The Video Game Thread

A fan just made this, a map of LOTRO with all of the zones/levels for each zone. Pretty awesome.
My god when I played I believe the level cap was 75? Maybe 80.. are there still a lot of active players I wanna play now lol
My god when I played I believe the level cap was 75? Maybe 80.. are there still a lot of active players I wanna play now lol

Might as well, it is free to play unless you play on a VIP server which is 14.99 a month. Out of the FTP servers Arkenstone is the most populated NA server and tops out at around 600 players in prime time or Evernight server which is the most populated EU server and tops out at around 800 players in prime time. As for the VIP servers there are 2, Shadowfax which offers a faster progression and Treebeard which offers a much slower progression. Both have a " difficulty slider" which you can activate by visiting certain NPCs, i played for 2 months on Treebeard with the slider set at "Deadly +2" which was very close to the games difficulty in 2008-09.
Might as well, it is free to play unless you play on a VIP server which is 14.99 a month. Out of the FTP servers Arkenstone is the most populated NA server and tops out at around 600 players in prime time or Evernight server which is the most populated EU server and tops out at around 800 players in prime time. As for the VIP servers there are 2, Shadowfax which offers a faster progression and Treebeard which offers a much slower progression. Both have a " difficulty slider" which you can activate by visiting certain NPCs, i played for 2 months on Treebeard with the slider set at "Deadly +2" which was very close to the games difficulty in 2008-09.
Shadowfax what’s that top off at?

Shadowfax what’s that top off at?

Level 70 i think, it as well as Treebeard are also progression servers which means they unlock expansions over time. Shadowfax is at Rise of Isengard, and Treebeard is at Moria/level 60 i believe. * Just did a little browsing and from what i can gather population isnt that great on Shadowfax but is better on Treebeard. Like i said try a free server and see how you like it before you pay 15 a month. I may roll a new toon on Gladden tonight, although not quite as populated as Arkenstone you are more likely to find lower level players playing.
Level 70 i think, it as well as Treebeard are also progression servers which means they unlock expansions over time. Shadowfax is at Rise of Isengard, and Treebeard is at Moria/level 60 i believe. * Just did a little browsing and from what i can gather population isnt that great on Shadowfax but is better on Treebeard. Like i said try a free server and see how you like it before you pay 15 a month. I may roll a new toon on Gladden tonight, although not quite as populated as Arkenstone you are more likely to find lower level players playing.
VIP is on every server right?

I just took a look at their website it says you can advance to lvl 140, but i've never played the game so i'm not sure if that 140 comes with caveats.
VIP is on every server right?

I should have been more clear, the game is free to play. You can however purchase a VIP membership which gives you several bonuses/perks plus 500 LOTRO points i believe, which you can use in the LOTRO store. The VIP membership also give you access to the "Legendary servers" Anor which is vacant dont bother, or Treebeard or Shadowfax. Am certain that Treebeard is the one with the higher population. The VIP membership is good for 30 days also SOME of the perks you will still get even if you let it expire. There are 3 levels of membership, VIP/Premium and Free. I believe and dont quote me on this is that once you purchase something in the LOTRO store your membership is automatically upgraded to Premium. Once again i am not 100% certain. Become a VIP | The Lord of the Rings Online (

I just took a look at their website it says you can advance to lvl 140, but i've never played the game so i'm not sure if that 140 comes with caveats.

Don't believe so, a Free Player can only advance to around level 30{4 Zones}. You can grind LOTRO Points by doing deeds in game but it is quite a grind. Also you can just purchase the expansions outright, they do go on sale somewhat especially sometimes during the games anniversary{April}.
Don't believe so, a Free Player can only advance to around level 30{4 Zones}. You can grind LOTRO Points by doing deeds in game but it is quite a grind. Also you can just purchase the expansions outright, they do go on sale somewhat especially sometimes during the games anniversary{April}.
Just started playing again. I’m hooked lol

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