I really liked the finale. I thought they did a great job with it.
I really liked how they they did what i thought was a good job of showing how Rick will become a completely primal person, despite how good a guy he really is, when it comes to protecting Carl. They've flashed that through out the series where Rick will just go crazy in the way he goes after someone. I like how they finally did that and then talked about it with Darryl saying that wasn't him and Rick admiting that yes it really was him. Look at how he beat on Tyrese and now the way he ripped the throat out of a guy, and gutted another one, to defend his son.
I love how they showed that even though Rick is geniunely a good man, who wants to do right by people, that he has an uncontrolable savage side that will come out in defense of his kid. I loved that. I also thought it tied pretty well to the flash backs where I felt like what they were trying to convey was Rick, in his mind, is thinking that becoming the farmer, and taking the edge off of himself, was a huge mistake. I think that in Rick's mind he believes doing that is what cost them the prison because it made him become to complacent, to easy going, rather than having that edge to do whatever you've to do when the moment calls for it.
I also liked that they brought out Ricks ability to notice things around him, quickly, when they got to Terminus. I was thinking surely Rick notices that riot gear and the pancho and sure enough he did. I loved that too. His Walter White moment wasn't as good as Walter White, but then no ones ever could be, but I think it's going to play well when season 5 rolls along.
The one big question I'll have going into next season is how it plays out when Tyrese, Carol, and the baby show up at Terminus.