The Samsung Galaxy S III vs Iphone 5...which will I buy next.

Chocolate Lab;4878399 said:
Hopefully I won't get docked for bumping an old thread in the OT zone, but was curious how the SIII was doing.... I had been thinking of getting a Windows 8 phone, but it may not be worth it to break my contract, which I'd have to do. I'm seeing good holiday deals on the S3, so maybe I should just do that.

Also, if Muhast sees this, I'd be curious about what you ended up doing. If I did break my Sprint contract, I'd probably try T-Mobile. Don't know anyone who has used them, though.

(FTR I'm not interested in Apple. :))

I went with the Galaxy S3. I really thought long and hard about the Note2. The size of it ultimately turned me off. It fits in your pocket, but not comfortably. I have really enjoyed my S3 so far. No complaints at all. I am pretty annoyed that I bought a case for it from the store that was 29.99, and looked on Ebay and found tons of similar styles for around 8.99, but besides that, no complaints.

As far as T-Mobile, I have had them for years and literally never had a single issue. I always have good coverage, never drop calls, and my 4g internet feels fast. They are getting LTE towers as well in the spring, and merging with MetroPCS is just going to give them even better coverage. The best part about them is the monthly plans are so much cheaper than everyone else.
REDVOLUTION;4880173 said:
I have the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. It is really what a smart phone should be. FAST, VERY FAST. Split screen. Big enough to use as a tablet. I need cross functionality in my phone so its perfect.

It is big, but the trade off is worth it.

That's everything I wanted to hear about it. That's going to be my next baby.
One thing I don't like about GSIII is that it has weaker signal reception than HTC EVO 4G LTE. I know I'm in a dead zone but damn, I can't even send texts in the house, let along receive calls, unlike EVO 4G LTE. In order for me to send texts, I have to outside the house, lol
Muhast;4880920 said:
I went with the Galaxy S3. I really thought long and hard about the Note2. The size of it ultimately turned me off. It fits in your pocket, but not comfortably. I have really enjoyed my S3 so far. No complaints at all. I am pretty annoyed that I bought a case for it from the store that was 29.99, and looked on Ebay and found tons of similar styles for around 8.99, but besides that, no complaints.

As far as T-Mobile, I have had them for years and literally never had a single issue. I always have good coverage, never drop calls, and my 4g internet feels fast. They are getting LTE towers as well in the spring, and merging with MetroPCS is just going to give them even better coverage. The best part about them is the monthly plans are so much cheaper than everyone else.
Good info, thanks.

03EBZ06;4881367 said:
One thing I don't like about GSIII is that it has weaker signal reception than HTC EVO 4G LTE. I know I'm in a dead zone but damn, I can't even send texts in the house, let along receive calls, unlike EVO 4G LTE. In order for me to send texts, I have to outside the house, lol
Interesting. The EVO LTE is another one I was considering because I like my original EVO more than the Motorola I got over a year later that was supposedly an upgrade.

Another one I might consider after looking at several of them yesterday is the LG Optimus G. Quad-core 1.5 ghz, seemed pretty impressive.

Not sure breaking my contract to go to a WP8 would be worth it. I didn't love the HTC 8x that much... The Lumia 920 seemed better. But that means switching to AT&T and I'd have to look into their plans. Plus a few apps I like aren't on there yet.
03EBZ06;4881367 said:
One thing I don't like about GSIII is that it has weaker signal reception than HTC EVO 4G LTE. I know I'm in a dead zone but damn, I can't even send texts in the house, let along receive calls, unlike EVO 4G LTE. In order for me to send texts, I have to outside the house, lol

Here's one thing you can try:
  1. Turn off device
  2. Remove back cover and take SIM Card and Battery out
  3. Wait a few minutes
  4. Replace battery and back cover (but not SIM Card)
  5. Turn on phone
  6. When able to, turn phone off again
  7. Remove back cover and battery
  8. Replace battery, SIM Card, and back cover
  9. Turn device back on
  10. ???
  11. Profit!
That troubleshooting sequence has helped several SGS3 owners that were experiencing connectivity issues. I hope that it works for you!

