Things you don't hear or see anymore

"Drink Schaefer, it's safer
Cause Schlitz gives ya the ****s!"
There was a reason the logo was brown.

But back in the day, you had to declare Bud or Schlitz or drink PBR while hidden. Also there was Marlboro or Winston or have a Kool in the closet with your PBR.

My Grandad drank the cheapest beer he could find, often Falstaff or Stag but he would stoop to Champagne Velvet. He would let me drink beer anytime I wanted but with that crap, I never developed a hankering for it until I was in my early 20's. I did throw down many of those little cans of Country Club malt liquor and threw it back up most of the time.

Funny story, when I was 16 and my buds and I were camping out. There were 8 of us and of course, we had the cigs and beer or malt liquor and were getting drunk. As we were sitting around the fire, one of my best buds, who had already told me this, said "I have a confession, guys. I hate this ***t. I've never liked it and only do it because you guys do and I want to be a part of this". I had always felt the same way but didn't have the nerve to fess up to my clan for fear of not belonging. As we all began to come clean, we only had 2 of the 8 that actually liked beer or malt liquor but the 6 of us had been forcing it down and one would always puke every time he drank beer but that need to belong was so strong he was willing to go through that.

As to the OP, this is just the opposite, we see peer pressure even stronger than when I was a kid and the need to belong as strong as the need for sustenance.

Ya know that thing our Moms used to love to use "well, if everyone else is jumping off the bridge, are you going to jump too"? Probably so because to be on the outside is worse that what might happen when I jump.
I think they got rid of Shlitz Beer if I'm not mistaken. My dad used to always buy that.

Up in PA when my grandfather was alive they had a beer called Schmidts that he bought by the case load lol. Don't know if they still make it.

Someone listed a waterbed earlier in the thread.

Would love to have another waterbed. Although who knows how it would do now that I am older. Don't know if it was be as comfortable on the back and joints like it was when I was younger.
There was a reason the logo was brown.

But back in the day, you had to declare Bud or Schlitz or drink PBR while hidden. Also there was Marlboro or Winston or have a Kool in the closet with your PBR.

My Grandad drank the cheapest beer he could find, often Falstaff or Stag but he would stoop to Champagne Velvet. He would let me drink beer anytime I wanted but with that crap, I never developed a hankering for it until I was in my early 20's. I did throw down many of those little cans of Country Club malt liquor and threw it back up most of the time.

Funny story, when I was 16 and my buds and I were camping out. There were 8 of us and of course, we had the cigs and beer or malt liquor and were getting drunk. As we were sitting around the fire, one of my best buds, who had already told me this, said "I have a confession, guys. I hate this ***t. I've never liked it and only do it because you guys do and I want to be a part of this". I had always felt the same way but didn't have the nerve to fess up to my clan for fear of not belonging. As we all began to come clean, we only had 2 of the 8 that actually liked beer or malt liquor but the 6 of us had been forcing it down and one would always puke every time he drank beer but that need to belong was so strong he was willing to go through that.

As to the OP, this is just the opposite, we see peer pressure even stronger than when I was a kid and the need to belong as strong as the need for sustenance.

Ya know that thing our Moms used to love to use "well, if everyone else is jumping off the bridge, are you going to jump too"? Probably so because to be on the outside is worse that what might happen when I jump.
I'm not going to try respond to the story, other than to say, I'm the one nobody could convince into doing anything I didn't want to do. Even when I was in high school, every so often, I'd quit drinking and doing ..... well, let's just say I'd stay 100% sober for a couple of months at a time, just to make sure I was in control. I'd go to parties, without partaking, and no matter how much they pressured me, it never worked.

As for the beer, when I was in the 8 or 9 year old range, my friend's father and uncle (2 different people up North here) always had a garage full of Rolling Rock nips....just cases of the stuff.
I miss video stores. I liked going there and talking to the staff about movies and then picking something based on their recommendation.

Once upon a time before movies were streamed digitally or downloaded online people viewed movies on things called 'VHS tapes' which were played in clunky machines known as VCRs. lol Read where there’s only 12 blockbuster video stores still around. Times have changed.
Once upon a time before movies were streamed digitally or downloaded online people viewed movies on things called 'VHS tapes' which were played in clunky machines known as VCRs. lol Read where there’s only 12 blockbuster video stores still around. Times have changed.

And DVDs after the tapes (or even laser disks simultaneously). My local grocery held onto their video store for a long time after most of the Blockbusters were gone. The local artsy movie theater in Boise also had a foreign video store and still had it when I moved away in 2016.
Up in PA when my grandfather was alive they had a beer called Schmidts that he bought by the case load lol. Don't know if they still make it.

Someone listed a waterbed earlier in the thread.

Would love to have another waterbed. Although who knows how it would do now that I am older. Don't know if it was be as comfortable on the back and joints like it was when I was younger.
My dad drank Schmidts, I remember it being 99 cents a six pack, he also drank Carlings Black Label
I remember my dad buying a 6 pack of tall boy Schlitz after a day of fishing, he'd drink all of them by the time we got home, didn't wear seat belts back then either,lol good times

We never wore bike helmets. We skied over the waterski ramp with no helmet. We jumped our banana-seat bikes with the help of home-made ramps. People today would be surprised that we survived.