Things I Have Learned Today


Brain Dead Shill
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LeonDixson;2279342 said:
I see almost as many "let's ridicule the sky is falling posters" posts every week as I do the "we'll never win a playoff because we're dog poop" Threads. Both are annoying.

Well, if you're referencing behavior during game threads...which is where much of the animosity stems seems that the 'let's ridicule the sky is falling posters' have been right 16 of the last 20 times. I'd say we have a little more ground to stand on here. IMO, of course.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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tomson75;2279350 said:
Well, if you're referencing behavior during game threads...which is where much of the animosity stems seems that the 'let's ridicule the sky is falling posters' have been right 16 of the last 20 times. I'd say we have a little more ground to stand on here. IMO, of course.

I don't usually look at the game threads during the game. Only at half-time and after the game. If that's where the animosity coming from then it should be dealt with there. Coming in the next day and posting about other fans is like having an argument with a co-worker in a small setting and then going around the cafeteria complaining to everybody else about it.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
tomson75;2279350 said:
Well, if you're referencing behavior during game threads...which is where much of the animosity stems from.

Yea ..... I do not know how anyone could defend people who give up on a team midway through the first half.

Its the same posters every week ...... "game over" .... "this defense sucks" .... "no way we win a superbowl with this crew" ..... "Romo blows in big games"

It gets very frustrating for those of us who are not invested in failure.


New Member
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Wow, all this coming from Cowboy fans? No wonder other teams fans hate us.

I'm just glad that Dallas is a good team again. It's been so long. Now time for a Super Bowl win! :bow:


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Good post, Cobra!

Yeah, this team makes mistakes, but name a team that dosen't? But all this complaining after a big win? That blows me away!

I guess some citizens would gripe if they got hung with a new rope!

I can understand someone saying that the team perhaps needs to improve in some areas, but at the same time, give the damn team some credit! That is what irks credit given, it's all downhill, all bad, no good!

Ungrateful...when what they are seeing is something to be very grateful for. I suppose they might be a little more happy wit a 5 - 11 team?

:cool: I would love to live in their perfect world! How about you?


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
zrinkill;2279366 said:
Yea ..... I do not know how anyone could defend people who give up on a team midway through the first half.

Its the same posters every week ...... "game over" .... "this defense sucks" .... "no way we win a superbowl with this crew" ..... "Romo blows in big games"

It gets very frustrating for those of us who are not invested in failure.




Well-Known Member
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LeonDixson;2279255 said:
I don't know what is more annoying. The "sky is falling posters" who just focus on the bad or the "pie in the sky" posters who feel compelled to ridicule anyone who criticizes a play or a performance.

Both groups need to understand that this is a very, very good team that is not perfect. It is legitimate to both revel in the victory and the great plays that were made and, at the same time, discuss the bad. For heaven's sake I just don't understand the people that need to feel holier than thou.

Exactly. I agree. :bow: :hammer: Well put. Couldnt have said it better myself. And every other way imaginable to say that what you put should be bolded and all posters should read before replying to this thread.

Nice work sir.


Lightning Rod
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LeonDixson;2279255 said:
I don't know what is more annoying. The "sky is falling posters" who just focus on the bad or the "pie in the sky" posters who feel compelled to ridicule anyone who criticizes a play or a performance.

Both groups need to understand that this is a very, very good team that is not perfect. It is legitimate to both revel in the victory and the great plays that were made and, at the same time, discuss the bad. For heaven's sake I just don't understand the people that need to feel holier than thou.

The only reason people love to discuss the bad is that when the bad happens at some point, and no team goes undefeated, they can then say, see I knew this would happen, remember I told you back,,,,


Regular Joe....
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5Stars;2279381 said:
I guess some citizens would gripe if they got hung with a new rope!

If it's all the same to you, I'd rather have the old rope. If I gotta hang, you may be sure that I'm placing all my faith in that .0002% chance that the old rope breaks and I live to watch another Cowboy game.



New Member
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Nothing like thin skinned fans who only want to see what they want to see and that everything is either black or white


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
ABQCOWBOY;2279395 said:
If it's all the same to you, I'd rather have the old rope. If I gotta hang, you may be sure that I'm placing all my faith in that .0002% chance that the old rope breaks and I live to watch another Cowboy game.


