There's more tape on Dak now

Get him in that simulator.....and run the Giants Defence tape at him for days........
It is not ironic to state a fact is a fact and that assertations (not just predictions) of what the future will bring are assumptions. Grand assumptions as well.

Qb Power rankings? What the heck is that? Passer rating? I hope you have more than that to go on.

You are right when you say nobody can know. That's the whole point. Some people have said you can't know and those people are being criticized by those claiming otherwise. Those stating with certainty are falsely suggesting those that say we don't know are making assumptions when it is the other way around. Maybe you should respond to them and not me.

And opiniond and predictions are not supported by assumptions. Based on, but not supported by.
As a matter of FACT yes I do have more on Daks ranking in 2016

QB power rankings #4 (they do exist even if YOU are not familiar with them )

QBR he was #3 in the NFL in 2016

AP Rookie of the Year 2016

Sets record for QBR for a rookie QB

As far as the rest you state
"Who assumes he is a one year wonder?
"Many point out the FACT that it is a possibility. I haven't seen many, if any, say that he for sure was. What is puzzling is how many assume, and declare in no uncertain terms, that he is no one year wonder, and is a top five QB in the NFL right now and will win many championships. Now those are some wild assumptions."

I take your statement above as saying it is more a fact that the possibility exists that Dak is a one year wonder but those who also state the opposite to be true is a wild assumption ? When in reality they are both indeed possibilities and assumptions . So in general neither one can be a fact however the possibility of either one happening is just that , a possibility .. in reality he could end up being neither and just be a statistical QB who falls short of the mark as well .. it's all speculation but after one year it APPEARS to be heading in the right direction .. only time will tell

Go Cowboys and I love your beast in your pic !! Let's just hope the cowboys get a defense together that could improve more and stop the gunslingers in this league !!
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Daks burden is that he was so good as a rookie. Now the theory goes that the greatest improvement is usually from year one to year two. That is the load he is carrying. The chances that he can substantially improve on his production are small because he was so good. Which means if he only has slightly weaker stats (and on INTs alone the odds that he can keep them THAT low are astronomical) he going to get a lot of heat.
Just the way it is.

Those expecting a sophomore slump AND those expecting substantial improvement are both projecting something there is no evidence to support.
They will study what the Giants did and the other teams did that appeared to limit him and will try and repeat it. FOR ANYONE to claim that does not matter is to show their true football ignorance.
your really making yourself look dumb, go root for the Seahawks, Falcons, Eagles...pick a bird..or a giant. Go away.
I don't look at college numbers at all. There is a huge sample size of it not meaning a thing when it comes to the NFL.

I don't pay much attention to the college game, so I don't really know how he, or most other players, did while they were in school.
I see...well...I am actually in much the same boat as you these days. Don't have a ton of time to dedicate although I happened to be on a project for an extended period in SEC country (Atlanta) which afforded me a lot of exposure to SEC football in general and Dak in particular (I am a West Coast guy for the most part so my interest of a very cursory nature)...I will say I was impressed with his ability then to take an average team and second tier program to #1 in the country...frankly that is pretty dam remarkable when you let it sink in.

Also, it's pretty clear from paying even nominal attention to our FO draft rhetoric these past few years that they are placing tremendously high value on success at big time programs within big time conferences. Indeed, that emphasis - I would say it has become Will Clay's TOP GUIDING PRINCIPLE - has been the key to our high round draft success for some 7 years running (give or take and not counting the gamble-ridden second round). So, I would have to say that Dak's success (and ever increasingly so) during his 4-year stint at MSU led to is selection as well as the ultimate decision to trust in him as the back-up/fill-in for the injured Tony...instead of getting a veteran.
As a matter of FACT yes I do have more on Daks ranking in 2016

QB power rankings #4 (they do exist even if YOU are not familiar with them )

QBR he was #3 in the NFL in 2016

AP Rookie of the Year 2016

Sets record for QBR for a rookie QB

As far as the rest you state
"Who assumes he is a one year wonder?
"Many point out the FACT that it is a possibility. I haven't seen many, if any, say that he for sure was. What is puzzling is how many assume, and declare in no uncertain terms, that he is no one year wonder, and is a top five QB in the NFL right now and will win many championships. Now those are some wild assumptions."

I take your statement above as saying it is more a fact that the possibility exists that Dak is a one year wonder but those who also state the opposite to be true is a wild assumption ? When in reality they are both indeed possibilities and assumptions . So in general neither one can be a fact however the possibility of either one happening is just that , a possibility .. in reality he could end up being neither and just be a statistical QB who falls short of the mark as well .. it's all speculation but after one year it APPEARS to be heading in the right direction .. only time will tell

Go Cowboys and I love your beast in your pic !! Let's just hope the cowboys get a defense together that could improve more and stop the gunslingers in this league !!

