The Video Game Thread

Games are so trash right now.. I need something fresh.
Super Stardust HD
Nex Machina
Geometry Wars Evolved
Death Spank (trilogy)
Tetris Effect

All highly replayable games. And the creator of those first 3 are releasing a single player shooter called Returnal that seems to share the same visual effects from those.
Well guys I'm back to playing Socom and Warhawk on ps3. Some small team of individuals managed to allow us to connect to the disconnected servers and we have a couple hundred people playing in non-prime hours which is amazing. Back when these games were out you would see 50,00-100,000 active on Socom, don't remember prime numbers for Warhawk, but it was probably less than that.

Other than me sucking, Socom 1/2 used to be great Online. The campaigns were pretty tough as well. I still have my original{big box} including those headphones that came with Socom 1.
Super Stardust HD
Nex Machina
Geometry Wars Evolved
Death Spank (trilogy)
Tetris Effect

All highly replayable games. And the creator of those first 3 are releasing a single player shooter called Returnal that seems to share the same visual effects from those.

I actually had a lot of fun with Tetris Effect. And speak of the devil, a couple comments back I mentioned my PSVR, I played Tetris Effect on it. Was pretty cool. Wasn't super 3D looking but had some awesome visuals.
Games are so trash right now.. I need something fresh.
I’ve been on this box for a while around here, but Hunt: Showdown is the most unique game I have played in maybe a decade. It’s got some battle royale elements where 12 bounty hunters in either singles, duos, or trios move around a large map fighting AI enemies to find the bounty and take each other out. You lose a Hunter permanently when he dies and have to equip a new one with your stash of money.

A great setting with horror monsters in 1895, and the time period means the weapons are much more different that run of the mill modern automatic weapons that are everywhere in most games.

The player count recently hit a record high with a new event they just where a new boss target was released, so now is a great time to get in with new players to round out matches instead of getting skinned by veterans.

I actually had a lot of fun with Tetris Effect. And speak of the devil, a couple comments back I mentioned my PSVR, I played Tetris Effect on it. Was pretty cool. Wasn't super 3D looking but had some awesome visuals.
I don't have the VR version, but it's still fun. No way was I spending $40 on tetris, but I did spend $20 lol
Other than me sucking, Socom 1/2 used to be great Online. The campaigns were pretty tough as well. I still have my original{big box} including those headphones that came with Socom 1.
I remember my dad bringing home socom 1 in the paper box, included was a headset and game because he knew I was into different games and a Marine from his job recommended this to me. I thought it was the cooling thing, but I absolutely sucked at the Socom 1 campaign. After struggling I thought I would never play it again going forward, but one day in Target I remember seeing Socom 2 for sale and just how awesome the cover and pictures on the back looked. Decided to use my hard earned allowance on it for one last shot and that was easily the best gaming decision I've ever made. Campaign was great and ended up searching for a broadband modem and getting internet JUST to try this game online. Early on I was getting mopped up, losing any hope I'd be decent, but eventually that led to years of me typically being near or at the top of the scoreboard.

To this day Socom 2 has by far the best map design in any shooter I've played. The sound effects, voice lines, maps designed around one specific mode instead of trying to accommodate for all, servers, lobby setup, controller customization, push to talk, features found on a ps2 title that weren't really a thing in most console shooters until ps4 was amazing for its time. I even remember getting a ps magazine just for the demo disc that contained a beta for one the DLC maps, which required the ps2 hard drive.

A socom 1, 2, 3, and combined assault remaster with full online functionality would be heaven. And set it up to where we can continue playing online when they don't want to support it anymore. I can't imagine playing this game at 60 or 120fps with full draw distance.
Yeah I think that game dropped in, like, 2013? I was an Xbox homer up until about 2016. Wanted nothing to do with a PlayStation. lol Now that I have matured and just enjoy gaming as a whole, I own a PS4 Pro (and will get a PS5 eventually). I got my PS4 Pro in 2016, so I was already way late to the game on so many Sony exclusives. I just never got around to most of them and have been playing catch up.

