Things I Have Learned Today


Regular Joe....
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tomson75;2279480 said:
I've never had the pleasure of coming across a single poster like this. Hell, not even CC.

That's typically a response of the crybabies IMO....but just like the people who think that Roy Williams is a Hall of Famer (another cute response)....they don't actually exist.

Some posters are actually capable of discussing weaknesses without whining...and the rest, well they just respond with 'homer' labels.

Extreme Much?



Salty *******
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ABQCOWBOY;2279460 said:
For me, it's all about Championships. If I'm just interested in the Football, then I'd rather watch Pop Warner or Highschool or even College. For me, Pro is about winning Championships. That's it.

You can't win a Championship in September. So to take the point that the only goal is to win the Lombardi--an issue I agree upon--and use that as a discrediting or devaluing of the regular season, one is missing out on the a large portion of what makes the NFL great.

Trot out the "It's only about the Lombardis" argument in the playoffs when people are just talking about how great it was to win a game.

But don't trot it out now and act devalue the joy of watching these games and cheering for the game week-to-week.

(And there is a fundamental difference between "admitting the deficiencies" as you said and "focusing on every problem in a manner disproportionate to the need for concern to the point of discrediting the positive."

Clearly its only the later anyone has a problem with. I'll admit the areas we need to improve on, but I see those as opportunities--not as unfixable fundamental flaws as many are doing.)


Well-Known Member
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It's the "Wewonbut" crowd.

Yeah...we won....but....

These people would probably be dissatisfied after a night with Scarlett Johanssen, even if she was like totally filthy. They're chasing an unattainable carrot while the rest of us are coming like Arnold Schwarzzenegger.


Brain Dead Shill
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Hell, half the time I want to ***** about something, I find someone else has already started to....but by saying things like "Wade sucks donkey balls", "TO is too slow and old", "I'm glad Williams broke his arm", or my personal favorite..."our defense is so soft that we'll be lucky to win 5 games".

...and I suddenly find myself arguing for the point that I had originally came on to ***** about. It's terribly irritating. :D


Regular Joe....
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CanadianCowboysFan;2279490 said:
Problem with that view AB is that most years, you will not be satisfied or happy. If that is the case, why watch?

Winning it all is great but in the end, if that is all that matters, you get little joy out of watching as you are guaranteed to be upset most of the time.

That's true. Most years, I end up disappointed. But, I love Cowboy Football and because of that, hope is eternal for me. Seriously, Pro Football is not the best Football IMO. If your simply interested in the game, then I get much more satisfaction out of watching HS ball or even Pop Warner or YAFL. There is definatly a measure of enjoyment I get out of that as well. For me, thats just for the fun of the sport.

It's true, your right on. Most years, I end up disappointed but I'd rather do this then be a Cleveland Fan or something like that. Take pride in the fact that your team loses every year and you still are a Fan. I mean, I understand you can't win every year but you should never be a team that loses every year either. I mean, that, to me, is worse. How can you just accept the fact that your team is going to suck year after year and thats the deal? I don't understand that mind set at all.


Regular Joe....
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cobra;2279500 said:
You can't win a Championship in September. So to take the point that the only goal is to win the Lombardi--an issue I agree upon--and use that as a discrediting or devaluing of the regular season, one is missing out on the a large portion of what makes the NFL great.

Trot out the "It's only about the Lombardis" argument in the playoffs when people are just talking about how great it was to win a game.

But don't trot it out now and act devalue the joy of watching these games and cheering for the game week-to-week.

(And there is a fundamental difference between "admitting the deficiencies" as you said and "focusing on every problem in a manner disproportionate to the need for concern to the point of discrediting the positive."

Clearly its only the later anyone has a problem with. I'll admit the areas we need to improve on, but I see those as opportunities--not as unfixable fundamental flaws as many are doing.)

I disagree. This is exactly when you win them. You win Champoinships in April, in May and even in September.

I can't speak for everybody. In truth, I wouldn't want to. However, a thead like this one, is just as useless as the ones your complaining about.

