The Video Game Thread

Metro Exodus is now on the Xbox Game Pass. I downloaded it and gave it a quick whirl. It is not bad. Your typical FPS game. Graphics looked solid, controls felt fluid, and it was essentially "free". Other than that, kind of feel like every other Metro, if you have ever played one. It is a game I think I will find myself playing here and there but not one that really sucks me in.
Anyone play GTA Online?

The RSG videos they put out are entertaining ..

No, but always seemed interesting. On a few sites it has been on sale for 50% the last month or so. And was always kinda confused, if you buy the base game does it come with GTA Online or is that a separate purchase?
No, but always seemed interesting. On a few sites it has been on sale for 50% the last month or so. And was always kinda confused, if you buy the base game does it come with GTA Online or is that a separate purchase?
I have never played it so I really do not know. I have a friend that recently started playing so I was just looking into it and found the videos.
I think I've still got a ps2
GTA game disc that Game Stop was unwilling to give me pennies on the dollar for, in their used game buy back program, due to it's unsuitable content?
I rented GTA and played it briefly awhile back. It seemed solid but for some reason I never returned to it. I know some people that really got sucked into the game. I'd give it another chance if it was on sale. I just have so many other huge open-world games going on right now. Just never enough time. :(

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