The terrible message this front office is sending to players


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Why would anyone want to re-sign here. Minus the money of course?

This front office has now shown the locker room that they do not care about winning. They have lost too many starters to replace, and have done nothing in free agency to make this team better.

What kind of message does that send?

Well it sends a couple.

The first and probably most detrimental. We dont believe this roster is capable of winning big games. Which is a direct indictment of the current core.
The second. We arent trying to make this team better and we are blaming certain players for that.

This front office has now not only alienated their fan base for the umpteenth time. They have now also alienated their core group of players.

Guys like Lamb, and Parsons are probably thinking. "Wow. They really dont care about winning here do they?" or "They dont believe in us enough to improve this roster to get us over the hump."

Either way. This team is fixing for a very bad season coming.


Well-Known Member
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Why would anyone want to re-sign here. Minus the money of course?

This front office has now shown the locker room that they do not care about winning. They have lost too many starters to replace, and have done nothing in free agency to make this team better.

What kind of message does that send?

Well it sends a couple.

The first and probably most detrimental. We dont believe this roster is capable of winning big games. Which is a direct indictment of the current core.
The second. We arent trying to make this team better and we are blaming certain players for that.

This front office has now not only alienated their fan base for the umpteenth time. They have now also alienated their core group of players.

Guys like Lamb, and Parsons are probably thinking. "Wow. They really dont care about winning here do they?" or "They dont believe in us enough to improve this roster to get us over the hump."

Either way. This team is fixing for a very bad season coming.
Honestly when Parsons sees teams like Philly making moves he has to be thinking why can't we make some moves? How are we going to be better?


Well-Known Member
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Why would anyone want to re-sign here. Minus the money of course?

This front office has now shown the locker room that they do not care about winning. They have lost too many starters to replace, and have done nothing in free agency to make this team better.

What kind of message does that send?

Well it sends a couple.

The first and probably most detrimental. We dont believe this roster is capable of winning big games. Which is a direct indictment of the current core.
The second. We arent trying to make this team better and we are blaming certain players for that.

This front office has now not only alienated their fan base for the umpteenth time. They have now also alienated their core group of players.

Guys like Lamb, and Parsons are probably thinking. "Wow. They really dont care about winning here do they?" or "They dont believe in us enough to improve this roster to get us over the hump."

Either way. This team is fixing for a very bad season coming.
It sends a message to a lot of the young players that they will have a chance to play and produce.


Well-Known Member
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Why would anyone want to re-sign here. Minus the money of course?

This front office has now shown the locker room that they do not care about winning. They have lost too many starters to replace, and have done nothing in free agency to make this team better.

What kind of message does that send?

Well it sends a couple.

The first and probably most detrimental. We dont believe this roster is capable of winning big games. Which is a direct indictment of the current core.
The second. We arent trying to make this team better and we are blaming certain players for that.

This front office has now not only alienated their fan base for the umpteenth time. They have now also alienated their core group of players.

Guys like Lamb, and Parsons are probably thinking. "Wow. They really dont care about winning here do they?" or "They dont believe in us enough to improve this roster to get us over the hump."

Either way. This team is fixing for a very bad season coming.
I don’t think the players care as long as they get paid. They may ask for a trade later but they will get their money and re-sign. But I do agree. It sends a terrible message to your staff and players.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Why would anyone want to re-sign here. Minus the money of course?

This front office has now shown the locker room that they do not care about winning. They have lost too many starters to replace, and have done nothing in free agency to make this team better.

What kind of message does that send?

Well it sends a couple.

The first and probably most detrimental. We dont believe this roster is capable of winning big games. Which is a direct indictment of the current core.
The second. We arent trying to make this team better and we are blaming certain players for that.

This front office has now not only alienated their fan base for the umpteenth time. They have now also alienated their core group of players.

Guys like Lamb, and Parsons are probably thinking. "Wow. They really dont care about winning here do they?" or "They dont believe in us enough to improve this roster to get us over the hump."

Either way. This team is fixing for a very bad season coming.
Win or get lost................Love it baby!!!!


Wide Right
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Well-Known Member
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Why would anyone want to re-sign here. Minus the money of course?

This front office has now shown the locker room that they do not care about winning. They have lost too many starters to replace, and have done nothing in free agency to make this team better.

What kind of message does that send?

Well it sends a couple.

The first and probably most detrimental. We dont believe this roster is capable of winning big games. Which is a direct indictment of the current core.
The second. We arent trying to make this team better and we are blaming certain players for that.

This front office has now not only alienated their fan base for the umpteenth time. They have now also alienated their core group of players.

Guys like Lamb, and Parsons are probably thinking. "Wow. They really dont care about winning here do they?" or "They dont believe in us enough to improve this roster to get us over the hump."

Either way. This team is fixing for a very bad season coming.
It also appears that CD and Micah also have to risk another year or more of getting injured, before they will get paid.

Is this one of the reasons why GM Jethro often over pays our injured players?


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Why would anyone want to re-sign here. Minus the money of course?

This front office has now shown the locker room that they do not care about winning. They have lost too many starters to replace, and have done nothing in free agency to make this team better.

What kind of message does that send?

Well it sends a couple.

The first and probably most detrimental. We dont believe this roster is capable of winning big games. Which is a direct indictment of the current core.
The second. We arent trying to make this team better and we are blaming certain players for that.

