CFZ The pressure is on the wrong people

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The pressure is on the wrong people in the Cowboys organization. Healthy organizations hold the people at the top accountable for results. If they don’t get the results desired they are replaced. Not in Big D.

Here the owner holds mid and low-level people accountable for mistakes made at the top. It’s completely dysfunctional. Here’s the undeniable truth of all healthy organizations: If the people at the top are not held accountable, you can have no accountability anywhere else in that organization. This the foundational flaw that makes all of this 28 year playoff drought so maddening.

I‘m all for putting pressure on coaches and players to perform at the highest level with focus, discipline and execution. Those men are professionals. Good leaders hold everyone accountable for results. But if they themselves are not accountable while the mid and lower level people are, it creates an organizational cancer that left unaddressed just festers.

As a lifelong Cowboys fan I want this team to win every game every year including this year. But I also have to be honest when I look at this organization and think, “Will this year be any different?” I just can’t say “yes” until something changes. I will happily be wrong if a miracle happens.

big dog cowboy

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If the people at the top are not held accountable


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The pressure is on the wrong people in the Cowboys organization. Healthy organizations hold the people at the top accountable for results. If they don’t get the results desired they are replaced. Not in Big D.

Here the owner holds mid and low-level people accountable for mistakes made at the top. It’s completely dysfunctional. Here’s the undeniable truth of all healthy organizations: If the people at the top are not held accountable, you can have no accountability anywhere else in that organization. This the foundational flaw that makes all of this 28 year playoff drought so maddening.

I‘m all for putting pressure on coaches and players to perform at the highest level with focus, discipline and execution. Those men are professionals. Good leaders hold everyone accountable for results. But if they themselves are not accountable while the mid and lower level people are, it creates an organizational cancer that left unaddressed just festers.

As a lifelong Cowboys fan I want this team to win every game every year including this year. But I also have to be honest when I look at this organization and think, “Will this year be any different?” I just can’t say “yes” until something changes. I will happily be wrong if a miracle happens.
People with the power are the ones that hold their employees accountable...and while Jerry needs to hold himself accountable, we all know that he is in a class of his own by being owner and GM. Old news...BTW, GMs, HCs and coordinators also hold assistants and players accountable. As they they, stuff rolls downhill.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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It is amazing how much the base of the Dallas Cowboys franchise pyramid has been purposefully shaken up throughout the decades, while the pyramidion at the top has remained rock steady all this time. Thank goodness the pyramid's description is a philosophical one. The whole thing would have collapsed in on itself for being structurally unsound a long time ago if the description was real.


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The pressure is on the wrong people in the Cowboys organization. Healthy organizations hold the people at the top accountable for results. If they don’t get the results desired they are replaced. Not in Big D.

Here the owner holds mid and low-level people accountable for mistakes made at the top. It’s completely dysfunctional. Here’s the undeniable truth of all healthy organizations: If the people at the top are not held accountable, you can have no accountability anywhere else in that organization. This the foundational flaw that makes all of this 28 year playoff drought so maddening.

I‘m all for putting pressure on coaches and players to perform at the highest level with focus, discipline and execution. Those men are professionals. Good leaders hold everyone accountable for results. But if they themselves are not accountable while the mid and lower level people are, it creates an organizational cancer that left unaddressed just festers.

As a lifelong Cowboys fan I want this team to win every game every year including this year. But I also have to be honest when I look at this organization and think, “Will this year be any different?” I just can’t say “yes” until something changes. I will happily be wrong if a miracle happens.
Watch our linebackers and smile.


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They need to be held accountable I think the only ones that can do it are fans! But we get sucked in every year but a promise that everything will be just fine


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The pressure is on the wrong people in the Cowboys organization. Healthy organizations hold the people at the top accountable for results. If they don’t get the results desired they are replaced. Not in Big D.

Here the owner holds mid and low-level people accountable for mistakes made at the top. It’s completely dysfunctional. Here’s the undeniable truth of all healthy organizations: If the people at the top are not held accountable, you can have no accountability anywhere else in that organization. This the foundational flaw that makes all of this 28 year playoff drought so maddening.

I‘m all for putting pressure on coaches and players to perform at the highest level with focus, discipline and execution. Those men are professionals. Good leaders hold everyone accountable for results. But if they themselves are not accountable while the mid and lower level people are, it creates an organizational cancer that left unaddressed just festers.

As a lifelong Cowboys fan I want this team to win every game every year including this year. But I also have to be honest when I look at this organization and think, “Will this year be any different?” I just can’t say “yes” until something changes. I will happily be wrong if a miracle happens.
If anything is the "root" cause of the Cowboys' woes, it's this. If you don't have accountability at the top - head of household, manager at work, head of govt., etc. - the glue that holds the operation falls apart AT SOME POINT. It doesn't always happen immediately...especially if you hire good people. But eventually, people end up on different pages precisely BECAUSE they are all talented, independent people. The leader establishes the SHARED VISION and then holds everyone - especially his/herself- accountable.

We have that...TO A POINT. And then it all falls apart because Jerry gets free pass year after year. That erodes any meritocratic standard.


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The pressure is on the wrong people in the Cowboys organization. Healthy organizations hold the people at the top accountable for results. If they don’t get the results desired they are replaced.

Here the owner holds mid and low-level people accountable for mistakes made at the top
You have just described the fundamental tenets of a dictatorship......just without the liquidations and gulags
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