Things you don't hear or see anymore

Goalie masks
Of course, you can't forget cassette tapes and variants. Before VCRs I used to record TV shows on normal audio tapes. It had no video and it wasn't a direct line so if my brother or someone had a big mouth, I would record that too. It was the only way to record a show. I also taped shows off the radio. It was my early form of pirating, I guess.

Later came microcassettes, which made it possible to have a really small tape recorder. Then when VHS tapes and VCRs came along that was HUGE. I remember having to rush home from school to catch some show I wanted to see. VHS ended all that. If some show was on late and my parents wouldn't let me stay up, I could set the machine to tape it and watch it the next day. What an awesome invention, the VCR.

A friend of mine also had a high-fi reel-to-reel recorder with variable speed. That thing was cool. We tuned our electric guitars way down and recorded ourselves playing fast leads and then played them back faster with the tape so that the tuning sounded normal and it sounded like we were shredding wildly. It sounded ridiculous, but it was fun.

Had some kind of setup. In the early 90's where I had the vcr hooked up to my rack stereo system. I could record hours of music on a VHS tape. Then if we had parties somewhere I could just hook anyone's vcr to their stereo and play the tape for hours of music without having to change out cassettes or early CDs.
Not around here, I at least haven't seen it

Charleston Chews are sold in a few places in Dallas/Fort Worth. Fry's Electronics is one such place that sells all three versions. Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry.

Sugar Daddies are still around, but hard to find.
I saw those last week at a candy store in Sacramento. First I have seen in years though.

I thought they were banned in the United States. They’re banned in several countries because they promote kids to start smoking. Surprising that you saw some. I remember those kind that were wrapped in paper and when you blew on them smoke would come out.
I thought they were banned in the United States. They’re banned in several countries because they promote kids to start smoking. Surprising that you saw some. I remember those kind that were wrapped in paper and when you blew on them smoke would come out.

I am not sure about banned but it was a vintage candy store, lots of older stuff ya rarely see anymore. The cigs were the kind that blows powder smoke but the pack did not have fake-real looking logos. It just said "candy cigarettes".
Had some kind of setup. In the early 90's where I had the vcr hooked up to my rack stereo system. I could record hours of music on a VHS tape. Then if we had parties somewhere I could just hook anyone's vcr to their stereo and play the tape for hours of music without having to change out cassettes or early CDs.
I stumbled across a couple of cassette tapes last Saturday night while ' thunder kiss 65' was rolling,,,it flat put my pet cat in party mode, as she was making running flying leaps up on the kitchen table and the backs of the chairs,,,it was hilariouso_O