Twitter: There may not be kickoffs in the future


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Yes..but most of us watch because its still an honest sport...still has some intrigue involved. If you take away kickoffs and change the rules so much,it makes the game no longer genuine. The game is suppose to be controlled chaos and yes..VIOLENCE...with basic rules. Now the game has become murky...and I don't think we want to watch a robotic almost predetermined sport.or outcome. Kick offs are that x factor..special teams. You eliminate that aspect of the game,that takes away not only jobs for many players who otherwise couldn't make a team...THEN B...takes away a fun aspect of the notion MAYBE a team can win a ball game via a kick return. Field position....
Joe Avezanno will probably turn over in his grave, or rise up and go kick Goodell's behind himself if this happens. Man, I miss that guy. R.I.P.


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Let me cash those checks, I wouldn't mind.

And some don’t. But the league obviously trying to switch the narrative that “oh well the players complaining are the only reason to make switches” and pretend like player safety is a real concern until it comes to getting rid of a mid week prime time game that is probably more detrimental to health than kickoffs. League will run themselves into the ground just adding penalties to fix problems than do something like get rid of Thursday’s or add a bye week or anything that helps with actual overall health