Anopther thing, I read where folks have returned the phone for a complete swap and it resolved all of their connection issues they were having.
Dallas;4881382 said:
Here's one thing you can try:
  1. Turn off device
  2. Remove back cover and take SIM Card and Battery out
  3. Wait a few minutes
  4. Replace battery and back cover (but not SIM Card)
  5. Turn on phone
  6. When able to, turn phone off again
  7. Remove back cover and battery
  8. Replace battery, SIM Card, and back cover
  9. Turn device back on
  10. ???
  11. Profit!
That troubleshooting sequence has helped several SGS3 owners that were experiencing connectivity issues. I hope that it works for you!

Anopther thing, I read where folks have returned the phone for a complete swap and it resolved all of their connection issues they were having.
I'll give it a try Dallas, thanks for the info. But SIM Card? I don't think SGSIII has a SIM Card?
03EBZ06;4881409 said:
I'll give it a try Dallas, thanks for the info. But SIM Card? I don't think SGSIII has a SIM Card?

I am w/ ATT. Mine has one. Maybe not w/ Verizon? Just throwing out some XDA stuff.

Check XDA btw. If you don't mind rooting your phone, there are some great tweaks for it up today for boosting sig strength and tuning battery etc.
Dallas;4881414 said:
I am w/ ATT. Mine has one. Maybe not w/ Verizon? Just throwing out some XDA stuff.

Check XDA btw. If you don't mind rooting your phone, there are some great tweaks for it up today for boosting sig strength and tuning battery etc.
Yeah, I'm with Sprint and it doesn't have SIM card. I've been reading XDA all morning trying to figure out how to improve signal. From what I gather, many people with SG3 is having reception problems. Oh, my phone got rooted 2 days after I got it :)

One thing I did learn is "Do not death grip the phone", lol
03EBZ06;4881367 said:
One thing I don't like about GSIII is that it has weaker signal reception than HTC EVO 4G LTE. I know I'm in a dead zone but damn, I can't even send texts in the house, let along receive calls, unlike EVO 4G LTE. In order for me to send texts, I have to outside the house, lol

Have you tried installing a different radio/modem?
SaltwaterServr;4880927 said:
That's everything I wanted to hear about it. That's going to be my next baby.

You will love it. You will feel like the only person who has a REAL smartphone. Lol you will look and laugh at others while they play with their mini phones.

Ok, maybe that's just what I am doing. Lmao

My friend came up to me in Starbucks and showed me their iPhone 5. It got lost in my hand. Felt fake. Thought I could crush it with bare hand.

I'm glad I saw this thread. My phone upgrade is coming up soon and I don't know what I'm going to do. I know enough about the iPhone 5, but I need help on some questions regarding Samsung phones.

1. I use maps a lot on my iPhone 4, are there good map apps on Android phones that give directions and tell your current location?

2. What the heck is the difference between the Note 2 and S3? I seriously do not know any of it, except for the Note 2 having a big 5.5" inch screen.

3. How is the music on these devices? Great quality? Where does it run music through? Not iTunes obviously. Do they come with free headphones?

4. Did the S3 come out recently? I feel worried with the iPhone that the 5s will come out in 2 months or whatever apple does these days. I want to have a phone that will be stable for a couple years.

These are my only concerns with switching from my 4. I know they have similar apps such as weather, photos, Pandora, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, ect. All I use the iPhone for is music, mail, facebook/twitter and photos. I would love to learn a new phone but keep the same features I use on the iPhone.
TheCowboy;4883068 said:
I'm glad I saw this thread. My phone upgrade is coming up soon and I don't know what I'm going to do. I know enough about the iPhone 5, but I need help on some questions regarding Samsung phones.

1. I use maps a lot on my iPhone 4, are there good map apps on Android phones that give directions and tell your current location?

Well one of the gripes about I phone 5 was them dropping Google as main maps and the one that replaced it not being as good. I think you will be able to get Google maps on them. You have Google maps on the Samsung and I assume other Androids so if yyou liked Google maps you should be okay. I really don't use maps never used it in my iphone4 and doubt I use it on my Samsung,

2. What the heck is the difference between the Note 2 and S3? I seriously do not know any of it, except for the Note 2 having a big 5.5" inch screen.

It has the larger screen and is basically a criss between a phone and tablet what some have started to refer to as phablets, couple people T work have them and they look nice. I just found them to be a tad bigger than I want as I keep my phone in my front pocket and it was just odd feeling.

