The Video Game Thread

Bro, Elden is in my top 5 ever. You're going to LOVE it! It's hard going back to Horizon, or any game for that matter, because as you so eloquently put it, The Ring "calls us" lol. It's one of the greatest games ever for sure. I think Sekiro is harder, but this one is brutal. The scope is unparalleled in an open world game. It set the standard.
Very cool bro and appreciate the feedback! I actually just got through Sekiro right around January; did 3 of the 4 endings...messed up the cloud save on last, but figured that was enough lol...loved it though! Did DS3 a few months before that. I know what you mean about going back to normal games after these souls games...the combat can even be harder with another game, but the satisfaction is difft.

I forgot I impulsively bought Dying Light 2 right before Horizon and figured let me run though this bf never touching it again which is likely to happen if I start with Elden definitely next weekend I'm going to start passionately cursing again. Most games get nothing out of me, but these mos at FromSoftware get the heart racing and hands sweating like when you were a kid...they are top notch.
For most game crashes after long gaming sessions, it is usually caused by a memory leak (software bug) or your gaming hardware getting too hot.

Of course there are other reasons as well (bad memory, bad drives, bad code, etc.)

A lot more people would be complaining if it was a memory leak, so I would focus on trying to keep your PS5 cool.

I do not know a lot about the consoles but a video I watched recently for new side plates for the PS5 showed that there appears to be a fan intake and fan exhaust on the sides of the PS5 near the top but underneath the white plates.

Perhaps you could try taking the side plates off to open up better air flow?

If that helps then you could look at buying after-market replacement side plates such as .. (scroll down the page)

I would not buy the new plates until you know that improving airflow helped though.
For most game crashes after long gaming sessions, it is usually caused by a memory leak (software bug) or your gaming hardware getting too hot.

Of course there are other reasons as well (bad memory, bad drives, bad code, etc.)

A lot more people would be complaining if it was a memory leak, so I would focus on trying to keep your PS5 cool.

I do not know a lot about the consoles but a video I watched recently for new side plates for the PS5 showed that there appears to be a fan intake and fan exhaust on the sides of the PS5 near the top but underneath the white plates.

Perhaps you could try taking the side plates off to open up better air flow?

If that helps then you could look at buying after-market replacement side plates such as .. (scroll down the page)

I would not buy the new plates until you know that improving airflow helped though.
It is hot to the touch when it shuts off, and want to say that's the issue bc I do "smoke" in there too. Not a smoke lounge or anything that ignorant but it's a factor I'm sure.

Wow, this site is very cool...the hairs scared me scrolling down...I'm definitely buying they're on backorder though and wondering about the timeline. This is exactly what I need though, the vents open on the sides like this. It gets hot in general, Horizon just sets it on fire, etc.

Thank you sir, I just ordered mine and they said shipping in April so not bad at all! Got the grey mesh and sky blue combo and will make the system look sharper too. Good look and appr it!
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It is hot to the touch when it shuts off, and want to say that's the issue bc I do "smoke" in there too. Not a smoke lounge or anything that ignorant but it's a factor I'm sure.

Wow, this site is very cool...the hairs scared me scrolling down...I'm definitely buying they're on backorder though and wondering about the timeline. This is exactly what I need though, the vents open on the sides like this. It gets hot in general, Horizon just sets it on fire, etc.

Thank you sir, I just ordered mine and they said shipping in April so not bad at all! Got the grey mesh and sky blue combo and will make the system look sharper too. Good look and appr it!
*laughs* Yeah, the growth thing caught me off guard the first time I saw it too :)

Dbrand is well-known for providing protective covers for devices.

I hope that solves your problem. Either way, it is never good for hardware to get too hot as it leads to more issues and problems the longer it goes on.

One other thing I suggest is if your house is dusty, dust can collect inside hardware and it forms a thermal layer increasing the heat levels. To solve that, you can buy a can of compressed air in the computer section at Walmart and use it to blow out any dust in it, though I would take it outside to do that.

I have to do that with my computers and laptops every so often because any time you have fans, whether ceiling, floor or computer fans, moving air, you are going to end up with dust everywhere.
For most game crashes after long gaming sessions, it is usually caused by a memory leak (software bug) or your gaming hardware getting too hot.

