The Video Game Thread

Tarantula silk...stealing it..never heard that phrase bf :D

Sux about the ps5 issues, I've heard of similar issues from some testers online. This is why they "just don't make more" etc. Imagine having to fix all the broken hardware/refunding of $ from a failed launch not to mention the social stigma sticking around for awhile..

Look back at earlier Xbox1 launch with them telling fans what was what early on (got their Xbox lead fired from all the bad PR)..they paid for it a whole gen but games probably had more to do with it down the line. They learned from that though, Xbox has easily had the better launch.
I'm totally stealing "tarantula silk". You guys are really cracking me up!
I really had no idea I'd even said it. Lol Never heard it either haha..just kind of spewed out the spout.
Anyways..who has a PS6 or possibly a 7?? I will pay a trip to Mars to gimme them. Space X style
I've found the best quotes usually come that way. You should look into trademarking it because it's brilliant!

You know Sony probably has the PS6 and 7 ready to go by now. I'll always be close to the front of the line so they have me like a fish on the hook. :lmao:
Yeah definitely, that was bad. At the time I was a massive Xbox homer, so I had my blinders on, but looking back I can see that Don Mattrick almost sunk Xbox. With their initial standings of the console always having to be online and no game sharing....just ouch. Hell, there is an interview video of him floating around on the internet saying that if you don't have internet to support your (at the time) always online Xbox One, to just stick with or go buy an Xbox 360. hahaha Wow! Don was Sony's best employee then. lol Xbox had to backpedal fast after that and fix a few things (allowing game sharing, no internet needed) but it definitely hit them in the wallet with sales and reputation.

Phil Spencer is the new CEO and he has done SO many good things to right the ship. He's really done a phenomenal job and he has Xbox's future looking really bright this round.
Great run down bc I was def a 360 guy as well. That stick with your 360 if your poor is what it sounded like tbh. On top of that, they were really trying to force the multimedia living room device instead of a gaming device. I liked the idea in theory down the road of an all in one type of device, but people buy gaming machines to game, not watch cable/listen to music from their Xbox, etc.

Day 1 I liked this Spencer guy bc you could tell he wasn't just some suit, he plays these games on his own time and understood this is a gaming device, not a family computer. He really increased the pace of the backwards compatibility feature early on which was really smart seeing Sony didn't do so.

He knew the games would take longer (they just bought up all those studios more recently for this reason) but the increase in BC showed he understood where the device was in comp to the PS4. and knew that could be their niche until next gaming machine again (still is I want to say this gen in terms of hardware), and this time you have game pass covering 3 gens of games on top of the new IPs that they are working on.
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Also, before we get into a console debate, lol, they're both going to awesome consoles. Manufacturing has issues no matter who you are. It's just the price you pay for mass producing a product, especially an electronic device. Sony and Xbox both are going to have some issues.

I went Xbox first because they've always been my to-go-to console. I used to be an Xbox homer (Sony sucks type attitude) until I finally came around and bought a PS4 Pro last generation. It was a fine console and I enjoyed having it. While I play my Xbox probably 80% to Sony's 20%, it was great to lean on for some exclusive titles and to just mix it up. It is also a great place to "hide from my friends". Most of my friends are on Xbox and sometimes when I feel like loading up a certain game, I start getting spammed with requests to play some other game (I'm looking at you COD). On PS4, I have a very small friend list. lol

I know I will eventually end up with a PS5. I think the haptic controllers do look cool, and I'm most certainly interested in trying them, but I've been reading they're not for everybody. Some people hate the feedback and are looking for a way to turn it off. I guess it just depends on the person and what you want out of your controller. As for the new Xbox controller, I'm absolutely loving it. The changes were very subtle but in all the right places IMO.

With all that said.............Xbox rules!! ;) :laugh: I'm just playing. :muttley:
Yeah, I'm getting both just like last gen, just a matter of what first. That console "war" is for the kids to fight over...usually get a used one of the other down the road once the hype is done. There are some new Xbox IPs I'm looking at that but since this gen is bc, I'm holding out for the ps5 to make use of the digital purchases, etc.