This front office has now not only alienated their fan base for the umpteenth time. They have now also alienated their core group of players.

Guys like Lamb, and Parsons are probably thinking. "Wow. They really dont care about winning here do they?" or "They dont believe in us enough to improve this roster to get us over the hump."

Either way. This team is fixing for a very bad season coming.
Players want 1) money and 2) exposure for their brand (themselves).

Several teams provide #1, but only 2-3 teams every year provide #2 without actually winning a Super Bowl.

In other words, the Cowboys are the safe bet because even if the Cowboys fail to go deep in the playoffs, they will be talked about in great detail all season by the media.

That said, the only reason the Cowboys brand has remained popular despite 28+ years of failures is because the previous Super Bowl generations of fans are still alive and supporting the team.

As that generation atrophies in the coming years, the Cowboys brand will fade without Super Bowl successes.


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Players want 1) money and 2) exposure for their brand (themselves).

Several teams provide #1, but only 2-3 teams every year provide #2 without actually winning a Super Bowl.

In other words, the Cowboys are the safe bet because even if the Cowboys fail to go deep in the playoffs, they will be talked about in great detail all season by the media.

That said, the only reason the Cowboys brand has remained popular despite 28+ years of failures is because the previous Super Bowl generations of fans are still alive and supporting the team.

As that generation atrophies in the coming years, the Cowboys brand will fade without Super Bowl successes.
Jerry is smarter than that. He is a marketing genius. The stadium he built was a success and what he continues to build other than Championship is a success.

It also does not hurt to be in one of the fastest growing states over the past 10 years.


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But it sends a bad message, Pappy :lmao: :lmao:

Yeah it sends a bad message to loser mentalities that are there for a paycheck instead of winning.
You realize they draft guys with these personalities, and if they dont, the culture they create makes it worse.

Im not shocked you are enjoying this offseason though. You think for some odd reason that when certain guys are off the roster that the brass up top is going to change their thinking.

Ill save you the suspense. It wont.


Well-Known Member
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Why would anyone want to re-sign here. Minus the money of course?

This front office has now shown the locker room that they do not care about winning. They have lost too many starters to replace, and have done nothing in free agency to make this team better.

What kind of message does that send?

Well it sends a couple.

The first and probably most detrimental. We dont believe this roster is capable of winning big games. Which is a direct indictment of the current core.
The second. We arent trying to make this team better and we are blaming certain players for that.

This front office has now not only alienated their fan base for the umpteenth time. They have now also alienated their core group of players.

Guys like Lamb, and Parsons are probably thinking. "Wow. They really dont care about winning here do they?" or "They dont believe in us enough to improve this roster to get us over the hump."

Either way. This team is fixing for a very bad season coming.
1, it’s about the money for players, simple as that
2, Jerry trying to sell it’s special to play for Cowboys even though they have accomplished nothing the last 28 seasons.
3, Blame the low end players for failure not the high priced players who failed yearly because Jerry will never admits his mistakes.
4, Jerry knows the fan base will still come to games and buy merchandise so he knows he can’t lose
5 Guys like CD and MP don’t care what the FO does as long as they get the bag of $$$.
6 Jerry truly believes this is a championship roster that will be better and he truly believes everyone else who doesn’t see it is ignorant or stupid.
7 anyone who thinks the approach is changing is delusional, Jerry will pay his chosen ones big contracts and failure will always be something else because he is a football genius in his mind.
8 the message from Jerry is very simple
He has a championship team and is a draft guru and he has 3 SBs trophies to prove his genius and a HOF jacket and he can do whatever he wants because he makes the rules and signs the checks, the only requirement for players and coaches is the ability to say yes Jerry you are right.


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They just want their money, when it's their turn. There aren't many players these days that really are concerned with winning. The next man/contract up mindset is what Lamb, Parsons and Dak have.
I would ask is this the only profession where others want another person to take a pay that is below value or worth by the "pay scale" and still come to work happy every day and still perform or exceed rising expectations?


Well-Known Member
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But it sends a bad message, Pappy :lmao: :lmao:

Yeah it sends a bad message to loser mentalities that are there for a paycheck instead of winning.

No one who makes it to the NFL is a loser. The difficulty level just to get there alone is a success.

GM's put teams together. Football is the ultimate team sport. Wins and loss records ultimately fall on the Owner and the GM.


Well-Known Member
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Why would anyone want to re-sign here. Minus the money of course?

This front office has now shown the locker room that they do not care about winning. They have lost too many starters to replace, and have done nothing in free agency to make this team better.

What kind of message does that send?

Well it sends a couple.

The first and probably most detrimental. We dont believe this roster is capable of winning big games. Which is a direct indictment of the current core.
The second. We arent trying to make this team better and we are blaming certain players for that.

This front office has now not only alienated their fan base for the umpteenth time. They have now also alienated their core group of players.

Guys like Lamb, and Parsons are probably thinking. "Wow. They really dont care about winning here do they?" or "They dont believe in us enough to improve this roster to get us over the hump."

Either way. This team is fixing for a very bad season coming.
I'm sure there are some guys that feel that way, others may want to see opportunities for people already on the team. However, at the end of the day most athletes are about the money and will go where they can make more.