Quick backstory on how I finally bought a PlayStation. My buddy brought over his new PSVR and was showing it off to me. I was enamored by it! Had to have it. Went straight out that week and picked up a PS4 Pro, and at the time, the PSVR was pretty new and not readily available. So, I WAY overpaid for the stupid thing on eBay, and away we went. Now the PSVR sits most of the time but I do really enjoy having a PlayStation to have access to a wider selection of games. It's nice being able to jump back and forth between consoles depending on my mood. :D
It's same for me on the PSVR. I love playing it, but it's a pain to set up.
I don't have the VR version, but it's still fun. No way was I spending $40 on tetris, but I did spend $20 lol
I have the PSVR version, and truthfully I enjoy the "normal" version of the game more than the VR version. I don't think the VR version adds much.
I actually had a lot of fun with Tetris Effect. And speak of the devil, a couple comments back I mentioned my PSVR, I played Tetris Effect on it. Was pretty cool. Wasn't super 3D looking but had some awesome visuals.
You have too much influence with me. :laugh:

I remember you commenting on the game a few months ago. I was on the fence on getting it but when I read your "review" I took the plunge and bought it. Enjoying the game a lot as it's something I can start and play a few minutes without losing traction of where I was. I played the first go round on the VR edition, but I play it now on normal version as there really isn't that much of a difference between the two IMO.
It's same for me on the PSVR. I love playing it, but it's a pain to set up.

Yup it's the same exact for me. Sounds like the ultimate laziness, and maybe it is, but often times I jut don't feel like pulling out everything and hooking it up, adjusting everything, and then making sure the tracking is good. Hopefully with new tech coming out in the future it will become wireless and have better tracking. That and I have the first version and it doesn't support HDR (what were they thinking?). So if I want my games to have HDR I have to get behind my PS4 (not easy in my entertainment center) and bypass the PSVR box. Or, just live without HDR, which I would rather enjoy in my games. Especially with the LG CX which has fantastic HDR. The new PSVR version does support HDR but I just can't bring myself to buying it again along with the fact my current one doesn't get used that much.

You have too much influence with me. :laugh:

I remember you commenting on the game a few months ago. I was on the fence on getting it but when I read your "review" I took the plunge and bought it. Enjoying the game a lot as it's something I can start and play a few minutes without losing traction of where I was. I played the first go round on the VR edition, but I play it now on normal version as there really isn't that much of a difference between the two IMO.

:laugh: Well hopefully it's been mostly good influences! ;)
If you have a PS5, check out RETURNAL. Looks really good. I think it comes out today.
Possible game of the year canidate. BUT buyer beware,, its a rogue-lite game.But an ABSOLUTELY brutal one. No saves. Lose ALL progress upon death (weapons,upgrades,etc.). A complete restart.. Can't exit to other games or apps or shutdown console...start over again. Only rest mode. This game makes SoulsBourne stuff seem like Seasame Street in comparison.

But I'm a glutton for punishment and I dropped the 80 bones on the digital deluxe lol. A must own if you have a PS5. It's amazing but Good luck beating this one though ladies and gents.....
Possible game of the year canidate. BUT buyer beware,, its a rogue-lite game.But an ABSOLUTELY brutal one. No saves. Lose ALL progress upon death (weapons,upgrades,etc.). A complete restart.. Can't exit to other games or apps or shutdown console...start over again. Only rest mode. This game makes SoulsBourne stuff seem like Seasame Street in comparison.

But I'm a glutton for punishment and I dropped the 80 bones on the digital deluxe lol. A must own if you have a PS5. It's amazing but Good luck beating this one though ladies and gents.....
I would never play a game like this. I don't care how good it is.
If you have a PS5, check out RETURNAL. Looks really good. I think it comes out today.
so far so good, I feel like this may soon be my most played ps5 game and one that you can come back to months or years from now over and over.

I was a huge fan of super stadust hd and nex machina on ps3/ps4 and it looks like they made another gem in Returnal. The soundtrack in stardust is top notch, check it out if you haven't. Easily one of my favorite games. Also added resogun to the mix, all made by Housemarque


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