Thinkback to Bledsoe's INT at the end of the first

Bizwah;1818310 said:
I think most of us knew that Bledsoe wasn't the answer....but Romo was such an unknown. I thought that DB still was our best shot to get to the playoffs.

Seriously, how often to UDFAs turn out to be stud QBs?

This is not a right or wrong issue here. It is a matter of preference.

I had no idea what Romo was. He was like an unscratched lottery ticket. Great chance that he fails and one in a million chance you hit the jack pot.

Bledsoe, on the other hand was known quantity...a bad one. I was willing to find out what he had behind door B as opposed to reading a book in which I already knew the ending too.
Despite his mistakes and miscomings, I still highly respect and admire Drew Bledsoe. No one was tougher hanging in the pocket than he was, in fact I think he's the toughest quarterback I've ever seen.

And if you do give him time, he has an amazing arm and will pick any defense apart.

It's his immobileness that killed his game late in his career, and in his last season, you could tell he had started looking at the rush. Any coach will tell you, no matter at what point in his career, when a quarterback starts looking at the rush, he's done.

I am thankful that Romo came in and has been so great for us. But it is still sad to have seen Drew's career end the way that it did.
CowboyMike;1818338 said:
Despite his mistakes and miscomings, I still highly respect and admire Drew Bledsoe. No one was tougher hanging in the pocket than he was, in fact I think he's the toughest quarterback I've ever seen.

And if you do give him time, he has an amazing arm and will pick any defense apart.

It's his immobileness that killed his game late in his career, and in his last season, you could tell he had started looking at the rush. Any coach will tell you, no matter at what point in his career, when a quarterback starts looking at the rush, he's done.

I am thankful that Romo came in and has been so great for us. But it is still sad to have seen Drew's career end the way that it did.

Especially after he looked so sharp in the preseason. Then, regular season hit, and it was clear he was finished. Maybe it was getting hit on the head in Minnesota. Something changed, and he was awful. It was a shame.
superpunk;1818356 said:
Especially after he looked so sharp in the preseason. Then, regular season hit, and it was clear he was finished. Maybe it was getting hit on the head in Minnesota. Something changed, and he was awful. It was a shame.
There were the rumors of the back injury.
This is what I said the morning after the game.

windward said:
I have been a consistent defender of Drew Bledsoe as our starting QB since he was signed last year, since I felt he gave us the best chance to win. In fact, our ceiling may be a little higher if Drew was in there still. However, the difference between 8-8 and 9-7 is really not that large if you factor into this year as a learning period for 2007 and beyond for Romo. The worst case scenario is we know we have to draft a qb high next year (even if we have to give up picks)

What I saw out of Romo yesterday gave me alternating feelings of euphoria and horror. He made a few crucial mistakes that may have cost us the game. The good thing is these flaws are readily apparent in pressure situations an are correctable He made some plays last night that Drew most likely would have ended up sacked. he has that gunslinger-Favre-Young-Staubach mentality that greatly appeals to many Cowboys fans What I see is so tantalizing that I think we may have something with Romo if we can limit his mistakes. More than that, the team seems to rally around Romo more.

I still like Drew. I really do. His time in Big D , and maybe the NFL, is done unless he's willing to be a backup.I thought he would be able to finish out the season for us, but now that we made the decision to go to Romo, we can't go back IMO. We have to find out now about Romo. As a Bledsoe supporter (but more importantly a Dallas Cowboys fan )I think we as fans ought to rally around Romo and show the patience required for a QB learning the ropes.

What are our prospects with Romo? I'm not throwing in the towel yet. I would not be in the least surprised if we knocked off Carolina with him at the helm next week. Sometimes a team needs a kick in the pants to energize them. This may or may not be it, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
windward;1818374 said:
This is what I said the morning after the game.
I was curious, so I looked up what I wrote.

theogt said:
You can judge a couple things. He was calm under pressure, but made some stupid mistakes. He wanted to put the team on his shoulders and win the game, which is a tall order for basically a "rookie."

