IMO the issue is the Cowboys are run like a modern corporation. Authority is distributed much more and accountability models are more diverse in corporate America where goals are more wide spread and numerous.
In many corporate strategies the goal is not necessarily to be the best in class. A more driving goal may be to have a 5% gain in market share. So you apply a management model to get that result.
In football or professional sports in general the goal is to win it all. Or at least that is what you should be trying to do.
This simple and singular line of focus year in and year out lends itself much more to a cult of personality approach as opposed to a distributed team approach. This is the reason why it is proven that those who are responsible for the outcomes on the field through their jobs are going to perform with much more urgency and focus than those who have their fingers in many pies.
The system the Cowboys and the Jones family have set up is designed for corporate profit and not enduring and lasting football results year in and year out.
The reaffirmation of this concept to me was this quote:
"After four years of everyone at Valley Ranch tiptoeing around Parcells, Jones was looking for someone he felt comfortable with. He even admitted as much.
"There won't be as much walking on eggshells," he said before catching himself."
Parcells was stubbornly about winning the SuperBowl. His protege, Belichick, is about winning the SuperBowl. Did you every notice how Jerry has avoided any coaches coming directly out of the Parcells and Belichick tree?
I think you come to the Cowboys and the Jones family to coach in the country club. That means taking your seat at the country table and making sure the head table has their hands on the reins. Time will tell which approach is the right one.