These are some of the Xbox games that are coming out soon that show they're definitely back in the 1st party mix.

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DOSBox Is Getting A Fancier, More Modern Version

DOSBox, long the best way to play old PC games on a modern system, has its quirks. But a new take on the open-source platform, due later this year, promises to make a lot of things just that little bit easier.

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I was actually browsing some homemade arcade systems (Marvel v Capcom cover) that believe was similar to this device in how it outputted/played the games,,this one seems more for cpu comfortable folks by comp but like these devices to keep older games alive. This is a short vid of the one I was looking at and have nowhere to put it lol

Screen is too small though in my opinion
Yeah, I'm getting both just like last gen, just a matter of what first. That console "war" is for the kids to fight over...usually get a used one of the other down the road once the hype is done. There are some new Xbox IPs I'm looking at that but since this gen is bc, I'm holding out for the ps5 to make use of the digital purchases, etc.

These are some of the Xbox games that are coming out soon that show they're definitely back in the 1st party mix.

They are all perfectly splendid! Like you said let the kiddos fight over the first batch (which I did as a full adult) and then the next dimension truly presents itself with both consoles and PCs as always. What a time to be gamers. I can't wait for it personally. Can't forget Nintendo. I know they have something sneaky planning.....
They are all perfectly splendid! Like you said let the kiddos fight over the first batch (which I did as a full adult) and then the next dimension truly presents itself with both consoles and PCs as always. What a time to be gamers. I can't wait for it personally. Can't forget Nintendo. I know they have something sneaky planning.....
:laugh:No shame there, that got a chuckle out of me though..was right there w/ya, albeit too late lol
Nintendo is always doing their own thing (well at that). Feel you on it being a good time to be a gamer too and bit of a grown kid:D If they ever beat that out of me, I'm done for anyhow, etc.
Well... I got my PS5 last night...

I only got to play it for a few hours but... It's unbelievable.

From the moment I turned it on and loaded it up I could tell the graphics were significantly better. I went from a week 1 Xbox one console to this.

Download times? Incredible.

Loading into games? Incredible.

I played a little bit of Call of duty.. Call of duty is still call of duty. Just with much sharper graphics and load times. I would say the triggers may take some time to get used to but we'll see.. I may have to disable the tension on the triggers.

The triggers are pretty cool and every gun has it's own unique feel.

Astro's playroom.. This game showed off what the controller can do and my gosh am I impressed.

Every surface felt like what it looks like. I was walking on ice.. It felt like ice.. I was hopping on Albums.. Somehow it felt like albums.

There was a part where I was a monkey swinging on a bar and you have to swing the controller to get him to spin and there were places on a mountain to hold onto while climbing up and you have to shift the remote side to side while also using the left and right trigger.

It is unbelievable what the PS5 has done.

My only real complaint is Xbox home screen is more user friendly for Party chats and finding your friends.

Also, i'm a little worried about the controller for sports games and COD.. It's early though and there will be a adjustment period.

Overall.. PS5 lives up to the hype.
Well... I got my PS5 last night...

I only got to play it for a few hours but... It's unbelievable.

From the moment I turned it on and loaded it up I could tell the graphics were significantly better. I went from a week 1 Xbox one console to this.

Download times? Incredible.

Loading into games? Incredible.

I played a little bit of Call of duty.. Call of duty is still call of duty. Just with much sharper graphics and load times. I would say the triggers may take some time to get used to but we'll see.. I may have to disable the tension on the triggers.

The triggers are pretty cool and every gun has it's own unique feel.

Astro's playroom.. This game showed off what the controller can do and my gosh am I impressed.

Every surface felt like what it looks like. I was walking on ice.. It felt like ice.. I was hopping on Albums.. Somehow it felt like albums.

There was a part where I was a monkey swinging on a bar and you have to swing the controller to get him to spin and there were places on a mountain to hold onto while climbing up and you have to shift the remote side to side while also using the left and right trigger.

