I'm not glad. I wish both Parham and Brooks would come back to school. If Parham improved as much in '06 as he did in '05, he might well find himself being selected in the first half of the first round.
I won't claim to be an expert on VA football, but I see all their home games in person, see the away games that are televised and listen to the rest on the radio. And I can say that when Brooks was healthy and the VA defense was on the field, all you ever heard was "Tackle by Brooks." "Tackle by Brooks." "Tackle by Brooks."
No one knows anything about his back or whatever happened between he and the coaching staff because Groh employs Parcells' one voice policy and never releases any info about players. So it all may be a non-issue. His knee was. News outlets reported anything from a broken leg to multiple torn ligaments. As it turned out he'd had a cyst removed from behind his knee. There was no injury and he made a 100% recovery. The first game he returned to full-time play, however, he sprained an ankle. Then word was he had back problems, and something surfaced about a disagreement with the coaches.
Parcells will undoubtedly get the whole truth from Groh. I think that if Brooks ends up in Dallas we can all assume things surrounding Ahmad were speculated and blown out of proportion.