LOL! The internet finally debunked these videos. People were blowing their vape smoke through them.

Yeah you want, or would like to have, the HDMI 2.1 port. The catch to that is there aren't a TON of televisions out right now that offer that capability. Or, from what I have read, they do have the physical port(s) but they haven't released the update patch for it to work. With the 2.1 you get optimal signal for the 4K/120 fps we all strive for. As somebody above in the thread stated, as the release newer televisions this tech will become more and more common.
I'm pretty bummed. While I knew I had no HDMI 2.1, I swore my TV was 120hz. It says it is, but apparently not through the HDMI. I can't get my Xbox to see it. In fact, it won't even see 1440P/120fps. So, new console, but stuck on 4K/60fps. lol Oh well, I can tell you things still look super crisp and run buttery smooth. No complaints and I'm still future-proofed.
Here is a good video I watched awhile back and will share.