The Samsung Galaxy S III vs Iphone 5...which will I buy next.

theogt;4839691 said:
I've read that it's more of an issue in some phones than others (with an emphasis on problems in the first batch). It probably depends on where and when it was manufactured. Like I said, I've had no issues -- actually, I've been shocked at how resilient it is. I had one drop a few days ago that I knew had busted the screen -- but nothing.

Any aluminum product will scratch. But it's obviously significantly more resistant to damage than the iPhone 4 with the glass back (which would both scratch and shatter).

I bought a clear cover for the back of my phone off amazon made by luvvitt.

It's pretty low profile and gives it solid protection from drops or scratches and it doesn't take away from the natural looks of the phone.
trickblue;4839453 said:
I'm currently demoing a Galaxy S3 and so far I'm not too impressed with Android (Ice Cream Sammich). The phone itself is nice, but Android has some quirky features that I don't like.

I am likely going to go back to my iPhone 4s...

I'm just giving my opinion. I know I'm about to get hammered by the Droid Droids for being an Apple Sider even though that isn't the case...

Sam's is offering a 97 cent phone upgrade with no upgrade fee or restocking fee if you bring it back withing 14 days this weekend. My daughter likes the S3 because of the screen size so she might get one for that reason.

When I had my s3 I would get a picture text and when I looked at it, it was 1" by 1.5". On that big screen it was so small. Apparently there are ways around it.(other apps) Also when surfing the web on the iPhone it shrinks the page down. Four lines of text on a pc is 8 lines on phone. The S3 doesn't do that and I found reading online to be difficult.The games were good but that's about it.

I went and traded in and got the I5, which I love. Dont think it's all that different from the 4s. I just like the simplicity of iPhone
the kid 05;4839634 said:
IF you are already invested in the Apple app ecosystem 8/10 times i'd say stay there as you can't transfer apps between the two.

The build quality is not bad nor is it great (if you want great wait for an HTC phone)

This is exactly why I just got an iPhone 5. I came VERY close to the gs3. I have an iMac and will be getting an iPad as well as Apple TV soon. It's just easier to keep it all in the same family.
CATCH17;4839717 said:
I got an iphone 5 and I love it.

Im pissed though about the Zagg cover I bought. The lady put it on and didn't get it on straight and it started to pick up lint so I tried to take it off and put it back on... Big mistake...

Buy the Moshi iVisor XT. It's $25 but it doesn't bubble and can be washed and reused over and over.
a_minimalist;4839841 said:
Buy the Moshi iVisor XT. It's $25 but it doesn't bubble and can be washed and reused over and over.

Thanks man.. Just bought another zagg but i may just buy this.. seems like all I need.
a_minimalist;4839841 said:
Buy the Moshi iVisor XT. It's $25 but it doesn't bubble and can be washed and reused over and over.

Just bought it. Brainpaint owes me 20 bucks for not making this thread sooner.

a_minimalist do you know of anything else I should buy before I waste my money on an inferior product?
Boy, there's some good analysis on this thread. One of my co-workers has an SIII, but her boyfriend bought her an iPhone 5 and she gave up her Samsung to her son. I asked her why she made the choice and she indicated that she thought the Apple phone was better built for her current use. She had no complaints about the Samsung, but she did a similar analysis that BP did, but came to a different conclusion. I currently use a Blackberry, but only because my employer gave it to me. I would never buy one, given the choices available. I'm curious about the new Windows phones. I'm of the
school of thought that wants as many good choices as possible, and the choices are increasing. I'm just waiting for the neuro-synaptic interface for my "dream" phone.;)
Couple of cases I have been considering.

Ballistic SG Maxx I like this one as it seems to provide plenty of protection
Don't really want the otterbox defender and I don't want the trident kracken.

However ther is another that might have little less protection. But I really like the looks of... the cases from UAG (Urban Armor Gear)

One other one I like but it really is just for looks vs protection. The Musubo mesh case.
CATCH17;4839886 said:
Just bought it. Brainpaint owes me 20 bucks for not making this thread sooner.

a_minimalist do you know of anything else I should buy before I waste my money on an inferior product?

Not really. Moshi and Spigen seem to be putting out some of the best cases and screen protectors for iPhones. I bought a Moshi Case( ) and might buy this Moshi one as well ( )

It's better to just spend the money once on something of better quality instead of spending it over and over on a product of lesser quality. In the end you end up saving money half of the time.

If you like slim cases try theirs. That's all I use now and with my iPhone 4 I went through 2 of them and hung on to one that was all beat up and cracked. I just couldn't get myself to buy a 3rd. The Moshi case I bought seems to be made much better than the ones they sold when the iPhone 4s was out.

