News: There is a reason Dak Prescott might be in a ‘slump’ and it’s not his calf injury


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Link doesn’t work for me. But having said that yes Dak was the best against the blitz and now teams have stopped that. Moore for some reason wants to throw a million bubble screens now instead of attacking the middle. It’s not working.

Spot on, all the throws behind the L.O.S. are useless like his Kellen’s QB career.


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I recall at the beginning of this season Dan Orlovsky pointing out Dak changing the protection and play perfectly reading the defense and scoring a TD. It was against the patriots. The number 1 defense in football. And that’s just one time Dan has done that. But sure. Continue.

...and since NE????


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I'm a big Dak supporter but he isn't perfect. Its the coward @$$ Dak HATERS that i find hilarious, because Dak has never done anything right in their eyes. Then... those cowardly punk @$$ Dak haters don't show their faces on this platform when he's on his game.

Make it make sense....

Sort of like the Dak lovers who spew hate towards anyone criticizing Dak and when Dak plays like crap they scatter like cockroaches when the light turns on.


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...and since NE????

No team plays more man than NE, outside Miami.

New England game, was a tale of the OL dominating the Patriots front. They went from 30% pressure rate in the first half to about 17 the second half.

NE was forced to blitz and Dallas, I believe, got 3 TDs off it. The reality is, if you are getting no pressure on the QB, and are forced into man, no DB is going to stay with a WR for long. It’s easy pickings for any NFL QB.

Even on the pass to Lamb, there was zero pressure. And Lamb had his man, Mills beat by a mile, in fact right off the snap when he raises his hand and Mills was basically jogging.



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Sort of like the Dak lovers who spew hate towards anyone criticizing Dak and when Dak plays like crap they scatter like cockroaches when the light turns on.

Well I can't speak on that, because the Dak supporters I've seen here post, win, lose, or draw. But maybe you can explain why the Dak haters, especially the cowards on the board don't post when Dak is on his game.

Dak has been on his game more often than not, so the hatin cowards are rarely seen. Another thing I find hilarious is how Dak haters hate without any consistent stats to back up their weak @$$ arguments. You'll have NFL Hall of Famers say Dak was playing at top 5 qb levels before he got injured.... then You'll have some Dak hatin coward spewing out that Dak is average.

Now who should I believe, my eyes, stats, and the word of Hall of Famer players coaches and GMs???? Or the word of some weak coward @$$ hater who has never played past pop Warner and wasn't even good at a kids level???

I think I'll rely on my eyes, stats, and the opinions of people who've been there on the highest level of the sport.


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teams daring us to run in order to beat them and we have struggled :(

super weird that our run game was better when teams were playing more balanced defenses and we can't run when teams are hyper fixating on stopping the pass.

Fla Cowpoke

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Dak is playing the worst he's ever played with the most weapons he's ever had.

He's being exposed and it's no coincidence that this started after that Broncos embarrassment. They saw something. Dak knew they saw something. That's why he said "I hope teams play us like that every game". They were doing something specific and Dak knew that. The problem is Dak doesn't seem good enough to overcome that, because teams that can, have been playing them like that and he looks completely horrible. The hubris is real with Dak and his arrogance back fired.

We just have to hope that Kellen Moore can work some magic and get the best out of what he's got. Because, although the defense is improved, it's not going to carry us through 4 playoff games.

It is kind of like Mahomes...he had a string of mediocre performances and seems to be getting back on track. Hopefully Dak does too.


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Despite the Dak haters trying to piss all over everything, the article is a really good read on how defenses have adjusted to playing Dak. They have stopped blitzing and they are putting an extra man over the nose to shutdown the inside run game, and dropping everybody else into coverage.

In essence, the Denver blueprint. Now how do you counter this? First, this scheme is open to outside runs since an extra man is over the nose, see Pollard against the Saints. Zeke does not have the speed anymore to turn the corner and the middle is clogged so he really has nowhere to run. That is why Zeke is barely putting up 20-40 yards a game now. We need faster RBs to take advantage of this scheme.

