Can't really disagree with any of that. It was nice to get a glimpse of Michonne's emotions, and hearing her call Andrea a "friend" tells us that she's at least human :laugh2:
I don't like what is going on with Rick at all. He's so insane most of the time, that when he is in control it seems weird. They've really blown it imo. How is he so hell bent on killing the governor, but he allows Merle to stay? Doesn't want to give up being the leader when Carl says so, but walks away when crises arise? I understand that those kinds of things are necessary to describe his character, but at some point, it gets to be too much.
While I think any scene featuring Darrel is the strength of the show, I didn't like the sudden turn of him becoming the leader of Merle. Merle has been too stubborn to do that, and all of a sudden he does? I don't buy it...the characters develop too quickly for a plot that is developing to slowly, and there are major holes because of it.
And where did that family come from?...How is this the first time in the whole series that a new family is introduced, and they just disappear?
I really liked the dialogue between Axel and Carol, even though I'm not a big fan of her. It was refreshing to see something a bit lighter for a change. Of course, they immediately blasted him in the fast :laugh2:
I might bash it, but I thought this was a better episode than previous ones. If nothing else, there was a level of entertainment that has been lacking.