Calm down naysayers and play along or just ignore me please, I just think if there is even a small chance he could be obtained in the future, then the Cowboys should try to make it happen, after all he's a Texas boy. This isn't a now move nor is it a knock on Romo, so don't take it that way, its about planning for the future and the kind of thing I would be thinking about if I was a GM.
If I understand correctly, Andrew Lucks rookie contract expires in 2015 but has a fifth-year team option and then Indy could franchise him for two more years which if the Colts were forced to take this path by Luck, then I believe he would be a free agent at the end of the 2018 season.
This lines up pretty nicely with where you would expect Romo to be at the end of his career in Dallas (hopefully he stays healthy that long).
Problem is I don't think there is any way for a team to recruit a player from another team and even if there were, Luck would have to be convinced to leave. Having said that, if there's a way to do this without breaking any rules, I think they should start sowing those seeds now. Its a long shot but I think its worth the effort because it doesn't cost anything to try (assuming no rules are broken).
My questions:
* Is there even anything one team can do to make it known they would be interested in a player on another team if he became available that isn't tampering?
* Can Jerry make a bunch of public statements swooning over Luck and saying he'd love to see him in a Cowboys uniform when Romo retires?
* Could Dez and the Oline recruit him at the pro bowl by encouraging him to pull a Lebron James and leave Indy when his contract is up?
I'd use any legal means possible to start planting a seed in Lucks mind, he seems like a loyal kid but I can't help but believe he wouldn't like to follow in the foot steps of Staubach, Aikman, etc and have the star on his helmet.