The Video Game Thread

Gah!!! Playing our last round of DMZ tonight with my buddy and my brother. Decided to try and go get this very lucrative Weapons Case in DMZ. You have to go to this very hostile area of the map and fight off waves of soldiers. Then you run into this juggernaut and have take him down so he drops the case. We fight our way in, busting our butts fighting off enemies, picking each other up as we get downed, and finally we are victorious. Grab the weapons case, jump in a truck and take off. We notice at the end of this town there is a helicopter. They are very rare in DMZ. We are in luck! Get in it and fly away. Meanwhile, all of our battling killed the clock and time is ticking down on us as the map is being covered with poisonous gas. No worries! We have a helicopter! We fly to the very last exfil (it's a randomly designated place where a big military helicopter comes in, you board it, and it extracts you out of the game successfully). We get there. We have the weapons case. We have lots of great loot. It's been a fantastic round so far! All we need to do is just land, hop on the exfil, and win.

Victory is near brother wrecks the helicopter trying to land and kills everybody onboard. Game over. :lmao: :mad:
Gah!!! Playing our last round of DMZ tonight with my buddy and my brother. Decided to try and go get this very lucrative Weapons Case in DMZ. You have to go to this very hostile area of the map and fight off waves of soldiers. Then you run into this juggernaut and have take him down so he drops the case. We fight our way in, busting our butts fighting off enemies, picking each other up as we get downed, and finally we are victorious. Grab the weapons case, jump in a truck and take off. We notice at the end of this town there is a helicopter. They are very rare in DMZ. We are in luck! Get in it and fly away. Meanwhile, all of our battling killed the clock and time is ticking down on us as the map is being covered with poisonous gas. No worries! We have a helicopter! We fly to the very last exfil (it's a randomly designated place where a big military helicopter comes in, you board it, and it extracts you out of the game successfully). We get there. We have the weapons case. We have lots of great loot. It's been a fantastic round so far! All we need to do is just land, hop on the exfil, and win.

Victory is near brother wrecks the helicopter trying to land and kills everybody onboard. Game over. :lmao: :mad:
I can hear the "Dude come on!?" from here :laugh: Taking a hard left just before the finish line smh...sorry brotha!
Mostly interested in 3rd player, "Splinter Cell" type of games. I tried battlefield and got smoked left and right, so there's a learning process lol.
Metal Gear Solid 5 sounds like it would fit your taste of games for stealth. Hitman 3 is another good stealth game, but there's not much of a story; just different locations and targets but done really well. Dishonored is a good stealth series (thanks for assist @Juggernaut above) that gives you some powers to play with along with gunplay.

These are mainly single player games though.
Metal Gear Solid 5 sounds like it would fit your taste of games for stealth. Hitman 3 is another good stealth game, but there's not much of a story; just different locations and targets but done really well. Dishonored is a good stealth series (thanks for assist @Juggernaut above) that gives you some powers to play with along with gunplay.

These are mainly single player games though.
No problem. The game play in those Dishonored games is fun. I actually quite enjoy all the games you mentioned. Great recommendations! I always try to be stealthy, until I inevitably mess up. :laugh:
Well, I've been trying to get The Last of Us Part 1 remake (PS5 version) from Gamefly for awhile now, and even though it's at the top of my list and says medium availability, they seemingly refuse to send it. lol I don't understand their queue system sometimes. I do have the free PS Plus Remaster version downloaded already, I was just hoping to get the 4K version. It definitely looks sharper. I might just continue on with the remaster though as I'm losing my patience and want to play it. For some reason I kind of want to play the game first and then watch the TV series.

Gah!!! Playing our last round of DMZ tonight with my buddy and my brother. Decided to try and go get this very lucrative Weapons Case in DMZ. You have to go to this very hostile area of the map and fight off waves of soldiers. Then you run into this juggernaut and have take him down so he drops the case. We fight our way in, busting our butts fighting off enemies, picking each other up as we get downed, and finally we are victorious. Grab the weapons case, jump in a truck and take off. We notice at the end of this town there is a helicopter. They are very rare in DMZ. We are in luck! Get in it and fly away. Meanwhile, all of our battling killed the clock and time is ticking down on us as the map is being covered with poisonous gas. No worries! We have a helicopter! We fly to the very last exfil (it's a randomly designated place where a big military helicopter comes in, you board it, and it extracts you out of the game successfully). We get there. We have the weapons case. We have lots of great loot. It's been a fantastic round so far! All we need to do is just land, hop on the exfil, and win.

Victory is near brother wrecks the helicopter trying to land and kills everybody onboard. Game over. :lmao: :mad:
Man, I feel your pain. I've done some incredibly hard things in a game to get through a level and then ruin it by doing something stupid and the very end. I quit playing a game for about a month after I screwed up. I just didn't have the heart to keep going. I eventrually did, and it was amazing how easy it was the next go round. Probably because I knew what to do and what NOT to do the next go round.
Well, I've been trying to get The Last of Us Part 1 remake (PS5 version) from Gamefly for awhile now, and even though it's at the top of my list and says medium availability, they seemingly refuse to send it. lol I don't understand their queue system sometimes. I do have the free PS Plus Remaster version downloaded already, I was just hoping to get the 4K version. It definitely looks sharper. I might just continue on with the remaster though as I'm losing my patience and want to play it. For some reason I kind of want to play the game first and then watch the TV series.

You HAVE to play the game first. The series have way too many spoilers.
Finished dead space remake. Good game
Playing Hogwart legacy now, also a dang fine game.
I put Dead Space in my GameFly que some time ago. I didn't know what kind of game it was. I put in in my que just to have a game as a last resort if I couldn't get another game. I'm glad I put it there as I've read multiple reviews and it seems as if it is right up my alley.
I put Dead Space in my GameFly que some time ago. I didn't know what kind of game it was. I put in in my que just to have a game as a last resort if I couldn't get another game. I'm glad I put it there as I've read multiple reviews and it seems as if it is right up my alley.
The only real hold up I would say about dead space is it wasn’t very long, so mileage may vary on price. I usually like when a game doesn’t over stay it’s welcome(depends on game) but since you’re doing GameFly that probably won’t apply to you. The game itself is a blast.
The only real hold up I would say about dead space is it wasn’t very long, so mileage may vary on price. I usually like when a game doesn’t over stay it’s welcome(depends on game) but since you’re doing GameFly that probably won’t apply to you. The game itself is a blast.
I agree, and it's been one of my fears with Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I've heard it's a great game, my brother has been trying to get me to get it for awhile now, but the main story alone is 60.5 hours!!! I'm just not sure I'm down with that kind of commitment to one game. lol

(By the way, this is a fantastic website if you are ever curious about a game's longevity.)

I agree, and it's been one of my fears with Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I've heard it's a great game, my brother has been trying to get me to get it for awhile now, but the main story alone is 60.5 hours!!! I'm just not sure I'm down with that kind of commitment to one game. lol

(By the way, this is a fantastic website if you are ever curious about a game's longevity.)

Thanks for the link! I'm having a blast seeing how I've compared to the "norm" with completing some games. It will also give me an idea of what I have ahead of me when I decide to play a game.
The only real hold up I would say about dead space is it wasn’t very long, so mileage may vary on price. I usually like when a game doesn’t over stay it’s welcome(depends on game) but since you’re doing GameFly that probably won’t apply to you. The game itself is a blast.
Sometimes those "short" games are the best. I don't have a chance to get bored playing them, and if the game is worth it I can play again. I enjoy playing games multiple times if they are really good.

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