Thirty Seasons Under the Joneses


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In a 32 year span the average NFL team will:

Win 8 division titles

Go to the playoffs 12 of those seasons

Play in 4 conference championship games

Win 2 conference championships

Play in 2 Super Bowls

Win 1 Super Bowl


Since Jerry Jones has purchased the team the Cowboys have:

Won their division 11 times.

Gone to the playoffs 15 times

Played in four conference championships

Won three NFC championships

Played in three Super Bowls

Won 3 championships.


They still have two more seasons to complete the 32 years averages.

I am not a big Jerry Jones fan. However, in all fairness, it cannot he said that his tenure as owner was unsuccessful. On the contrary, the Cowboys have been one of the more successful franchises during that period.

With that said, fans typically have the attitude expressed by a Janet Jackson song.....

“What have you done for me lately?”

These next two seasons close a window, not for the Cowboys, but, I suspect, for Jerry himself. This is why I believe these next two seasons are very special to him. I don’t know how this specifically translates to contracts and acquiring more talent but don’t rule out some very imaginative opportunities.


I've been on board as Cowboys fan since 1963.

Using your numbers.

A team should win at least 3 super bowls every 100 years.
Granted there were less teams back in the 60's and 70's.

So I figure each team founded in the 60's should win at least 4 Super Bowls ever 100 years.

Cowboys have won 5. I'm playing with house money.
As are the Giants and Commander fans.

Eagles however....:igglestrophy:


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When I look back on this phase of the Cowboys, I think of what would have happened if one of the other bidders had bought the Cowboys?

What if Booger hadn't hired Johnson and turned the football side over to someone he trusted?

What if Johnson doesn't pull off one of the most lopsided trades in history and jump starts the turnaround?

What if Johnson doesn't hire Norv Turner, his 3rd choice, as OC?

Johnson was already in Dallas with the clock ticking, if he doesn't get it turned, does he bail and head back to college like Petrino, Spurrier and Saban?

What if he gets James Francis with that Emmitt pick?

What if he decides to trade Aikman and keep Walsh because Aikman really struggled before Turner?

The questions above intrigue me but none more than that second one. Want to blame someone for Booger? Blame Jimmy for turning the team into the black so quickly because if he doesn't, chances are Booger sells the team to one of those bidders that lost out. He was not well heeled enough to stand the red ink, which is why Bright had to sell.

So, if Booger doesn't buy the team and doesn't hire Jimmy who in turn doesn't hire Turner, trades Aikman and doesn't have Emmitt, how many years are we discussing of ineptitude?

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times and we have to take the bitter with the sweet. If I were to tell you the Cowboys will win 3 of the 4 next SB's but will have a drought for the following 24 years, you OK with that? You would most likely say Oh hell yeah! Until you started enduring those 24 years.

What are you talking about? Six degrees of separation with the Cowboys? We have proof of what Jimmy was able to pull off in his 1989-1993 run which includes back to backup SB + the 1995 win.
There is luck involved in every championship run of every team.
What if the Niners didnt draft Joe Montana or Jerry Rice?
What if the Patriots never drafted Brady, or Bledsoe never got hurt or Kraft never bought the Pats and they moved to Hartford?
What if Elway never got Davis as his RB.
We can go on and on with What ifs. The fact of the matter is that Jerry killed the golden/ diamond/ platinum goose. He took the most well run and feared organization and flushed it down the toilet. As I have said many many times before, not only on this forum but no matter where you are in your career or business. Culture really matters.
Great coaches and organizations have a culture they build with their teams, this culture enables the organization to have sustained success., It starts from the top and go all the way to the janitor.

Why have the Patriots been so successful?. Why have the Steelers been able to sustain for such a long time period. Look at the Eagles with Reid? Look at the Chiefs with Reid.
Holmgren with the Pack and the Seahawks.
The Cowboys lack of success over the past 23 years is our inability to have a culture of accountability. Whether it is allowing Campo, Chan Gailey, Wade Phillips, Jason Garrett to hand around too long. Jerry Jones accepts mediocrity. How man playoff wins have we had over the 23 years?
How many times did we make the 2nd round?
How many championship games did we make it to?
How many SB's did we make it to? You see I didn't say how many we won? As a fan you want your team to win every year, and the Patriot run has been unmatched so i don't want to compare any team to that standard.
You want your team to be competitive and make championship games so you have a chance to play for the SB.
Name me one other organization that would have allowed a GM to bungle Drafting & FA as long as Jerry and company did? We are being held over a cliff because Dak wants $40 million dollars. If I was Jerry I would say screw off and pay him 2 million dollars. I would tell my scouts to find me another player. Why is the team so afraid? What do we pay our front office guys for? BTW I'm sure Dak will sign an extension very soon.
Over the past few years the Cowboys have turned around drafting and FA, so there is more success, and as a fan I am appreciative of this organization.
Sometimes people only care about results. There is a saying Process over Results. The Amari Cooper trade was a perfect example of how the Cowboys process was horrible. We were 3-5, looking at a top 5 pick and we trade for a WR who was disappointing in his play. Even the front office never expected us to make the second round of the playoffs last year. (from where we started).
Last offseason we should have looked at adding talent at WR & TE so we would not have needed to try a hailmary trade that actually worked. Process is what allows the Reid's eagles to make it to 4 straight championship games. Allows the Pats to constantly be ahead of the curve, allows McVay to do what he does.
Jerry needs to modernize the FO. Hire a room full of analytics guys from MIT. Stop running the Cowboys like a mom and pop shop where Jerry and Stephen are the geniuses.