3. How is the music on these devices? Great quality? Where does it run music through? Not iTunes obviously. Do they come with free headphones?

You have a stock music player and you have a number of ones you can buy from the Google play store. If you switch from iphone4 to galaxy you can get a program to import all of your music, videos, pictures, contacts stuff from iTunes to your knew phone I used a free program called easy synch phone ( think that is the name if you need the apps name later let me know and I will find it for you). You will get moist of your apps from Google play store or amazon android market. The selection for androids are smaller compared to the iTunes store. Just more apps for Apple especially games. However you will find there are all kinds of widgets, and icon packs, roms and launchers that you will have fun learning new stuff to do that is just as entertaining as some of the games you might lose out on that you liked on iTunes. Although they do have some of the more popular game like angry birds and the like.

The program that connects then phone to your computer for backups, and software and firmware update is from Samsung called Kies and frankly it sucks mightily compared to iTunes software. I have had troubles with it recognizing my phone and having to reinstall drivers multiple times. Today I realized there was a firmware update for the Android jellybean operating system and I couldnnot get it to work through Kies on my home computer so had to do it at work. It ducked because I did not have a backup at work so had to start from scratch until I could get home to put all my music ( 7-10 gbs) bCk on my phone and all of my contact . One nice thing about Google play store. Since you have to have an account it keeps track of what apps you have purchased and you can go back in and re download those apps.. :starspin

4. Did the S3 come out recently? I feel worried with the iPhone that the 5s will come out in 2 months or whatever apple does these days. I want to have a phone that will be stable for a couple years.

These are my only concerns with switching from my 4. I know they have similar apps such as weather, photos, Pandora, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, ect. All I use the iPhone for is music, mail, facebook/twitter and photos. I would love to learn a new phone but keep the same features I use on the iPhone.

I am not sure when the galaxy SIII came out, and want to early spring but really don't know. The note II just came out last month I believe.

Of the things you mentioned ou wanted you can do on this phone ( galaxy SIII) j use twitter and Facebook a good bit also listen to a good deal of music also listen to podcasts like Adam corolla on his app. I you can use tune in radio pro to find stations and other podcasts

You have messaging and even get an app to make the message in look like the iPhone messaging, I use it just because it looks familiar.

You have a stock email program that you can enter multiple email accounts into but you can still get Gmail app

I M happy I made the switch to Samsung galaxy SIII. I miss a few of the games on iPhone Nd I really wish that Samsung or android would make a better program to connect to your computer like apple has I am iTunes. But other than those two things I find this phone just better in so many ways that it is well worth the switch. The ability to switch out batteries and to add up to 64gbs of storage space with a micro sd card alone makes this a better phone.

Oh and the phone comes with ear phones.

Another advantage of this phone. The usb/micro usb cable, came with one and a plug in adapter for charging

But you can buy more cables at cheap prices. Other products use the same type of cables so it is not just cables used for Apple products which means you can find them cheaper,
Yeagermeister;4839390 said:
Pros is it not an Apple product :D

Yeah but it should have been.

Jobs wanted to stay ahead and defeat android. He should have released iPhone 5 last year(instead of 4s bs) and it should have been Note 2-esque.

Not that he could defeat android but he would increased market share.
Note 2 came out this past spring/summer. The first one I saw was in middle may.
SaltwaterServr;4883332 said:
Note 2 came out this past spring/summer. The first one I saw was in middle may.

Odd because its only been out on TMobile-Sprint-Att a few weeks so far. Verizon has not even launched its Note 2 yet?

Edit: Nevermind - Verizon does have it for 299.00.
SaltwaterServr;4883332 said:
Note 2 came out this past spring/summer. The first one I saw was in middle may.

I think you're referring to the Note. I purchased my original Note in February.

The Note 2 Was just released a few weeks ago on most major US carriers and just a few weeks prior overseas.
If anyone has an iphone 5 for Verizon and would like a SGS3 I would be interested in trading, send me a pm.
Romo 2 Austin;4887953 said:
If anyone has an iphone 5 for Verizon and would like a SGS3 I would be interested in trading, send me a pm.
You don't like the SGS3?

I am actually leaning towards it over the iPhone 5. SGS3 looks very confusing though, hopefully I will learn if I do chose that.

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