There's no discounting, however, the natural talent this guy has. It was a complete 180 from Bledsoe. Can't wait for next week. I haven't been this excited about a Cowboys game in a long time.
I really liked this post by iceberg:

iceberg said:
last night i felt something i'd not truly felt in years. something that i've loved about this team since we beat denver in the superbowl in the 70's. something that carried me through a 1-15 season while still wearing my jersey and supporting my team while in front of our family TV with a football in hand and my emotions on my sleeve. i cheered, i yelled, i wanted to win so badly i even cried at times when we didn't.

but i cared.

last night when romo hit the field, i cared again, almost like that all over again. i didn't care that the 1st pass was deflected and int'd. i didn't care romo threw it right at a lineman and was int'd again, and of course, it happened 3 times and each time bledsoe sat there looking like someone stole his dog, caring as much about the game as i did when he was playing, so i suppose that's only fair.

i've made it no secret that since bp refused to play henson or romo in the last 3 games and went with "best chance to win" in vinnie "not gonna be here next year" that i hated this "Hard Headed" time from BP and i viewed it as wasted because it would never work.

yep - i flat out said this path would *never* work. mostly the way bp was doing it. he knows bledsoe needed an all star OL and he wiffed in even trying to build one. but i digress - most people here know my stance and in several forums i've taken a lot of grief for being "negative" well i was so negative because of this "wasted time" i didn't want to waste. i wanted to play the young guys and i've always said sooner or later you've got to bite that bullet.

what would be so bad in doing so while you revamp your defense? where was the coordination of efforts (not outcome) to build up at the same rate? it just wasn't there, so i found it so very hard to "get into" a team i felt had zero chance to win. if i were to be wrong, if i'm still wrong, i'll admit it gladly but only because i will continue to say how i feel.

only i've suddenly got a reason to feel positive in a way i've not done in quite some time. this "elation" will only grow when parcells gives it up and goes off into the sunset. i thought he was going to at the press conference. he was about to cry, it seemed, and he said he was "ashamed" of this team and their performance.

screw you bill - you built this team. you coach it - you make every call on when people fart. if you're ashamed of this team then be ashamed of yourself for building it in this manner that many of us "fans" could tell was doomed from the start. when people ask about romo's mistakes, mr parcells, don't sit there and say "he shouldn't make those mistakes, he's been here four years..." yea - on the damn bench holding a clipboard.

you don't learn NFL speed on the sidelines. you don't learn the consequences of your split second decisions with a baseball hat on. and you don't grow as a player not playing. especially in those 4 years where YOU parcells squandered many opportunities to get these young guys time to learn and experience the NFL at full speed.

best chance to win. win what? meaningless games in which that experience could have helped romo tonight win a very meaningfull game? i said then each "game" isn't important and if you want a healthy franchise that's an investment and sometimes, in time for your players to learn to play at a higher level.

it's easy to see bp is about done and out. it's sad, really, cause i don't hate the man regardless of how it's come out over the last few years. i hate the stubborn decisions he's stuck with, the stupid decisions his players have made he's "Covered" for. last night was also the first time i ever heard parcells say that bledsoe was at fault for something and you could see how much it hurt him to say. he's known it all along but he's tried to excuse it away.

excuses are over. so is bledsoe. but the hope begins.

the hope that romo will learn from last night. the hope that the darts he was throwing at times were how he plays, NOT luck of a moment. herein lies a such a vast difference in the players and just why i now have hope - i don't know what romo is going to do.

i predicted drews INT at goalline to the play. lucky that time but overall accuracy is there on knowing drew will implode and only get worse as the games go on.

romo may not be the answer and i'm not going the route that he is. but we've FINALLY seen parcells realize bledsoe is NOT the answer and we DO know that. welcome to the club bill, now let's let romo have the rest of the year to learn and see what he can do.

only then will we know what we'll need to do in the next draft.

it's good to be home and it's good to be excited about this team again.
Temo;1818280 said:
I don't quite understand how there can be so much "hate" for a guy who always worked hard, tried his hardest, and was a terrific team guy who never made a peep after he was benched.
I think you are mistaken. I don't believe too many people hated Bledsoe, rather, they, including myself was not happy with Bledsoe's immobility and consistant turnovers, whether be INTs or fumbles. I have no ill feelings toward Bledsoe, he did perform relatively well in 2005 but in 2006, he was not playing all that well and am glad that BP finally replaced him with Romo. I actually wanted Romo to start the season but that's whole another story.
hendog;1817693 said:
Half of the Gint's game. And how you felt . How you felt cheated and ROBBED.

Then to start the 2nd half Romo comes in and his first pass is picked off and you were like "are you kidding me?"

If only we could have known then what we know now. What an amazing ride Romo has taken us on.

I Love Me some ROMO!

i'll be the first to tell you i thought bringing in romo was going end our season last year. it's not that i thought he couldn't be good (although, he has already surpassed my wildest dreams) ...i just felt he would have taken some more lumps then he has to get there. and it certainly looked that way right out of the gate in that giants game.

he has impressed me SO MUCH. captain obvious, i know.

i was wrong about him, and i am very glad about it.
what about the seahawks game with the game tied and they pick it and go to the house ya I hated it but it wasn't as bad as vinny
My whole problem with Bledsoe was that it was clearly apparent from his last couple years at Buffalo that "his game" was gone. He was never a very skilled QB to begin with. He had the big-time arm, some guts and not much else. His fundementals were lousy and was very stubborn when it came to following a gameplan that emphasized the short-pass. On top of that were the rumors out of Buffalo that he was not motivated to change his mechanics.