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The Cowboys under Jerry is like Eddie Murphy's career. We've way more crappy/mediocre years than the really good ones.


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I absolutely forgot it was the 30th anniversary. How could I forget. Now what are his stats after Jimmy Johnson? We should do this again in 7 more years with the 30th anniversary of that 1995 team.

There is some wrong in that statement. During the pregame of Super Bowl XLV in Dallas there was a round table discussion with Emmitt, Aikman, Irvin, The Moose, Jerry and Johnson. And during that discussion Johnson finally admitted publicly in front of millions of people that he didn't have all the power that most outside of the Cowboys organization thought he had and this weighed heavily on him so that when Jones did make the remark while drinking before a Super Bowl game that other coaches could bring this team to a Super Bowl including Switzer, that was enough to push Johnson over the edge and want to leave Dallas. Johnson admitted that he didn't feel he should have had to go to Jerry for many of the things he did have to go to him for. Many of the things people outside of the Cowboys gave Johnson credit for doing he with with Jerry's approval. Jones haters always seem to forget about Johnson finally admitting he wasn't the boss.

PA Cowboy Fan

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There is some wrong in that statement. During the pregame of Super Bowl XLV in Dallas there was a round table discussion with Emmitt, Aikman, Irvin, The Moose, Jerry and Johnson. And during that discussion Johnson finally admitted publicly in front of millions of people that he didn't have all the power that most outside of the Cowboys organization thought he had and this weighed heavily on him so that when Jones did make the remark while drinking before a Super Bowl game that other coaches could bring this team to a Super Bowl including Switzer, that was enough to push Johnson over the edge and want to leave Dallas. Johnson admitted that he didn't feel he should have had to go to Jerry for many of the things he did have to go to him for. Many of the things people outside of the Cowboys gave Johnson credit for doing he with with Jerry's approval. Jones haters always seem to forget about Johnson finally admitting he wasn't the boss.
Give me a break. Never said Jerry didn't have a hand in it. He was a great owner for about the first 5 years. But he never would have made any of those trades or drafted any of those players without Jimmy telling him too. Jerry was the GM in name only back then. Jimmy had more power than any coach we had under Jerry and the results show. If Jerry was the real voice behind those teams the results the last 24 years would have been different. He's had plenty of opportunity to prove he's a football man and he's failed every time.


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There is some wrong in that statement. During the pregame of Super Bowl XLV in Dallas there was a round table discussion with Emmitt, Aikman, Irvin, The Moose, Jerry and Johnson. And during that discussion Johnson finally admitted publicly in front of millions of people that he didn't have all the power that most outside of the Cowboys organization thought he had and this weighed heavily on him so that when Jones did make the remark while drinking before a Super Bowl game that other coaches could bring this team to a Super Bowl including Switzer, that was enough to push Johnson over the edge and want to leave Dallas. Johnson admitted that he didn't feel he should have had to go to Jerry for many of the things he did have to go to him for. Many of the things people outside of the Cowboys gave Johnson credit for doing he with with Jerry's approval. Jones haters always seem to forget about Johnson finally admitting he wasn't the boss.
I'd forgotten about that because this is the first time I've ever heard of that happening. This is nothing like what witnesses to actual conversations have said happened. I guess the witnesses were all lying that the 500 coaches comment came after the 93 SB win, when Booger was drunk and wanting some love, and Switzer was never mentioned. And I guess Wannstedt was lying about Johnson having to be talked into coming to the war room after Booger asked him to look at him before every pick to give the illusion it was him?

If Johnson completely reversed himself, I think I would have heard this before today. Of course he had the have Booger's approval for the money part of it. The actual personnel? No

PA Cowboy Fan

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I'd forgotten about that because this is the first time I've ever heard of that happening. This is nothing like what witnesses to actual conversations have said happened. I guess the witnesses were all lying that the 500 coaches comment came after the 93 SB win, when Booger was drunk and wanting some love, and Switzer was never mentioned. And I guess Wannstedt was lying about Johnson having to be talked into coming to the war room after Booger asked him to look at him before every pick to give the illusion it was him?

