Good thread.
Growing up in Dallas, I've been lucky enough to have had interactions with a healthy list of Cowboy players/coaches in various ways. Randy White and "The Beautiful" Harvey Martin I know/knew from frequenting a particular restaurant and sharing Lbs of crawfish at the bar.
Ed Jones, I literally crashed his annual Memorial Day weekend party because the girls father's house I was supposed to going to had no address, and was right next door.
I dated Peri Gilpin (Roz, from Frasier), in the early 80's, and visited her 3-4 times after she moved to LA, right after Frasier debuted in 91-92.
One visit, she called me at my hotel at the last minute prior to a lunch date, and told me she had to cancel because a friend was coming over to "read" for a script they'd been needing to work on. She suggested I pick-up some food for 3, and come by her condo.
When I got there I knocked on the door, and just about swallowed my tongue when her "friend", Heather Locklear answered the door.
Two people I've been lucky enough to have dinners with, that left a huge impression on me.
1975, Wernher von Braun, father of the V-2 rocket and later the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, the superbooster that propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the moon. I had just turned 15 and it took me until the next day to think about it, but I had just sat at a huge table, ate and shook hands with a man that likely had done the same with Hitler. Kinda freaked me out.
About 2005, I went to an aeronautical museum fundraising dinner my dad's boss was the chairman of. Sen. John Glenn was the honoree. It was cool to be able to spend about 90 mins with him and Mrs. Annie Glenn and a smaller group of other folks prior to.