What are you referring to as far as power rakings? Some website's opinion? Like ESPN's power rankings that have no value? Or passer rating?

I think you may be confused on my statements. Saying that it is possible that Dak will be a one year wonder is not the same thing as declaring or stating the opinion that he will be. The former is a fact, while the latter is an assumption/opinion.

Here are three statements:

Dak will not be a one year wonder.
Dak will be a one year wonder.
Dak could be a one year wonder.

The last statement is a fact, while the other two are assumptions. Some who are firmly making the assumption of the first statement are criticizing those who are making the factual last statement. In fact, most of your "final" paragraph is the kind of thing many people I am talking about would criticize. They don't want to allow time to tell. You must firmly believe Dak is heaven sent beyond a shadow of a doubt or you are a hater. That's the problem.

I hope Tapper, Smith, really break through this year, and they have an amazing draft, but I have more hope of 2018 showing more dividends at this point. I hope I'm wrong.

Nice Mustang in your pics. I had one (just a V6) before the Challenger.
I see...well...I am actually in much the same boat as you these days. Don't have a ton of time to dedicate although I happened to be on a project for an extended period in SEC country (Atlanta) which afforded me a lot of exposure to SEC football in general and Dak in particular (I am a West Coast guy for the most part so my interest of a very cursory nature)...I will say I was impressed with his ability then to take an average team and second tier program to #1 in the country...frankly that is pretty dam remarkable when you let it sink in.

Also, it's pretty clear from paying even nominal attention to our FO draft rhetoric these past few years that they are placing tremendously high value on success at big time programs within big time conferences. Indeed, that emphasis - I would say it has become Will Clay's TOP GUIDING PRINCIPLE - has been the key to our high round draft success for some 7 years running (give or take and not counting the gamble-ridden second round). So, I would have to say that Dak's success (and ever increasingly so) during his 4-year stint at MSU led to is selection as well as the ultimate decision to trust in him as the back-up/fill-in for the injured Tony...instead of getting a veteran.

He does appear to be a quick learner (wish I could say the same for the HC). I just hope he's someone who also has a high ceiling.
Anything can be compared, and I wasn't the one who made the original comparison. I just pointed out that Garrett had won more games through this point in his career than Belichick had, which isn't a matter of opinion.

I don't think Jason Garrett is Bill Belichick. I tried, and apparently failed, to convey this by saying 'he's no Belichick.' But I guess that wasn't clear enough for everybody.

And I don't think Dak Prescott is Tom Brady either, for the record. Brady and Belichick aren't just generational greats. They're all-timers.

FYI.........someone has hijacked my username. I did not write hodor, hodor, hodor.
I'm in favor of upgrading over Garrett when the opportunity presents itself. I'm not in favor of changing for the sake of changing because I place a lot of value in organizational consistency. And I think we're really seeing the benefit of that in Dallas right now.

I thought we might have made a play for Jim Harbaugh a few years back, though yeah, I did have concerns about him being able to play nicely with Jerry. Belichick, as I've said, is an all-time great. I like Arians better than Garrett, though he's now rumored to be retiring each offseason and that's not a great sign.

Then again, most people who are fans of football and who aren't fans sitting around in their living room yelling that we should have thrown it when a run doesn't work and run it when a throw doesn't work seem to understand that Jason Garrett is a pretty good coach. It's why you saw multiple teams approach him for HC gigs when he was just a position coach, it's why Jerry elevated him directly rather than risk losing him eventually. It's why his staff and players speak highly of him. It's part of why the team overachieved with some fairly flawed roster in 2011-2013, and it's why we're winning 12 and 13 games with better rosters here recently. It's why he wins COTY awards for the league which aren't at all, as you try to suggest, that easy to come by. It's why all-time greats say good things about him, like the quote in my sig.

I see zero reason why this current team, with a bit of pass rush help and some upgraded talent on defense can't be competing regularly for championships. You might not agree, but it's not like that idea is far-fetched after a 13-3 season with a rookie signal caller. I don't consider that having low standards. I'd suggest instead that fans who want to spend effort and resources fixing what isn't broken instead of addressing what obviously needs attention are the ones not concerned enough about the standards for wins in Dallas right now. We didn't get the 5 Superbowl wins in the first place by doing dumb things once we got close.

Yah..........ummm, Garrett is NOT a good coach. That has been proven over and over again.

Players like him=yes
Great at posing and faking it=yes

But all things when it comes to football he is totally and completely lacking. And no one tell me anymore that everyone plays hard for him. His teams are famous for coming out flat. They dont give up? Whoopdie do. They arent prepared to begin with when it matters most. His teams have a way of getting cocky and overconfident. You hear it from guys all the time.