Of course there are other reasons as well (bad memory, bad drives, bad code, etc.)

A lot more people would be complaining if it was a memory leak, so I would focus on trying to keep your PS5 cool.

I do not know a lot about the consoles but a video I watched recently for new side plates for the PS5 showed that there appears to be a fan intake and fan exhaust on the sides of the PS5 near the top but underneath the white plates.

Perhaps you could try taking the side plates off to open up better air flow?

If that helps then you could look at buying after-market replacement side plates such as .. (scroll down the page)

I would not buy the new plates until you know that improving airflow helped though.
Sony's seem to run hot too. My PS4 Pro can get get super warm and put out some heat. As opposed to every Xbox I have owned, which have all ran cool. Of course, this is just my experience based off owning both platforms. Not trying to start a console war in here.

As for the PS5, I don't have any experience with that console yet.
I interviewed a guy for a tech position we have available. Of his varied interests he said he really likes playing video games, but he thinks he needed to expand his horizons and do other things. After meeting finished, I asked him what games he likes to play and he gave me the normal response of Call of Duty and other shooting games, but he recently started playing Elden. I said I was thinking of getting the game myself but I have so many others on my system I haven't played or haven't given them much time. He told me don't even think of downloading it and playing. It will suck you in and you will believe your life is nothing but playing that game, but then he said I wouldn't have to worry about me wanting to play the game while he was at work. LOL
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I interviewed a guy for a tech position we have available. Of his varied interests he said he really likes playing video games, but he thinks he needed to expand his horizons and do other things. After meeting finished, I asked him what games he likes to play and he gave me the normal response of Call of Duty and other shooting games, but he recently started playing Elden. I said I was thinking of getting the game myself but I have so many others on my system I haven't played or haven't given them much time. He told me don't even think of downloading it and playing. It will suck you in and you will believe your life is nothing but playing that game, but then he said I wouldn't have to worry about me wanting to play the game while he was at work. LOL
It is literally and figuratively and physically a mind bending immersed experience that takes A LOT of time to invest into if you want to take it all in. But beware. It is unbelievably difficult even with guides and walk through's. I seriously haven't even scratched anything near the surface. Like someone else said, you're going to have dreams and waking nightmares of "You Died" swirling through the brain haha!

Miyazaki is a Mad Man and a PURE psychotic/genius class build haha! FROM is the GOAT
It is literally and figuratively and physically a mind bending immersed experience that takes A LOT of time to invest into if you want to take it all in. But beware. It is unbelievably difficult even with guides and walk through's. I seriously haven't even scratched anything near the surface. Like someone else said, you're going to have dreams and waking nightmares of "You Died" swirling through the brain haha!

Miyazaki is a Mad Man and a PURE psychotic/genius class build haha! FROM is the GOAT
Elden Ring is definitely a game you have to take a different approach with. You're going to die...a lot. You have to recognize that you're just not ready to take on certain enemies and move on to something else. I've had so many that killed me almost instantly to where I thought it wasn't possible to defeat them. Then I make my character better and suddenly they only kill me 15-20 times before I take them out. :laugh: Seriously though, it is a great game. I'm blown away by the sheer variety and creativity with the design of the creatures. Every time I play, I'm saying out loud, "*** is that!?....before it kills me. I think I just got killed again typing this out.
Sony finally revealed their answer to the Xbox Game Pass service.

PS2/PS3 games would be great if we could download them. When streaming them, there is lag and throws off even button commands during gameplay. Hey, it's something I guess though. The cynic in me can't see Sony releasing day 1 titles of any value, but Xbox proved me wrong in that regard as well.

Hard to compete with Gamepass tbh
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I'll like it, but I don't love it (the Ps Plus games lol) :D
Yeah it's been a bit since I've seen a game on PS+ or Xbox Gold that I wanted to download. lol
I agree. I'll add them to my library and maybe try Hood: Outlaws & Hood and Slay the Spire. Hood looks like medieval Destiny and Slay the Spire is a card game, which are a guilty pleasure of mine. :D

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