Things you don't hear or see anymore

Carbon paper

Ah yes. That brings us back to...

Carter's Little Liver Pills, do they still make those? I remember the TV ads, what a weird name. Were they little pills, pills for people with little livers and just who was this cat Carter to name such a product after himself. Or were they only for people named Carter with little livers?

20 Mule Team Borax, they sponsored Death Valley Days when I was a kid and I loved them for it. But we didn't own any mules so I never bought any.

How about Lava soap, you could skin a person with that crap. The sell line was "only one soap to get these hands clean" and they showed a guys hands that looked like he'd been working on an old car down a mineshaft. He'd scrub his hands and have skeleton fingers.

Ipana toothpaste with Bucky the Beaver. Did they think we were stupid kids? The damned beaver only had two teeth, what happened to the other 30?

But in my youth, I thought the center of the universe was Battle Creek, MI where the cool decoder rings were made and submarines that ran on baking soda and other wondrous creations that preyed on a young moron's mind. I think the CIA should be located in Battle Creek instead of Langley and they'd have cooler stuff and not get in so much trouble. Ya know the gadget guy for James Bond? Battle Creek native.
Just so you can say "hello"?

LOL I work for a major semiconductor manufacturer in IT. The campus is GIGANTIC and you're not always at your desk, so, everybody also has pagers to keep in touch with. Old school technology for sure but it works.
LOL I work for a major semiconductor manufacturer in IT. The campus is GIGANTIC and you're not always at your desk, so, everybody also has pagers to keep in touch with. Old school technology for sure but it works.
Cell phone anyone? hah Text messages work better than pagers.
Cell phone anyone? hah Text messages work better than pagers.

I'm guessing it's cheaper to deploy pagers than having people complain about cell phone reimbursements. Plus, there are clean-room fabrication areas that are security sensitive so they discourage/frown upon people having cell phone cameras loose in those area.

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