Things I Have Learned Today


Salty *******
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I clearly have been living in la-la land with my homer goggles on because I thought we have a talented and deep team that was beating very good teams, while still having room for improvement. My, my, was I wrong?

Here are 25 things that I have learned from wise fans here since our most recent (and apparently lucky) win:

1. This team is lucky to be 3-0 and should probably have been 1-2 given how much we suck;
2. This team has enormous problems on offense that, once exposed, will result in us not winning any more games--especially if we squeak into the playoffs;
3. This team has enormous problems on defensehat, once exposed, will result in us not winning any more games--especially if we squeak into the playoffs;
4. Romo sucks;
5. Romo sucks in the first half;
6. Romo sucks in the red zone;
7. Romo's head is not in the game;
8. Crayton sucks;
9. Ellis sucks;
10. Pacman sucks;
11. Barber sucks--Julius Jones will be better;
12. Our coaching is awful;
13. We are getting penalties because our coaching staff sucks and is too easy/too undisciplined/too sucky;
14. Our players do not want to win;
15. We should fear every team in the league every week;
16. No team should ever fear us because we have so many holes;
17. TO is almost going to blow up;
18. Henry can't be a safety;
19. We can't get a stop when it matters, and when we do, its not because of us--its because the other team messes up;
20. We can't tackle;
21. Our linebackers are too slow;
22. We can't hold on to the ball;
23. We should switch our entire defense back to a 4-3 because we our personal would be better there or something;
24. This teams deserves no credit or cheering for anything until they get a playoff win; and
25. Anyone who says otherwise is just a homer who can't see the reality that this 3-0 team just isn't that good.

Boy, we are really lucky to not be winless at this point.

Who should we take in the draft next year when we get the first overall pick after sucking so much?


Well-Known Member
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cobra;2279216 said:
I clearly have been living in la-la land with my homer goggles on because I thought we have a talented and deep team that was beating very good teams, while still having room for improvement. My, my, was I wrong?

Here are 25 things that I have learned from wise fans here since our most recent (and apparently lucky) win:

1. This team is lucky to be 3-0 and should probably have been 1-2 given how much we suck;
2. This team has enormous problems on offense that, once exposed; will result in us not winning any more games--especially if we squeak into the playoffs;
3. This team has enormous problems on defensehat, once exposed; will result in us not winning any more games--especially if we squeak into the playoffs;
4. Romo sucks;
5. Romo sucks in the first half;
6. Romo sucks in the red zone;
7. Romo's head is not in the game;
8. Crayton sucks;
9. Ellis sucks;
10. Pacman sucks;
11. Barber sucks--Julius Jones will be better;
12. Our coaching is awful;
13. We are getting penalties because our coaching staff sucks and is too easy/too undisciplined/too sucky;
14. Our players do not want to win;
15. We should fear every team in the league every week;
16. No team should ever fear us because we have so many holes;
17. TO is almost going to blow up;
18. Henry can't be a safety;
19. We can't get a stop when it matters, and when we do, its not because of us--its because the other team messes up;
20. We can't tackle;
21. Our linebackers are too slow;
22. We can't hold on to the ball;
23. We should switch our entire defense back to a 4-3 because we our personal would be better there or something;
24. This teams deserves no credit or cheering for anything until they get a playoff win; and
25. Anyone who says otherwise is just a homer who can't see the reality that this 3-0 team just isn't that good.

Boy, we are really lucky to not be winless at this point.

Who should we take in the draft next year when we get the first overall pick after sucking so much?


I guess this team is perfect.


Reaction score
cobra;2279216 said:
I clearly have been living in la-la land with my homer goggles on because I thought we have a talented and deep team that was beating very good teams, while still having room for improvement. My, my, was I wrong?

