The Safety position


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I should preface that I will be saddened to see Barry Church playing somewhere other than Dallas, but unlike some, I understand the business decisions of Pro Football and root for guys to get paid what they're worth. That said, I can't see Dallas paying Church what he'll likely receive on the open market.. good for him. Dallas has bigger priorities and hopefully understands that are needs on DL are more important than spending too much for a player that, to be honest, isn't an elite player. I believe Dallas has a suitable replacement already on the roster. As always around this time of the year, folks tend to want the big name that has already made thier name and forget about the guys ready to make thier mark. I'm talking about Kavon Frazier. At 6'0" 220 lbs, I believe he is a Barry Church prototype and even was compared to him before he was drafted. He's a physical player and has 4.52 speed that translates well for a SS. We didn't see much of him during the season, but Dallas made sure he was secured on the roster for a reason. And as well as we have drafted lately, I suspect we will here his name more this camp. I hope that we do draft another late rounder, resign JJ Wilcox, and may the best man earn the Star.

Byron Jones
Kavon Frazier
JJ Wilcox
Jeff Heath
Draft pick <mid-late>

The above players competing under Marinellis coaching could at least create more turnovers that our secondary desperately needs.



Optimist Prime
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I'm hoping 42 returns and they slide Frazier into JJ's role to continue his grooming. I think Church's presence as a RKG and leader will be missed in the huddle and the locker room, especially if they don't upgrade the talent in the secondary at the CB spot...


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Draft this guy, and our safety issues are gone.

@stilltheguru88 I am sorry but im sold


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Draft this guy, and our safety issues are gone.

@stilltheguru88 I am sorry but im sold

Trust me.. I like Peppers too, the kid is a natural. Yet, if I have to watch our DL ruin our chances in the playoffs again!! Smh.. We have to add talent to the DL like we have on the other side of the line. But, I'm with you..
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Wilcox is also a free agent
Funny how a year ago everyone wanted heath ran out of town, now they want him to be the starter


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No more small school Safties please. Go check what is generally considered to be the top 10 or so Safeties in the league, none came from a small school.


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No more small school Safties please. Go check what is generally considered to be the top 10 or so Safeties in the league, none came from a small school.
Rodney Harrison was a damn good safety, I'd say top 10 all-time at SS and I had to look up where he went to school... obscure Western Illinois. I see what you're saying but you never know


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Rodney Harrison was a damn good safety, I'd say top 10 all-time at SS and I had to look up where he went to school... obscure Western Illinois. I see what you're saying but you never know
Not all time, current Safties.


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Wilcox is also a free agent
Funny how a year ago everyone wanted heath ran out of town, now they want him to be the starter

I figure Wilcox can be had at a reasonable price. Besides, Wilcox only played Safety one year in college before coming to the Boys and was much improved this year. So, could that mean the light finally came on for him? Possibly.

Heath is a great role player and always seems to be in the right place at the right time, ala Bill Bates.. yet, he's not a dominate full time safety. Then again, neither was Church.

Frazier,is a young gun with a year under his belt and should be motivated to prove he belongs in the NFL. He seemingly has all the tools and the door is wide open. Can he earn the job like Barry did as an undrafted player? Hopefully.

Jones, is a first round safety/CB that really hasn't lived up to his draft status, but has been solid and hasn't hit his full potential. His play in the backfield seemingly makes the secondary better as a whole, although we'd all like to see more impact plays. I like to think, as the DL gets better, so will his impact plays.

Mid-Late Rd draft pick- someone to atleast play special teams and compete for play. Could we strike gold again like we did with Anthony Brown? Brown & Church prove it could happen.


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I'd rather have Wilcox to be honest, course I'm not a big Church fan....marginal at best and never has had any upside. Plus now he's expensive.

I do like Pepppers, although I do wonder about spending 2 1st rounders on safeties when our DL sucks, losing TWill, and we have 2 FAs at CB.

Safety just isn't a premium position, pass rusher and CB are. Rather have one of those, but I will say Peppers is the only guy that interests me enough to think about drafting him.


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I'd rather have Wilcox to be honest, course I'm not a big Church fan....marginal at best and never has had any upside. Plus now he's expensive.

I do like Pepppers, although I do wonder about spending 2 1st rounders on safeties when our DL sucks, losing TWill, and we have 2 FAs at CB.

Safety just isn't a premium position, pass rusher and CB are. Rather have one of those, but I will say Peppers is the only guy that interests me enough to think about drafting him.

Wilcox is an OK backup not a starter. If he wants more than 1.5 mil a year let him walk.


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Wilcox is an OK backup not a starter. If he wants more than 1.5 mil a year let him walk.

So you would rather pay Church 7 million?

I don't. DB class is really deep this year, and Wilcox can be a stop gate til the rook is ready.


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Church or Wilcox will just depend on how much they want (obviously)

I expect one to be back, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them both walk.

Heath has gotten a lot of hate, but I think he was actually pretty decent in his snaps last year. He was a SPARQ guy, his instincts were just bad. He may have finally progressed to the point of average starter if that's the worst case scenario.

I actually liked the Frazier pick. He's built like a truck, likes to thump in the run game. Pretty typical SS mold. His low at his pro day was 4.48. He's not going to cover anyone in the slot but he has potential. The bar isn't really set very high.

With how deep the secondary is in this draft, you could really double dip in the top 3 rounds and get some great value. Hit your picks and you'd have two cornerstones to your secondary for quite a while.

It's looking like value for pass rushers is really 2-4 anyway. I can't see us overpaying for either Church/Wilcox with the amount of talent in this draft class. Church would almost definitely be a progress stopper.