instances happened, everybody complained then too.
I think I'd rather not employ anymore of these Tampa 2 guys anymore. So I'm not an apologist for him -- I think he's not a good playcaller or a good schemer, and I look forward to the day when he's gone.
But I also recognize that sending your secondary back to the endzone in a hail mary situation is pretty standard. It's what most defenses do in obvious Hail Mary situations.
Nobody came up to fight through a block and make the tackle. As if they decided they didn't have to play defense unless the other team threw the exact kind of pass they were expecting. But that's not how it works.
The Chiefs didn't brilliantly invent the concept of throwing short and trying to get a convoy going to run over a conservative defense. It's attempted quite often (usually when a team doubts their QB has the arm, doubts their WRs are capable of winning jumpballs, or doubts their o-line will hold up long enough for the receivers to get that far downfield). Ir almost never works, because it really only takes some basic fundamental effort to run up and tackle the guy before he gets into the endzone. It's an easily defensible play if the players don't have their heads up their *****.