Here are 25 things that I have learned from wise fans here since our most recent (and apparently lucky) win:

1. This team is lucky to be 3-0 and should probably have been 1-2 given how much we suck;
2. This team has enormous problems on offense that, once exposed, will result in us not winning any more games--especially if we squeak into the playoffs;
3. This team has enormous problems on defensehat, once exposed, will result in us not winning any more games--especially if we squeak into the playoffs;
4. Romo sucks;
5. Romo sucks in the first half;
6. Romo sucks in the red zone;
7. Romo's head is not in the game;
8. Crayton sucks;
9. Ellis sucks;
10. Pacman sucks;
11. Barber sucks--Julius Jones will be better;
12. Our coaching is awful;
13. We are getting penalties because our coaching staff sucks and is too easy/too undisciplined/too sucky;
14. Our players do not want to win;
15. We should fear every team in the league every week;
16. No team should ever fear us because we have so many holes;
17. TO is almost going to blow up;
18. Henry can't be a safety;
19. We can't get a stop when it matters, and when we do, its not because of us--its because the other team messes up;
20. We can't tackle;
21. Our linebackers are too slow;
22. We can't hold on to the ball;
23. We should switch our entire defense back to a 4-3 because we our personal would be better there or something;
24. This teams deserves no credit or cheering for anything until they get a playoff win; and
25. Anyone who says otherwise is just a homer who can't see the reality that this 3-0 team just isn't that good.

Boy, we are really lucky to not be winless at this point.

Who should we take in the draft next year when we get the first overall pick after sucking so much?


That cracks me up.


Salty *******
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fortdick;2279219 said:

I guess this team is perfect.

Nothing is perfect. Everything is flawed.

Some of you need to have your head shoved up Voltaire's *** until you can appreciate the meaning of his famous line:

"The perfect is the enemy of the good."


Brain Dead Shill
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Bro, you've barely scratched the surface. That list could easily be 100 deep.

...but I feel ya.


Salty *******
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tomson75;2279233 said:
Bro, you've barely scratched the surface. That list could easily be 100 deep.

Yeah, but that list is good enough to show how sucky we are.

Incidentally, how far gone does a person's grasp of reality have to be in order to reach the point where the independent media is more complimentary to a team then one who is a fan(atic) supporter?


It aint no fun when the rabbit got the gun
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You should know Cowboys fans by now..

We could be 12-0 right now and find something to complain about.

Heck,alot of cowboy fan could be stranded on a deserted island with hundreds of topless women and complain about the humidity..


Illegitimi non carborundum
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I don't know what is more annoying. The "sky is falling posters" who just focus on the bad or the "pie in the sky" posters who feel compelled to ridicule anyone who criticizes a play or a performance.

Both groups need to understand that this is a very, very good team that is not perfect. It is legitimate to both revel in the victory and the great plays that were made and, at the same time, discuss the bad. For heaven's sake I just don't understand the people that need to feel holier than thou.


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festus;2279247 said:
You should know Cowboys fans by now..

We could be 12-0 right now and find something to complain about.

Heck,alot of cowboy fan could be stranded on a deserted island with hundreds of topless women and complain about the humidity..


So true.

Big D

Well-Known Member
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festus;2279247 said:
You should know Cowboys fans by now..

We could be 12-0 right now and find something to complain about.

Heck,alot of cowboy fan could be stranded on a deserted island with hundreds of topless women and complain about the humidity..

Hey! nice avatar! :D


It aint no fun when the rabbit got the gun
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Big D;2279270 said:
Hey! nice avatar! :D

Thats a nice'n you gots too, I thought I was the onliest one to have such a mug..


Salty *******
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LeonDixson;2279255 said:
IBoth groups need to understand that this is a very, very good team that is not perfect. It is legitimate to both revel in the victory and the great plays that were made and, at the same time, discuss the bad.

Yes, it's legitimate. But there is a degree of emphasis that you aren't acknowledging.

CrazyCowboy--amazingly--is one of the most reasonable people I've read in the last 24 hours. He gets it. "Yay, we won! Go Cowboys! We can do better here and there, but this is great and we will be even better when we fix them!" That is a reasonable reaction.

All the BS about how this team has serious and fundamental flaws that are just waiting to be exposed such that we will be a bottom-feeder is what is annoying.

Take the following two reactions:

1. Yeah, this team is looking good and is beating tough teams. We have room for improvement, but that should be a cause of excitement because it means we can get better.

2. Yeah, this team has managed to win a couple of games, but they are meaningless now, and if the team doesn't fix the following X problems, we won't be winning anything later.

Both of those reactions are acknowledging the lack of perfection. But are you clever enough to spot that difference in emphasis?

