Thieves let go, victim goes to jail.

Bob Sacamano;3455475 said:
I've never been in so much agreement with you.

It's pretty typical of some old people. Either they are really nice, or are really mean, there is no middle ground with them. And the mean ones think that because they've been around for so long that the world owes them a favor. And react nasty when they feel affronted.

edit: *** are my quotes being condensed??

Looks like the board software is now showing only part of a person's post and if it gets a to a certain size, the software is putting a link that says "View Full Article" and you have to click on that to see the full post.
Maikeru-sama;3455478 said:
Looks like the board software is now showing only part of a person's post and if it gets a to a certain size, the software is putting a link that says "View Full Article" and you have to click on that to see the full post.
Only if someone quotes a long post. The actual post will show up as a full post.
lol...this isn't the late 1800s where you can just go dueling in the streets over disagreements (EVEN IF I WHOLEHEARTEDLY SUPPORT DUELING!)

If they're stealing your stuff, just call the police and let those that are officially charged with the job do the job. If everyone just started peeling caps in the streets over different stuff, we'd be like Iraq.
Bob Sacamano;3455464 said:
edit: found the answer to what I was looking for.

With that amount of traffic, he could have put a few bullets through a passerby's car.

A stolen trailer is not worth it. For all intents and purposes, he could be charged with endangering the public welfare.

That kind of charge, I could see; shooting at people is really not a good idea, unless of course they're shooting at you... innocent people could get hurt, and over a flatbed trailer (that's probably insured anyway)...

Nope, I don't think the old guy should have shot at them... but they ARE criminals, and I don't have the first clue why they haven't been charged... and for sure, the charges the old guy is facing are completely RIDICULOUS...

Charge him with reckless discharge of a firearm, let him pay the fine... and charge the thieves with theft, throw their butts in jail...

No, I really can't figure out what the law enforcement community in that area is thinking... I can only hope that saner heads will prevail... or like Hos said, put me on the old guy's jury, I'll see to it he doesn't get screwed...
silverbear;3455702 said:
... or like Hos said, put me on the old guy's jury, I'll see to it he doesn't get screwed...
Put us both on that jury. He'd be as safe as in his mama's arms.
Hostile;3455719 said:
Put us both on that jury. He'd be as safe as in his mama's arms.

I kinda think it will be hard to find 12 people and not have at least one of them think the way you and I do...
Gotta wonder what some might think if one of those bullets strayed and hit your son or daughter and killed him/her.

Would you still feel he was justified to go in the street (which I believe is what the police report said) firing off rounds at someone for stealing a trailer?

Let's face it, that trailer get's stolen, it's insured so you'd be covered and/or your homeowners is almost certainly going to cover that. That's why you have insurance.

Those 2 thugs deserve to be dealt with, no question, but you can't go lighting up the street with bullets because of a piece of a piece of property.
Yeagermeister;3454943 said:
And if they aren't, shoot them then drag them in to your house :D

When I was younger (probably 9 or 10) I remember a cop told my mom to do exactly that when she had a question about the drunks that would sometimes mistakenly pull up into our driveway thinking it was the bar down the road.

They told her if someone was on the property, and a threat, shoot them and pull them inside.

Of course I'm sure he was being sarcastic or trying to point out that it's best if they're in the house rather than getting shot outside but none the less he told her that.

daschoo;3454997 said:
i can't believe the number of people who seem to think that shooting at people as they flee should have no consequences.
and obviously the thieves should be jailed/deported

Well if I read the OP correct I believe the man stated that they'd tried to run him over while fleeing. I'd imagine that would constitute them threatening his life, along with his property, by doing so.

Hostile;3455037 said:
They got off lucky. I wouldn't have missed and so far they aren't facing charges.

That's the part that irritates me, along with they've been in this country illegally, involved in all kinds of illegal activity and yet are still here.

As far as I am concerned the old man is justified.

Welcome to America.

The land of allowing illegals to commit crimes and get away with it just so that we don't hurt their feelings.

daschoo;3455059 said:
now that changes things completely.

It was in the link in the OP. It's not new information.

Hostile;3455260 said:
I can't believe you're not outraged at this. They were stealing from him, tried to run him over, and one of them got shot. One guy.

4 counts of attempted 1st degree murder. Four?

First degree, as in premeditated. Uh, that means he conspired and planned to carry out murder. Do you grasp that? So this moron of a DA is saying that this old man baited them to steal the trailer so he could off 2 of them four times.

The second they tried to run him over he was justified to shoot.

If the guy he shot had died the other guy would be facing felony 1st degree murder charges because he died in the commission of a felony.

On top of this the 2 morons who stole the trailer have criminal histories and are here illegally.

Your priorities on who to defend here are seriously screwed up.

THe DA sounds like a real winner. I think sometimes these guys just make up these charges to make things sound much worse to the people they're charging so they can try and scare them into pleaing or something.

The guy seems silly either way for all these charges.

Hostile;3455263 said:

Now people park flat bed trailers right out on the street and these guys were never on this man's property.

Wheat Ridge is such a thriving metropolis too. I bet old man Wallace had neighbors ducking every which way as he blasted away. [/sarcasm]

Discouraging how foolish some people can be.

LOL! Ok rather the description is wrong or not it made me laugh.

Bob Sacamano;3455319 said:
It's there so that illegal immigrants can laugh at us.

Yep. Couldn't agree more.

Hoofbite;3455451 said:
Whatever you say, man.

This area is clearly busy enough to produce just the scenario that I suggested.

Whether or not my definition of "fleeing" is good enough to meet your standards, I really don't give a ****.

What the video shows in regards to the placement of the trailer now is completely irrelevant. Notice he drove the camper straight up to the hitch on the trailer, likely trying to prevent someone from attempting to take it again. The only thing that video shows is whether or not he lives in a "rural" area, which I say he doesn't while you say he does. (Oddly enough my definition of "fleeing" is insufficient but your definition of "rural feel" trumps the actuality of the situation. Whether or not it FEELS rural doesn't matter. The busy street and traffic states otherwise.)

In reality, I've exhausted my interest in this thread. My entire point of shooting in populated area is based on how I viewed the fleeing of the criminals. I stand by claim that shooting in such areas can produce worse results than a stolen trailer.

I also stand by my previous statements that are seemingly going unnoticed when I said he shouldn't be charged but should be made aware of the dangers of firing a weapon in his neighborhood. And lastly, I stand by my statement that the criminals should be charged and it's pretty ridiculous that they are not.

While I'm not totally disagreeing with what you're saying I do wonder this. What time did this happen? I didn't read the Police Report yet, and I don't recall it in the link from the OP, but if this was in the middle of the night I can't imagine that street is anywhere near that busy. I could be wrong, of course, but depending on when this happens it would make a huge difference as to the amount of traffic in the area.

At least I'd imagine it would.

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