The Video Game Thread

Looking forward to the new COD Modern Combat. Even if the Multiplayer is full of microtransactions(I won't play then) the single player was always solid on the MW games.
World at War was my fave by far and have always played the campaigns. MW3 and Black Ops were good run throughs too. Battlefield used to have good SP before part 5/Revolution, etc.
Well, that #2 game disc of MASS EFFECT was the demise of my ps3 game unit as it would seize up game play about middle /halfway thru saying corrupted data unsupported or some kinda' B.S. like that, so I played the 3rd game disc(it ended in a pretty cheesy fashion) but felt deprived of my full gaming experience & ran the #2 game disc again, well it vapor locked in about the same area of play,up to the point where it would just continually attempt to reboot after clearing the corrupted data& restart ,it would stop at 48% and sit there for 15-20 minutes, then rocket shoot to 100%,,& run the same problem thing up on the screen.
That sux. I wonder if you can delete the corrupt data from your PSN account from you cpu but it does sound like your hardware is giving out unf. But if you could get to your uploaded saved data you should be able to delete and see if it lets you start fresh, etc.
From what I'd learned while in Google foo mode it points back to a fried hardrive, I'd already done the data reset on it to get it past that first glitcher that disc #2 put on it

,,,er,,,ATT: @BigStar thanks,though
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Anyone playing Mortal Kombat? I'm going wait for the collector's edition so I can have all the characters. I will get whooped online anyway lol so no rush.

I played it briefly 2 weeks ago before I took off for vacation. I was kind of rushed to play it before we left, but it did feel very solid with the little time I got with it.

Looking forward to the new COD Modern Combat. Even if the Multiplayer is full of microtransactions(I won't play then) the single player was always solid on the MW games.

Same! I'm a big COD fan (for whatever reason) and I have hope for the new MW. There hasn't been a good one since Black Ops 2 IMO (thought I admittedly find myself enjoying Black Ops 4). Glad to see they are abolishing the season pass idea, but, also afraid of microtransactions. I guess that is just Activation's flavor anymore. I never participate in them though. The only thing that grinds my gears is when they put weapons behind a paywall. If you want to put stupid skins and dumb character moves in the microtransactions, fine, but leave the weapons out of it.
I played it briefly 2 weeks ago before I took off for vacation. I was kind of rushed to play it before we left, but it did feel very solid with the little time I got with it.

Same! I'm a big COD fan (for whatever reason) and I have hope for the new MW. There hasn't been a good one since Black Ops 2 IMO (thought I admittedly find myself enjoying Black Ops 4). Glad to see they are abolishing the season pass idea, but, also afraid of microtransactions. I guess that is just Activation's flavor anymore. I never participate in them though. The only thing that grinds my gears is when they put weapons behind a paywall. If you want to put stupid skins and dumb character moves in the microtransactions, fine, but leave the weapons out of it.

Bingo. Some games I'll pay for updates like new tracks or a car I really like in real life for example .
But in games that make you pay to be on equal ground with an opponent in terms of guns or armor I won't buy/play .
If anyone is interested in WW2 themed military shooters you should check out Hell Let Loose on the PC/Steam. Play virtually all last night as part of a tank crew and had great fun. To crew a tank you need 3 people, a commander/spotter, gunner and a driver all communicating together. Racked up a nice up of kills tank and infantry in a German Panther last night. If anyone is indeed interested the game is on sale right now on Green Man Gaming for 24.00.

Wonder if he is laughing about Fallout 76.....
That game needs to be taken out back and shot. :D

Update with Days Gone: 9/10 Game is top notch and like the story. There are some cool layers to it like facing the uglier elements of human nature that come from desperation and rebuilding civilization from an apocalypse type event. Gameplay is great and has good pacing. At first you may think the zombies have poor A.I. but your attitude will change when facing the more aggressive breeds. Bike handles well, similar to GTA driving.
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That game needs to be taken out back and shot. :D

Update with Days Gone: 9/10 Game is top notch and like the story. There are some cool layers to it like facing the uglier elements of human nature that come from desperation and rebuilding civilization from an apocalypse type event. Gameplay is great and has good pacing. At first you may think the zombies have poor A.I. but your attitude will change when facing the more aggressive breeds. Bike handles well, similar to GTA driving.

I believe{?} I read somewhere FO76 is coming to Steam this year. Anyways almost bought it on release and am very glad I didn't lol.

Glad you like Days Gone, its on my very long list of games to purchase/play one day.
That game needs to be taken out back and shot. :D

My buddy that I game-share with on Xbox bought the Xbox One X that came with Fallout 76. This was like 6 months ago. With game-share on Xbox the game automatically downloads to my Xbox. That game has been sitting there ever since and I have yet to even open it. :laugh: Though, I'm guessing curiosity will get the best of me one day.

Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City, a megalopolis obsessed with power, glamour and body modification. You play as V, a mercenary outlaw going after a one-of-a-kind implant that is the key to immortality. You can customize your character’s cyberware, skillset and playstyle, and explore a vast city where the choices you make shape the story and the world around you.



Based simply off the concept and the developers’ track record creating some of the best games in recent memory (The Witcher 3, anyone?) it’s safe to say gamers were already hyped.

Now, we learn at E3, some big news surrounding the game - it stars freaking Keanu Reeves.

The trailer for the game is in the article. I can’t post it here, but it looks incredible, as anyone anticipating the project expected.

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