Good point! I never thought about that! :confused:



Well-Known Member
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cobra;2279216 said:
I clearly have been living in la-la land with my homer goggles on because I thought we have a talented and deep team that was beating very good teams, while still having room for improvement. My, my, was I wrong?

Here are 25 things that I have learned from wise fans here since our most recent (and apparently lucky) win:

1. This team is lucky to be 3-0 and should probably have been 1-2 given how much we suck;
2. This team has enormous problems on offense that, once exposed, will result in us not winning any more games--especially if we squeak into the playoffs;
3. This team has enormous problems on defensehat, once exposed, will result in us not winning any more games--especially if we squeak into the playoffs;
4. Romo sucks;
5. Romo sucks in the first half;
6. Romo sucks in the red zone;
7. Romo's head is not in the game;
8. Crayton sucks;
9. Ellis sucks;
10. Pacman sucks;
11. Barber sucks--Julius Jones will be better;
12. Our coaching is awful;
13. We are getting penalties because our coaching staff sucks and is too easy/too undisciplined/too sucky;
14. Our players do not want to win;
15. We should fear every team in the league every week;
16. No team should ever fear us because we have so many holes;
17. TO is almost going to blow up;
18. Henry can't be a safety;
19. We can't get a stop when it matters, and when we do, its not because of us--its because the other team messes up;
20. We can't tackle;
21. Our linebackers are too slow;
22. We can't hold on to the ball;
23. We should switch our entire defense back to a 4-3 because we our personal would be better there or something;
24. This teams deserves no credit or cheering for anything until they get a playoff win; and
25. Anyone who says otherwise is just a homer who can't see the reality that this 3-0 team just isn't that good.

Boy, we are really lucky to not be winless at this point.

Who should we take in the draft next year when we get the first overall pick after sucking so much?

aint that the truth. i heard the same ol same ol last night. Rogers is better than romo, we escaped the let down game with the packers, but the Commanders will definitely beat us, yada yada yada. I was like go be a chiefs fan or something so you can have a real reason to complain, and let me enjoy the win. We have time to get better.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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peplaw06;2279315 said:
I feel you Cobra.

It comes down to most Cowboys fans are spoiled. Most of them grew up when they were winning every year, and think that's their birthright. Of course we did have a decade of mostly terrible teams, but that did nothing but make them more spoiled when we are good.

And I have to think, too, that some fans just never watch other teams play. No, we aren't perfect -- no team is. But the good news is, we don't have to be.

It's like what Churchill said about democracy. Or the old joke about the guy not having to outrun the bear, he just has to outrun his buddy. ;)

But if people watched other teams every once in a while, they would see that we're better than pretty much all of them.


Salty *******
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tomson75;2279350 said:
Well, if you're referencing behavior during game threads...which is where much of the animosity stems seems that the 'let's ridicule the sky is falling posters' have been right 16 of the last 20 times. I'd say we have a little more ground to stand on here. IMO, of course.

I think this touches on a good point.

If we were an 8-8 team, one would expect an even distribution between "sky is falling" and "let's ridicule the sky is falling crew."

If we were in the middle of three 5-11 seasons, one might expect much more "sky is falling" post than those telling them to shut up.

However, this is neither of those things. This is a team that is playing like one of the--if not the--best teams in the league. There should be very few "sky is falling" posts. The problem here is there are too many. It is irrational to have this many complaints and worried posts.

Look, being a "fan" means being a "fanatic" supporter of a team. Typically this manifests itself in an overly optimistic outlook regarding the prospects of a team. Something is seriously wrong when the independent media speaks more highly and gives more credit to a team than that team's fan(atic)s.

Criticism is fine. The issue is the balance here; it's grossly disproportionate to the situation.


Hawaiian Cowboy
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cobra;2279216 said:
I clearly have been living in la-la land with my homer goggles on because I thought we have a talented and deep team that was beating very good teams, while still having room for improvement. My, my, was I wrong?

