Think any players kneel tomorrow night?

Nope, now that the Cowboys see some teams didn't kneel at all, they won't feel pressured to.
I don't know, nor do I really care. I'm just overall sick of politics suddenly flooding into, and now almost overshadowing the game.

I'm all for players' rights to take a stand for what the believe in, but I don't need it to be a continued overshadowing force.
Agree. Nor should they do it on the NFL's platform where fans wish to enjoy a game and not be reminded of politics. Let them do it on their own time and NOT the fans time.
Since we're playing ball (but I wholeheartedly agree with @SDCowboy85) --

Let the damned players do whatever they want. It effects me nada. I know I love America. I know there are injustices and respect players to stand, lock arms, sit, pick their noses.

I just want good football. Dallas to kick arse. What they do during the anthem has zero effect on the game once that opening kickoff commences.

I don't understand why people get so worked up over this, but with that said, I respect their outrage/being upset. I have battles that don't like it either. I also have battles (the majority) that don't give a hoot. I understand that displeasure exists, but I just don't understand it.

Just my thoughts. And I'm as patriotic as any man in this country. And I adore football, but more than that, our Cowboys
I don't know, nor do I really care. I'm just overall sick of politics suddenly flooding into, and now almost overshadowing the game.

I'm all for players' rights to take a stand for what the believe in, but I don't need it to be a continued overshadowing force.
Exactly, why do all parts of society have to get political. Ruins everything
People who fought for the country don't even care as much as those who didn't. They aren't disrespecting them.
Oh really? Since when? Tell that to Pat Tillman's widow!
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Since we're playing ball (but I wholeheartedly agree with @SDCowboy85) --

Let the damned players do whatever they want. It effects me nada. I know I love America. I know there are injustices and respect players to stand, lock arms, sit, pick their noses.

I just want good football. Dallas to kick arse. What they do during the anthem has zero effect on the game once that opening kickoff commences.

I don't understand why people get so worked up over this, but with that said, I respect their outrage/being upset. I have battles that don't like it either. I also have battles (the majority) that don't give a hoot. I understand that displeasure exists, but I just don't understand it.

Just my thoughts. And I'm as patriotic as any man in this country. And I adore football, but more than that, our Cowboys

I wish i could like this 1000 times. well said man!
I think Goodell is once again showing his cowardice. He and the NFLPA is doing a sleight of hand with saying it's a freedom of speech issue when it really isn't. You don't have that right while on company time unless the company says so. If fans start boycotting games and it starts denting profit it would really start getting interesting to me and uncomfortable for clown boy.
"Off the clock" the players can do and say what they want but clown boy could easily say "this is bad for our image and bad for our business" (which it is) and starting levying fines.
If he weren't a coward I think he would because it is taking the league into a political realm that is extremely polarizing and will inevitably hurt profits. Football is one of the few things in life where people can step away from the constant barrage of extreme partisanship and enjoy a game together....but now even that is being infected and I don't think any fans want that. And right or left, I don't think disrespecting the anthem fo the said purpose makes sense to anyone, it just makes more people offended at millionaire babies.
don't kneel, that's disrespectful

some teams stood with arms linked in a show of solidarity, i would much prefer they do that.. at least they are standing

That really doesn't matter to most. Kaepernick started off by sitting on the bench, but began kneeling at the suggestion of a service member. The issue is, a group of players aren't conforming with what a group of people think is right and that's really it. Why else, a year later would people still be saying it disrespects the military. Nothing but a straw man.
Yea, Kaepernick's comments and tweets from the other day really ignited something. You'd think he'd be smart enough to stay in his lane, right?

Kaepernick has been black-listed by the NFL. In many ways there is no need for him to filter himself.
I don't watch football for all the political crap. Honestly I don't care if they stand, kneel or do a handstand, just get to the damn game and stop forcing this crap down our throats. 95% of people don't give a crap and are sick of seeing it, I know I am.

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