Scheme, in game management, clock management, 6th sense when it comes to football, discipline. These are the most important traits of a head coach and Garrett is solely lacking in all of them.

He has two very good coordinators handling both sides of the ball and better minds running the draft. He could actually be replaced by almost anyone.

I do agree on continuity, but not inept continuity.
Even with belicheck Dallas getting off to slow starts would've got them stomped by Atlanta. Imo

The Cowboys shouldnt have gotten stomped by anyone. Beat last minute? Sure. They were the best team in the regular season all year. Most physical. Atlanta was great, but they were not nearly as good on the road. The ONLY way the Cowboys were going to beat these high powered teams were to run it down their throats all game long. We didnt do that and we got beat.
The Cowboys shouldnt have gotten stomped by anyone. Beat last minute? Sure. They were the best team in the regular season all year. Most physical. Atlanta was great, but they were not nearly as good on the road. The ONLY way the Cowboys were going to beat these high powered teams were to run it down their throats all game long. We didnt do that and we got beat.

Yes, why we didn't play to our strengths in the Green Bay playoff game I'll never know. That said, this team needs a defense that can bail out its offense when things go wrong. I don't know where it's going to find a pass rush. I'm still miffed at Greg Hardy. I know, I know, let it go, but every time I saw a bad pass rush last season, I felt annoyed at Hardy.
Yes, why we didn't play to our strengths in the Green Bay playoff game I'll never know. That said, this team needs a defense that can bail out its offense when things go wrong. I don't know where it's going to find a pass rush. I'm still miffed at Greg Hardy. I know, I know, let it go, but every time I saw a bad pass rush last season, I felt annoyed at Hardy.

Be annoyed at Jones. He is the one that keeps taking mental cases, drug addicts, injured players in the 2nd round. He also uses the first round on OIinement and RB's. When you have the 4th pick in the draft, you are primed to get your stud corner or pass rusher. Jones took a RB. Love Zeke, but horrible, horrible use of value there.
Be annoyed at Jones. He is the one that keeps taking mental cases, drug addicts, injured players in the 2nd round. He also uses the first round on OIinement and RB's. When you have the 4th pick in the draft, you are primed to get your stud corner or pass rusher. Jones took a RB. Love Zeke, but horrible, horrible use of value there.

I see your point, but Zeke and our great O-line take pressure off the defense. You're point about the taking chances on mental cases and other problem players is spot on though. This team is hurting for someone reliable who can get pressure on the QB. So, yeah, Jones is ultimately responsible for taking care of this need. We'll see what happens in the draft.
I see your point, but Zeke and our great O-line take pressure off the defense. You're point about the taking chances on mental cases and other problem players is spot on though. This team is hurting for someone reliable who can get pressure on the QB. So, yeah, Jones is ultimately responsible for taking care of this need. We'll see what happens in the draft.

absolutely 100% valid point on taking pressure off. And I love nothing more than a pound the rock type offense. And had Jones actually drafted better in the 2nd round, we may not even be where we are with the pass rush. I would settle for him using FA to fill the whole. But Im quite certain that their mismanagement of the cap is forcing them to be more conservative there.
Why isn't all the tape on Brady preventing him from succeeding?
Teams will have a better idea of his tendencies. But they wont be able to project his growth and I believe he will be able to do some things he wasnt able to do last year, so theres no book on that at least. Also his tendencies are to hit the open man and protect the ball. Good luck exposing that lol. Also making it difficult is his ability to run the ball. Dak will be a nightmare for defensive coordinators for years to come!
As a matter of FACT yes I do have more on Daks ranking in 2016

QB power rankings #4 (they do exist even if YOU are not familiar with them )

QBR he was #3 in the NFL in 2016

AP Rookie of the Year 2016

Sets record for QBR for a rookie QB

As far as the rest you state
"Who assumes he is a one year wonder?
"Many point out the FACT that it is a possibility. I haven't seen many, if any, say that he for sure was. What is puzzling is how many assume, and declare in no uncertain terms, that he is no one year wonder, and is a top five QB in the NFL right now and will win many championships. Now those are some wild assumptions."

I take your statement above as saying it is more a fact that the possibility exists that Dak is a one year wonder but those who also state the opposite to be true is a wild assumption ? When in reality they are both indeed possibilities and assumptions . So in general neither one can be a fact however the possibility of either one happening is just that , a possibility .. in reality he could end up being neither and just be a statistical QB who falls short of the mark as well .. it's all speculation but after one year it APPEARS to be heading in the right direction .. only time will tell

Go Cowboys and I love your beast in your pic !! Let's just hope the cowboys get a defense together that could improve more and stop the gunslingers in this league !!

Im not one to speak in absolutes but id honestly be shocked if he didnt end up being a really good qb for us. In my opinion its the head on his shoulders and his heart that will separate him from the pack.

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