It is unbelievable what the PS5 has done.

My only real complaint is Xbox home screen is more user friendly for Party chats and finding your friends.

Also, i'm a little worried about the controller for sports games and COD.. It's early though and there will be a adjustment period.

Overall.. PS5 lives up to the hype.

I went from 360 > PS4 > Xbox Series X. Both controllers are fine for sports games. You get used to the transition.
I went from 360 > PS4 > Xbox Series X. Both controllers are fine for sports games. You get used to the transition.

I hated the PS4 controller.. Loved the Xbox.

I really like the PS5 controller so far..

It’s the tension on the triggers that I’m worried about for those style of games.. I’m going to give it a week and then try it with the tension off..

The left stick location on the PS4 has always felt weird to me vs the Xbox but PS5 is fine.

I’ll give it time.. Too early for me to give a real opinion yet but overall I love the ps5 controller and the unique things it can do. Astros playroom felt like I was playing Mario as a little kid again.
I hated the PS4 controller.. Loved the Xbox.

I really like the PS5 controller so far..

It’s the tension on the triggers that I’m worried about for those style of games.. I’m going to give it a week and then try it with the tension off..

The left stick location on the PS4 has always felt weird to me vs the Xbox but PS5 is fine.

I’ll give it time.. Too early for me to give a real opinion yet but overall I love the ps5 controller and the unique things it can do. Astros playroom felt like I was playing Mario as a little kid again.

It seems awesome. I just wonder how devs embrace it. Hopefully, it will push MS to release something similar at a later date.
Well... I got my PS5 last night...

I only got to play it for a few hours but... It's unbelievable.

From the moment I turned it on and loaded it up I could tell the graphics were significantly better. I went from a week 1 Xbox one console to this.

Download times? Incredible.

Loading into games? Incredible.

I played a little bit of Call of duty.. Call of duty is still call of duty. Just with much sharper graphics and load times. I would say the triggers may take some time to get used to but we'll see.. I may have to disable the tension on the triggers.

The triggers are pretty cool and every gun has it's own unique feel.

Astro's playroom.. This game showed off what the controller can do and my gosh am I impressed.

Every surface felt like what it looks like. I was walking on ice.. It felt like ice.. I was hopping on Albums.. Somehow it felt like albums.

There was a part where I was a monkey swinging on a bar and you have to swing the controller to get him to spin and there were places on a mountain to hold onto while climbing up and you have to shift the remote side to side while also using the left and right trigger.

It is unbelievable what the PS5 has done.

My only real complaint is Xbox home screen is more user friendly for Party chats and finding your friends.

Also, i'm a little worried about the controller for sports games and COD.. It's early though and there will be a adjustment period.

Overall.. PS5 lives up to the hype.

I have Astrobot Rescue on my PS4 VR and it is absolutely incredible. Those little robots are kind of becoming the mascot for Sony. I'll be interested to try the PS5 game.
I hated the PS4 controller.. Loved the Xbox.

I really like the PS5 controller so far..

It’s the tension on the triggers that I’m worried about for those style of games.. I’m going to give it a week and then try it with the tension off..

The left stick location on the PS4 has always felt weird to me vs the Xbox but PS5 is fine.

I’ll give it time.. Too early for me to give a real opinion yet but overall I love the ps5 controller and the unique things it can do. Astros playroom felt like I was playing Mario as a little kid again.
The controller is something I always thought the Xbox won with. Up until very recently, I was using an old XB 360 controller at work. Probably gone through half a dozen PS4 controllers in that time.
The controller is something I always thought the Xbox won with. Up until very recently, I was using an old XB 360 controller at work. Probably gone through half a dozen PS4 controllers in that time.

Yep agreed.. The Xbox controller is still going to be superior in feel. It’s perfect.

But the PlayStation controller is now apart of the game and enhances the games experience. It’s so cool man lol.

Plus it kinda feels like an Xbox controller too and this is coming from someone who absolutely hates the Playststion 4 controller.

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