The Video Game Thread

I'm about halfway through Spiderman and it's a great game. Definitely on Batman level game-play wise but wish the side missions weren't so repetitive. I didn't realize Red Dead was so close to coming out; wish I didn't buy Assasins Creed so early!

10 days or so right? If everything I read about Red Dead turns out to be true its going to be a awesome game.
Yeah this has been an amazing fall season for games dropping (for me anyways). I'm going to have to time my Gamefly return just right to try and get Red Dead. You have to do that with popular new releases or else the game will sit in your que with a "Low Availability" attached to it.

I timed it perfect for Black Ops 4 (they are sending it) and then my buddy did the Xbox share with me and he already had it. So it was all for naught but I'm still proud of myself for timing it right. :D:laugh:

*By timing it right I mean sending in your current game. It has like a 2 day turn around. I sent back God of War Wed and Black Ops 4 dropped Friday. Btw the time the post office scanned the game coming back and Gamefly received it, BO4 realeased and they sent it.
This is the first year I haven't heard a peep from the kids about COD or Assassins Creed.
I usually play COD but with no campaign, I don't have any interest.
Who is getting Red Dead Redemption 2? Drops tomorrow!

Im gettin it tonight @ Gamestop 9pm, pre-ordered the ultimate edition back in June......I just wish I woulda had the foresight to take a vacation day tomorrow cause I'll probably be up til 7am playin it, assuming its as good as it should be......
Looks like a disc-free Xbox is on the horizon. Kind of a neat idea. Seems the industry is going to really push for digital games. I like digital overall. It is super convenient and allows for game sharing (at least on the Xbox), but, there is no market for second-hand games.Unless they came up with a way to transfer or sell back games, you're pretty much stuck with it. Guess it depends how much you love and/or would like to keep the game.
Looks like a disc-free Xbox is on the horizon. Kind of a neat idea. Seems the industry is going to really push for digital games. I like digital overall. It is super convenient and allows for game sharing (at least on the Xbox), but, there is no market for second-hand games.Unless they came up with a way to transfer or sell back games, you're pretty much stuck with it. Guess it depends how much you love and/or would like to keep the game.

I have 2 (normal & s,) and have been digital since getting the second one. Its nice to buy one game, so the kids can play on both systems without worrying about disc issues. I replaced the disc drive 2 years ago on my older xbox. May get the nondisc version for myself.

They have done the same with cars and laptops. No dvd/cd drive.
Picked up Call of Duty after skipping the franchise since 2010.

Blackout has been good, but I also enjoy Heist.
Picked up Call of Duty after skipping the franchise since 2010.

Blackout has been good, but I also enjoy Heist.

I've been digging BO4 myself. I haven't played near the amount of Blackout as I thought I would (no particular reason) but I'm really enjoying the multiplayer side of it.
Anyone pickup Fallout 76? I heard the mp route hasn't been a hit so far. Unfortunate bc was looking fwd to it being in West VA. but really only do SP. Currently playing AC Odyssey but it is already getting repetitive even with the role playing options.

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