We were a rebuilding team but Purcells loved his vets-- what can I say?

Comparing Bledsoe to Vinny is laughable... Vinny didn't come here to start-- he was thrust into the position because of the stupidity in drafting Carter.

Our receiving corps when Vinny was here wasn't very good once T. Glenn broke down in mid-season.

Bledsoe came here to be the starter-- and Purcells thought he was good enough to lead this team to the playoffs. He found out what many of us already knew-- Bledsoe wasn't good enough.

Romo should have started the season in '06 and maybe even in '05.

And about Bledsoe being a "team guy"-- that's funny. You could look at him on the sidelines and see what kind of "team guy" he was. And then he made the comments about Purcells making a mistake and yanking him for Romo.

I'm sure the goof is still up in the state of Washington telling everyone how much better the Cowboys would be with him in there.
As much as I despised deadslow, if he wasnt so hard headed, I think he would have made the perfect back up.
I feel bad for Bledsoe because I was really hoping he could revive his career in Dallas.

He seem to lose his nerve and confidence from the NE days.

It gave Romo time to sit and learn and probably served its purpose in the greater scheme of things.
CowboyMike;1818338 said:
Despite his mistakes and miscomings, I still highly respect and admire Drew Bledsoe. No one was tougher hanging in the pocket than he was, in fact I think he's the toughest quarterback I've ever seen.

And if you do give him time, he has an amazing arm and will pick any defense apart.

It's his immobileness that killed his game late in his career, and in his last season, you could tell he had started looking at the rush. Any coach will tell you, no matter at what point in his career, when a quarterback starts looking at the rush, he's done.

I am thankful that Romo came in and has been so great for us. But it is still sad to have seen Drew's career end the way that it did.

Bledsoe was stuck with no Flo after knee and a non NFL calibre tackle in Petitti. He needed protection and the game has evolved away from classic big armed pocket guys in 2006/07.

Romo had owned Henson all along and with his moxy, mobility was and is a great new promising NFL QB. I was pro Romo as far back as 2003/04 in these parts. And candidly there were few on the Romo bandwagon in that era.....
I dont know what you guys are talking about, the Mar 2005 signing of Bledsoe was an excellent move.

We were coming off a 6-10 season and had no legit starter at QB.
Bledsoe came for a modest contract and cost no draft picks.
We started the 2005 year 3-2 because of Bledsoe. If you recall he had a QB rating of over 100 and was outstanding against SD, SF the Phila rout.

We lost Adams early week 6 in Seattle and the OL just couldnt recover.

Heading into the 2006 preseason I knew little of Romo. Still held out hope for Henson. Once I saw Romo in that Seattle preseason, game that was it for me. I was sold. Truely believed I was watching our next great QB.

Wanted Romo to start the 2006 season but knew it wasnt practical. Started calling for Romo after Jacksonville. Was screaming after the Phila game.
First 5 games of 2005 and 2006 was like night and day, we were 3-2 inspite of Bledsoe. Ha the feeling the staff was leaning toward the switch.

I think if Peyton doesnt take the NO job, he convinces Parcells to start 2006 with Romo. Oh what might have been.
Bledsoe is a lot like BP, he'll make you better - but he won't make you great. It's that simple.
I was excited about Bledsoe when he first came on board (anything but Testaverde) but one day in Bledsoe's first season here, this Pats fan came in and gave us a huge warning about Bledsoe.

From that day on, I didn't want Bledslow on this team. After seeing Romo start that following pre-season over Bledsoe, I was stunned, but from that day on, I wanted Romo to be the starter. Didn't know he was going to be this great, but I liked him alot.
03EBZ06;1818409 said:
I think you are mistaken. I don't believe too many people hated Bledsoe, rather, they, including myself was not happy with Bledsoe's immobility and consistant turnovers, whether be INTs or fumbles. I have no ill feelings toward Bledsoe, he did perform relatively well in 2005 but in 2006, he was not playing all that well and am glad that BP finally replaced him with Romo. I actually wanted Romo to start the season but that's whole another story.

No, I'm not mistaken in that people actually used the word hate. I just wanted to get the story straight on that... obviously starting Romo in '06 would have been the right decision.

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