Second, this scheme or blueprint only works if your front 4 can get pressure. If they cant, you will get picked apart because the QB will have time to either find the holes in the zone or if its man coverage, wait for a WR to break open. Our problem is that our oline can no longer block front 4s consistently anymore.

Lastly, Dak has to bear some responsibility as well. His mechanics are bad, he is not properly setting his feet on throws, he is making bad decisions on where to throw the ball with 6-7 guys in coverage, and he has to be willing to run more, I dont know if Jerry or MM told him not to run or if he is just too scared to run because of his gruesome injury last year, but if he is not going to run he is a sitting duck back there right now.

In short, Jerry, Steven, MM, Dak, wonder boy, everybody needs to sit down in the film room, go over what defenses are doing, and come up with an alternative offensive scheme to capitalize on it because what we are doing right now aint working and we are fixing to be one and done in the playoffs as a result.


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Have I not been saying it for years?

Dak has been getting away for years with one deep safety and man coverage, because of how good the OL and RG was.. He’s always been trash against zone, but he could check into run plays of defenses showed zone when the OL and RG were at their premiere.

This explains his Jekyll and Hyde accuracy. He’s a system QB that can make the throws when he’s decisive. He’s a one-read QB that more often than not, one can tell where he is going from the snap. Moore has to game plan to get the most advantageous reads early.

Like I said, the more the OL and RG no longer is good and falls to mid-tier, Dak will be exposed as the pretender he is. He’s a back-up that can get you wins during a play-off run when the starting QB gets injured. In fact, he’d arguably be the best back-up QB in the game, niche-ing out a long career.

But he has never been elite.
Bang on the money as always :clap:


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At this point we're all guessing what's wrong. Here's the statistics on what defenses are cloning. I think Moore needs to inject more plays to counter this. This puts extra bodies into midfield. The Oline is not opening gaps for the run game. We should be pushing the DEs and LBs backwards. This is also why Pollard was effective. It's the outside lanes that are open.

If Zeke is in the game and Pollard is not, you don't worry about wide runs. Pollard needs to be on the field.
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I think two things need to happen and you mentioned one of them, play faster. I also think Dak needs to start running more. He only has 106 yards rushing this year and that’s 200 off his normal pace. The RPO is not even considered any more.

Maybe they're still worried about the leg.

A QB who runs adds to an offense. Taking that away subtracts from what we had.


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Nice post

That would seem to call for a reverse or jet sweep here and there as part of the run game to maybe loosen things up, no?

Those don't seem like part of the offense at all.

Yeah I think anything that makes our run game a legit concern would help to keep them honest. I doubt there is a lot of hesitation before choosing to drop into coverage, because even if it is a run its likely getting snuffed out before the second level.


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If Zeke is in the game and Pollard is not, you don't worry about wide runs. Pollard needs to be on the field.

Early in the year Zeke was actually getting to the edges. It's the first time I had seen that in a couple seasons.


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Hey Doomsday...You obviously aren't looking at the same game replays I am. But I will say and laughing is better than crying.

Are you looking at the same game replays that the entire country has access to OR are you looking at All-22 footage that shows things from a completely different view? Honest question…


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Bang on the money as always :clap:
Lol bang on? Let me ask you something. How? Dak has repeatedly thrown to his second third read this season and before. And Dak has also been playing worse since teams have gone into more man. So the whole he sucks against zone makes no sense. This same poster who’s “bang on as always” said Dak did well against NE because they played mostly man. Dak is also the only qb to throw for over 440 yards against a Bill Belichek defense. I guess every single other qb sucks too? You guys make me laugh. With that being said.

Dak and the O need to get their ish together because it’s brutal to watch right now. KM needs to stop being arrogant and change the scheme. It’s reminding me of Garrett refusing to change. It’s annoying.


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Dak is struggling, and mightily so. Everyone sees it. Yet, this plot does not show an inflection point at the Denver game. There was a local trend that Denver too followed. More, the sample size is so small he is patently unjustified in asserting anything is an outlier. This guy’s analysis is textbook confirmation bias and is an embarrassingly rudimentary take.