If Johnson completely reversed himself, I think I would have heard this before today. Of course he had the have Booger's approval for the money part of it. The actual personnel? No
Maybe Jimmy's trying to be nice so he can get in the ROH. lol


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Give me a break. Never said Jerry didn't have a hand in it. He was a great owner for about the first 5 years. But he never would have made any of those trades or drafted any of those players without Jimmy telling him too. Jerry was the GM in name only back then. Jimmy had more power than any coach we had under Jerry and the results show. If Jerry was the real voice behind those teams the results the last 24 years would have been different. He's had plenty of opportunity to prove he's a football man and he's failed every time.
He would have you believe that with 0 experience in the NFL, Booger would be the one making decisions. The best thing Booger ever did was hire Johnson because he knew where the bodies were buried and he built the youngest SB winning team in history.

What a laugh. You have the Cowboys with Johnson and post Johnson, but still his team in that 95 win, as contrast. Jimmy's team - 3 rings, Booger's team, not even a NFCCG.


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Maybe Jimmy's trying to be nice so he can get in the ROH. lol
I think if Jimmy had reversed what he's been saying and what others have witnessed, we would have heard about this because Booger would have made sure of that. The Jimmy love by the local media still drives him nuts and he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to show Johnson to be a liar.


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...yeah JJ had a decent run for about a decade..but then everything has basically hit the brakes...many fans have never seen Dallas play much less win a Conference Championship in that game....Superbowl?!...forgetaboutit!...Maybe things will turn for the better in these next few seasons...Eh?...of course ,ya get those players under contract...


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The Cowboys were very mediocre during an 20 year stretch of 1996 to 2015.

Interesting how many of you accuse others of clinging to the past when Jerry’s initial success is discussed. The mediocrity is also history in case some of you haven’t noticed. Over the past 3 seasons the Cowboys are ranked #4 in winning percentage. They have won two thirds of all regular season games. In addition, the Cowboys have played in three preseason games during those last three seasons tying them at #8. It’s not what we want but better than two thirds of the league.

And then there is this:

When Jones took over the Cowboys were ranked #4 all time in winning percentage. Today they are ranked #1. Winning consistantly is far tougher these days.

Please keep in mind that I am one of Jerry’s harshest critics but, to be fair, there is no denying the factual record of his entire body of work. I am speaking strictly of the team’s performance.


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The Cowboys were very mediocre during an 20 year stretch of 1996 to 2015.

Interesting how many of you accuse others of clinging to the past when Jerry’s initial success is discussed. The mediocrity is also history in case some of you haven’t noticed. Over the past 3 seasons the Cowboys are ranked #4 in winning percentage. They have won two thirds of all regular season games. In addition, the Cowboys have played in three preseason games during those last three seasons tying them at #8. It’s not what we want but better than two thirds of the league.

And then there is this:

When Jones took over the Cowboys were ranked #4 all time in winning percentage. Today they are ranked #1. Winning consistantly is far tougher these days.

Please keep in mind that I am one of Jerry’s harshest critics but, to be fair, there is no denying the factual record of his entire body of work. I am speaking strictly of the team’s performance.

Winning percentage is weak. Either way, we are still not seriously competing for championships. We are still treading water. For Dallas Cowboys fans, this is torture. .


"We Are Penn State"
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What was the last Cowboys GM record for 29 years? Until Jerry averages that success, I don't want to hear about NFL averages. Clint Murchinson, Tex Schramm, Gil Brandt and Tom Landry were not trying to make an average franchise. THE DALLAS COWBOYS ARE NOT AVERAGE SO DO NOT COMPARE TO AVERAGE TEAMS.

I am not going to bring up Jimmy Johnson who was the real GM from 1989-1993. Compare Jerry GM (1991 to Present) to Bill Belichick GM (1991 to Present). Compare apples and apples.

Do you compare Yankees to the Twins? Do you compare the Lakers to the Jazz?

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." Jerry Jones had all three kinds of lies.


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Give me a break. Never said Jerry didn't have a hand in it. He was a great owner for about the first 5 years. But he never would have made any of those trades or drafted any of those players without Jimmy telling him too. Jerry was the GM in name only back then. Jimmy had more power than any coach we had under Jerry and the results show. If Jerry was the real voice behind those teams the results the last 24 years would have been different. He's had plenty of opportunity to prove he's a football man and he's failed every time.

So why did Johnson finally admit on TV seen all around the world in front of millions of people that he didn't have all the power those outside of the Cowboys think he had?