The truth of this is that we are all on a message board and we all have our own specific points of view. We all value our own opinions more then we value the others posted. In most cases, none of them are any more relivant or irrelivant then another. Everybody gets something out of the Cowboys that he or she enjoys. If they didn't, they wouldn't be a member of this board. It is what it is. But what it is for me is no more or less relivant then what it is for you or anybody else.

For me, it's championships. That's the only reason I watch the NFL. I'm honest about it and I'm not ashamed of it. This game is way to hypocritical for me to pretend it's anything more then that, for me.


New Member
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Nice post. :D

I'm glad I wasn't drinking when I opened this thread because I would have ruined at least one monitor with overspray.


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Death, taxes, and a "How dare you not enjoy this victory as much as I do!" thread from the usual suspects. Here's a better idea: don't tell other people how to think, feel, emote, or post. Kay?


Brain Dead Shill
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bbgun;2279574 said:
Death, taxes, and a "How dare you not enjoy this victory as much as I do!" thread from the usual suspects. Here's a better idea: don't tell other people how to think, feel, emote, or post. Kay?

Exactly....but I reserve the option to ridicule them within the guidelines when I'm 'more correct' than they are. ;)


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Thread of the week, perhaps the thread of the month...

Most fun of all is watching the usual suspects trying to defend their relentless negativity...

Well done, Cobra....


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tomson75;2279580 said:
Exactly....but I reserve the option to ridicule them within the guidelines when I'm 'more correct' than they are. ;)

Some fans criticize the team, and some fans call out other fans for "insufficient happiness or idolatry." I know which is more obnoxious.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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superpunk;2279505 said:
It's the "Wewonbut" crowd.

I can explain that-- it seems that Cowboys Zoneis the federally designated reservation for the Wewonbut tribe...

It really is startling, reading a few threads over on Extremeskins, where they stay optimistic right up to the bitter end, and reading a few threads in here, where all is gloom and doom even when things are going GREAT...

Talk about two entirely different mindsets...


Well-Known Member
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bbgun;2279602 said:
Some fans criticize the team, and some fans call out other fans for "insufficient happiness or idolatry." I know which is more obnoxious.
Me too.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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tomson75;2279506 said:
Hell, half the time I want to ***** about something, I find someone else has already started to....but by saying things like "Wade sucks donkey balls", "TO is too slow and old", "I'm glad Williams broke his arm", or my personal favorite..."our defense is so soft that we'll be lucky to win 5 games".

...and I suddenly find myself arguing for the point that I had originally came on to ***** about. It's terribly irritating. :D

LOL... tomson, I hear ya... I've had the same thing happen to me, I come in here thinking I'll outline the things I saw that bothered me, then I read people goin' so far off the deep end that I wind up defending the Boys...


That Guy
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ABQCOWBOY;2279534 said:
I disagree. This is exactly when you win them. You win Champoinships in April, in May and even in September.

I can't speak for everybody. In truth, I wouldn't want to. However, a thead like this one, is just as useless as the ones your complaining about.

The truth of this is that we are all on a message board and we all have our own specific points of view. We all value our own opinions more then we value the others posted. In most cases, none of them are any more relivant or irrelivant then another. Everybody gets something out of the Cowboys that he or she enjoys. If they didn't, they wouldn't be a member of this board. It is what it is. But what it is for me is no more or less relivant then what it is for you or anybody else.

For me, it's championships. That's the only reason I watch the NFL. I'm honest about it and I'm not ashamed of it. This game is way to hypocritical for me to pretend it's anything more then that, for me.
We were undefeated in September last year. Where's my 6th Lombardi?


Regular Joe....
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peplaw06;2279640 said:
We were undefeated in September last year. Where's my 6th Lombardi?

That's kinda the point, isn't it? We were remarkably simular at a simular stage last year. We failed to win a playoff game. We lost because we didn't play a smart football game. We allowed ourselves to get by, most of the year, on superior talent. When we were faced with a situation where we didn't have superior talent available to us, we didn't play the kind of error free football that it would have taken to win.