Here are 25 things that I have learned from wise fans here since our most recent (and apparently lucky) win:

1. This team is lucky to be 3-0 and should probably have been 1-2 given how much we suck;
2. This team has enormous problems on offense that, once exposed, will result in us not winning any more games--especially if we squeak into the playoffs;
3. This team has enormous problems on defensehat, once exposed, will result in us not winning any more games--especially if we squeak into the playoffs;
4. Romo sucks;
5. Romo sucks in the first half;
6. Romo sucks in the red zone;
7. Romo's head is not in the game;
8. Crayton sucks;
9. Ellis sucks;
10. Pacman sucks;
11. Barber sucks--Julius Jones will be better;
12. Our coaching is awful;
13. We are getting penalties because our coaching staff sucks and is too easy/too undisciplined/too sucky;
14. Our players do not want to win;
15. We should fear every team in the league every week;
16. No team should ever fear us because we have so many holes;
17. TO is almost going to blow up;
18. Henry can't be a safety;
19. We can't get a stop when it matters, and when we do, its not because of us--its because the other team messes up;
20. We can't tackle;
21. Our linebackers are too slow;
22. We can't hold on to the ball;
23. We should switch our entire defense back to a 4-3 because we our personal would be better there or something;
24. This teams deserves no credit or cheering for anything until they get a playoff win; and
25. Anyone who says otherwise is just a homer who can't see the reality that this 3-0 team just isn't that good.

Boy, we are really lucky to not be winless at this point.

Who should we take in the draft next year when we get the first overall pick after sucking so much?

:lmao: Way to put our season in perspective. This would be even funnier if you put down the authors of the top 25 list you have up there.


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Chocolate Lab;2279411 said:
And I have to think, too, that some fans just never watch other teams play. No, we aren't perfect -- no team is. But the good news is, we don't have to be.

It's like what Churchill said about democracy. Or the old joke about the guy not having to outrun the bear, he just has to outrun his buddy. ;)

But if people watched other teams every once in a while, they would see that we're better than pretty much all of them.
Very good point. Your understanding of what actual good football changes alot if you're watching alot of football.

For instance, depending on whether or not you've got the ticket, you might not have seen the Giants defense blow a late lead to let the Bengals tie the game - and they only JUST tied the game because Palmer bungled the clock management at the end, or they'd have been able to try for a TD. You probably also didn't see the duck Manning floated before the pass to Toomer that gets sportscenter love that SHOULD have been intercepted by the Bengals in overtime.

You also wouldn't have seen jay Cutler throw an interception into double coverage when his team was up 21-3 (iirc) and taking over the game, only to have momentum shift to a shootout as the Broncos pathetic defense got exposed over and over again.

You also probably didn't see Buffalo get completely dominated by the freaking Raiders before Rob Ryan put it in prevent and allowed Trent Edwards to nickle and dime em until eventually Buffalo won a game they should have lost.

All 3-0 teams that had spotty performances.


Regular Joe....
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I don't really think it's ever a bad thing to reflect on yourself and determine what your strengths are and what your short comings might be. I spend a decent amount of time on other boards and one of the things that irratates me the most are posters who refuse to admit they have deficiancies in there teams play.

I guess I don't look at this as complaining. I look at it as a mental evaluation of how the team is progressing. I mean, maybe it's the same thing but that's not how I look at it. To me, if your not constintly evaluating your self and yoru team, then your not doing what's required to be a champion.

I have no problem with anybody who just wants to kick back and enjoy the ride. That's up to you. If that's how you get enjoyment out of the season, OK. Cool.

For me, it's all about Championships. If I'm just interested in the Football, then I'd rather watch Pop Warner or Highschool or even College. For me, Pro is about winning Championships. That's it.


Brain Dead Shill
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ABQCOWBOY;2279460 said:
I spend a decent amount of time on other boards and one of the things that irratates me the most are posters who refuse to admit they have deficiancies in there teams play.

I've never had the pleasure of coming across a single poster like this. Hell, not even CC.

That's typically a response of the crybabies IMO....but just like the people who think that Roy Williams is a Hall of Famer (another cute response)....they don't actually exist.

Some posters are actually capable of discussing weaknesses without whining...and the rest, well they just respond with 'homer' labels.


Lightning Rod
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Problem with that view AB is that most years, you will not be satisfied or happy. If that is the case, why watch?

Winning it all is great but in the end, if that is all that matters, you get little joy out of watching as you are guaranteed to be upset most of the time.