And for all of the SIII users, Moshi and Spigen make product for your phones too. They put out quality products.
BrAinPaiNt;4839922 said:
Couple of cases I have been considering.

Ballistic SG Maxx I like this one as it seems to provide plenty of protection
Don't really want the otterbox defender and I don't want the trident kracken.

However ther is another that might have little less protection. But I really like the looks of... the cases from UAG (Urban Armor Gear)

One other one I like but it really is just for looks vs protection. The Musubo mesh case.

Brainpaint, I originally bought the Ballistic SG Maxx for my Samsung Note, and while it was a good case, it added some bulk to the phone, especially on the corners. I know you say you don't want the Otterbox defender, but you might consider the Otterbox Commuter case, which is similar to the SG Maxx, but not as thick (at least with my note it's not). I bought that one off of Amazon as soon as Otterbox released it (paid less than buying from Otterbox website), and I really like it.
trickblue;4839453 said:
I'm currently demoing a Galaxy S3 and so far I'm not too impressed with Android (Ice Cream Sammich). The phone itself is nice, but Android has some quirky features that I don't like.

I am likely going to go back to my iPhone 4s...

I'm just giving my opinion. I know I'm about to get hammered by the Droid Droids for being an Apple Sider even though that isn't the case...

Sam's is offering a 97 cent phone upgrade with no upgrade fee or restocking fee if you bring it back withing 14 days this weekend. My daughter likes the S3 because of the screen size so she might get one for that reason.

FWIW, I like Jelly Bean more than ICS as well. I would imagine if you ended up buying the III you'd be ready for an immediate upgrade.

IIRC, Android 4.2 is right around the corner. Don't remember the name of it though.
I noticed that the google play store has Birzzle. This is a definite get. I love it on my iphone and from the video I seen it is the exact same on the samsung. If anyone wants a free time waster that is addictive...get the birzzle game. There is also a separate version called line birzzle and line birzzle plus. The free version is limited of course but all in all I really like the regular free Birzzle better than the line birzzle.

Oh and does anyone have the Cherry World game? It looks like the android version of Cover Orange. The review on google play says it will not open on a HTC or G3. I really like the Iphone version of the game and would like to get this version but not if it will not even open.

Any other good games on the google play market that I should know about?
theogt;4839394 said:
Also, to me, the build quality, thinness and lightness of the 5 is beyond incredible. When I hold my wife's 4S, it feels like 5+ year old technology it's so heavy and fat.
That's because the iPhone 4S *is* 5 year old technology - despite the fact that it came out last year.
Had an iPhone 3GS for 3 years and loved it.

Waited until the i5 came out to get another one and ordered them.

In the meantime my wife and I knew about the GS3 and wanted to try it out, so we went to to a Verizon store and compared them both.

The screen size was so disappointing on the i5.

So we ended up going with the GS3 and at first it was hard to get used to after 3 years on the iPhone but now I love it.

I like it's burst's automatic updates for apps and the the drop down menu at the top for quick access to notifications and settings and messages.

They both obviously have their pros and cons...but after 3 years on an iPhone and after ordering i5's and being almost positive I was going to go with it...I'm more than happy I gave the GS3 a chance.

I've never regretted it.
BrAinPaiNt;4840324 said:
I noticed that the google play store has Birzzle. This is a definite get. I love it on my iphone and from the video I seen it is the exact same on the samsung. If anyone wants a free time waster that is addictive...get the birzzle game. There is also a separate version called line birzzle and line birzzle plus. The free version is limited of course but all in all I really like the regular free Birzzle better than the line birzzle.

Oh and does anyone have the Cherry World game? It looks like the android version of Cover Orange. The review on google play says it will not open on a HTC or G3. I really like the Iphone version of the game and would like to get this version but not if it will not even open.

Any other good games on the google play market that I should know about?
I like the Kairosoft games, Plants vs Zombies, Robo Defense, Symphony of Eternity, and a lot of others I can't think of right now.
Duane;4840447 said:
I like the Kairosoft games, Plants vs Zombies, Robo Defense, Symphony of Eternity, and a lot of others I can't think of right now.

I will have to check some of those out...Had PvsZ on my iphone and liked it.
Duane;4840447 said:
I like the Kairosoft games, Plants vs Zombies, Robo Defense, Symphony of Eternity, and a lot of others I can't think of right now.

I play "Ski Safari" on my Nexus 7. It rocks. Google had it for .25 one day and I snatched it up. Not sure what it goes for regularly.
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