Consider the Voltaire quotation above. The perfect is the enemy of the good. Which one of those reactions is making the perfect the enemy of the good, and which one is enjoying the good while hoping for perfection?


Just Dez It
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festus;2279247 said:
You should know Cowboys fans by now..

We could be 12-0 right now and find something to complain about.

I'd be a bit concerned about the 9 extra games.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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cobra;2279284 said:
Yes, it's legitimate. But there is a degree of emphasis that you aren't acknowledging.

CrazyCowboy--amazingly--is one of the most reasonable people I've read in the last 24 hours. He gets it. "Yay, we won! Go Cowboys! We can do better here and there, but this is great and we will be even better when we fix them!" That is a reasonable reaction.

All the BS about how this team has serious and fundamental flaws that are just waiting to be exposed such that we will be a bottom-feeder is what is annoying.

Take the following two reactions:

1. Yeah, this team is looking good and is beating tough teams. We have room for improvement, but that should be a cause of excitement because it means we can get better.

2. Yeah, this team has managed to win a couple of games, but they are meaningless now, and if the team doesn't fix the following X problems, we won't be winning anything later.

Both of those reactions are acknowledging the lack of perfection. But are you clever enough to spot that difference in emphasis?

Consider the Voltaire quotation above. The perfect is the enemy of the good. Which one of those reactions is making the perfect the enemy of the good, and which one is enjoying the good while hoping for perfection?
So you can dish out the criticism, but get defensive when you are criticized? Are you arrogant enough to think you can stop the posts in example #2 by your post? That's clever.


That Guy
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I feel you Cobra.

It comes down to most Cowboys fans are spoiled. Most of them grew up when they were winning every year, and think that's their birthright. Of course we did have a decade of mostly terrible teams, but that did nothing but make them more spoiled when we are good.

I was watching the game with a buddy last night... the first time this year I've watched a game with this particular guy. Last season we watched a few together, and I found it unbearable, because -- although we were 13-3 -- he always complained that Roy sucked, JJ sucked, Romo made boneheaded decisions, etc. etc.

So last night, against my better judgment, watched the game in the same room as him. The very first play from scrimmage of the game, he starts whining about our CBs playing 10 yards off the WRs. I said, get used to it, it's a WCO and it's going to be like that all night. Sure enough I was right, and sure enough, we held them to three FGs until we started playing "Funnel to the Middle Prevent" Defense. Meanwhile I was basking in the glow of a great defensive performance despite our CBs playing 10 yards off. Funny how that happens. Guess those coaches sometimes get it right. Those armchair coaches can keep complaining for all I care... we're winning, and I'm gonna enjoy it.


Salty *******
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LeonDixson;2279307 said:
So you can dish out the criticism, but get defensive when you are criticized? Are you arrogant enough to think you can stop the posts in example #2 by your post? That's clever.

Defensive? It's defensive to respond to your weak attempt at tu quoque? Ehh... no? That's generally just what we call a conversation.

Am I arrogant enough to think I will stop the crap? Ehh... no?

But I will tell you what I am: I am hopeful enough that I thought I might make some people think before they try to be Capt. Criticism of the H.M.S. NeverSatisfied and make yet another post suggesting that our team has such glaring and fundamental problems. I am hopeful enough that some people may say, "yeah, maybe I'm looking a gifthorse in the mouth and not just being a hopeful fan enjoying my team."


Illegitimi non carborundum
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cobra;2279323 said:
Defensive? It's defensive to respond to your week attempt at tu quoque? Ehh... no? That's generally just what we call a conversation.

Am I arrogant enough to think I will stop the crap? Ehh... no?

But I will tell you what I am: I am hopeful enough that I thought I might make some people think before they try to be Capt. Criticism of the H.M.S. NeverSatisfied and make yet another post suggesting that our team has such glaring and fundamental problems. I am hopeful enough that some people may say, "yeah, maybe I'm looking a gifthorse in the mouth and not just being a hopeful fan enjoying my team."

Look, Cobra. I've read enough of your posts to know you are a smart person. Your original post was sarcastic to begin with and then when you responded to my post you had to throw that "are you clever enough" comment in there. That is arrogant, condescending and defensive.

I see almost as many "let's ridicule the sky is falling posters" posts every week as I do the "we'll never win a playoff because we're dog poop" Threads. Both are annoying.