So I guess I would ask you the same question, where did our Lombardi go last year and why should I feel safe in the fact that because we are playing football over this first three games with an average of 9 penalties for 81 yards a contest, 1 Int and 1.6 fumbles a contest, I should feel safe in the fact that we will win one this year?

I'm not saying we are not a good team. I'm just saying I've seen this before and the outcome was not good.


The Grand Poobah
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LeonDixson;2279255 said:
I don't know what is more annoying. The "sky is falling posters" who just focus on the bad or the "pie in the sky" posters who feel compelled to ridicule anyone who criticizes a play or a performance.

Both groups need to understand that this is a very, very good team that is not perfect. It is legitimate to both revel in the victory and the great plays that were made and, at the same time, discuss the bad. For heaven's sake I just don't understand the people that need to feel holier than thou.

Amen Bro...Post of the day...:bravo:


Injured Reserve
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cobra;2279216 said:
I clearly have been living in la-la land with my homer goggles on because I thought we have a talented and deep team that was beating very good teams, while still having room for improvement. My, my, was I wrong?

Here are 25 things that I have learned from wise fans here since our most recent (and apparently lucky) win:

1. This team is lucky to be 3-0 and should probably have been 1-2 given how much we suck;
2. This team has enormous problems on offense that, once exposed, will result in us not winning any more games--especially if we squeak into the playoffs;
3. This team has enormous problems on defensehat, once exposed, will result in us not winning any more games--especially if we squeak into the playoffs;
4. Romo sucks;
5. Romo sucks in the first half;
6. Romo sucks in the red zone;
7. Romo's head is not in the game;
8. Crayton sucks;
9. Ellis sucks;
10. Pacman sucks;
11. Barber sucks--Julius Jones will be better;
12. Our coaching is awful;
13. We are getting penalties because our coaching staff sucks and is too easy/too undisciplined/too sucky;
14. Our players do not want to win;
15. We should fear every team in the league every week;
16. No team should ever fear us because we have so many holes;
17. TO is almost going to blow up;
18. Henry can't be a safety;
19. We can't get a stop when it matters, and when we do, its not because of us--its because the other team messes up;
20. We can't tackle;
21. Our linebackers are too slow;
22. We can't hold on to the ball;
23. We should switch our entire defense back to a 4-3 because we our personal would be better there or something;
24. This teams deserves no credit or cheering for anything until they get a playoff win; and
25. Anyone who says otherwise is just a homer who can't see the reality that this 3-0 team just isn't that good.

Boy, we are really lucky to not be winless at this point.

Who should we take in the draft next year when we get the first overall pick after sucking so much?

You forgot one:

26. The only reason why we won last night is because Roy Williams didn't play.


That Guy
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ABQCOWBOY;2279675 said:
That's kinda the point, isn't it? We were remarkably simular at a simular stage last year. We failed to win a playoff game. We lost because we didn't play a smart football game. We allowed ourselves to get by, most of the year, on superior talent. When we were faced with a situation where we didn't have superior talent available to us, we didn't play the kind of error free football that it would have taken to win.

So I guess I would ask you the same question, where did our Lombardi go last year and why should I feel safe in the fact that because we are playing football over this first three games with an average of 9 penalties for 81 yards a contest, 1 Int and 1.6 fumbles a contest, I should feel safe in the fact that we will win one this year?

I'm not saying we are not a good team. I'm just saying I've seen this before and the outcome was not good.
That may be the point of the thread, but not of your post. You said that Championships can be won in September. I just disagree. They can be lost in September, but they can only be won in January.

The good news is that last season and this season we haven't lost the championship in September. We just have to get better results in January. And I think everyone acknowledges that. If your concerns now are the same issues we saw in January, then the good news is that we can get better, since this is just the beginning of the season.

You're not going to feel completely safe that we'll win one this year until it actually happens. I know I'm not. No one's denying we have areas of concern. I'm just denying the belief of some that we have lost the Championship in September.