This Changes Nothing

Granted, it could happen. But I seriously doubt it. The Cowboys have holes to fill, but there is plenty of time still to do that. Step away from the panic button.

He is suspended for ten games. You might as well pretend he blew out his knee. So there should be a sense of urgency.

It is simply lazy to wait until after training camp and there is a horrific realization that players like Wilson and Nzeocha are not capable.

Bring in the help now and let it sort itself out in camp. If the vet isn't better, goodbye. Why would you want to compete with 31 other teams after they too have to fill holes after injuries etc. take their toll?
He is suspended for ten games. You might as well pretend he blew out his knee. So there should be a sense of urgency.

It is simply lazy to wait until after training camp and there is a horrific realization that players like Wilson and Nzeocha are not capable.

Bring in the help now and let it sort itself out in camp. If the vet isn't better, goodbye. Why would you want to compete with 31 other teams after they too have to fill holes after injuries etc. take their toll?

I'm not saying they should wait. They should probably "kick the tires" on every linebacker available and/or seek a trade option if the price is right.
I'm not saying they should wait. They should probably "kick the tires" on every linebacker available and/or seek a trade option if the price is right.

I completely agree, but that does not mean the team does unfortunately.
this is bad on lots of levels from players getting special treatment to miss offseason work this is a 6 or 8 win team if tony plays all season but I don't want to let the air out of your dream.

well duh , do you think he might have known he would be suspended, and that is why he didnt show up?
Do you think jerry might have known too??

If I know I am going to be suspended , I probably wont show up for the voluntary workouts.

Everyone is saying cut him, but they cant !! not till suspension is over, and maybe not even then.
he loses over half 10/17's of what he was or will be paid, and that goes back to the cap.

So now he is even cheaper, and will be fresh game 11.
I think it may be a good thing.
He would be wore out by game 10 if he had played.

Both the other guys will be back in time for the big games with cin and GB.

If dallas cant win the first 4 games without those 2 and Ro , something is wrong.
It is really not that big of a deal, it is the same as if they were hurt, except the players now lose their pay.

I am not worried about any of this, just dont want to hear that Romo is suspended, now that would upset me.

But Rolando ?? lol cmon man, and he knew and jones knew this was his last season here.
and now with this Ro probably wont be in nfl next year.
well duh , do you think he might have known he would be suspended, and that is why he didnt show up?
Do you think jerry might have known too??

If I know I am going to be suspended , I probably wont show up for the voluntary workouts.

Everyone is saying cut him, but they cant !! not till suspension is over, and maybe not even then.
he loses over half 10/17's of what he was or will be paid, and that goes back to the cap.

So now he is even cheaper, and will be fresh game 11.
I think it may be a good thing.
He would be wore out by game 10 if he had played.

Both the other guys will be back in time for the big games with cin and GB.

If dallas cant win the first 4 games without those 2 and Ro , something is wrong.
It is really not that big of a deal, it is the same as if they were hurt, except the players now lose their pay.

I am not worried about any of this, just dont want to hear that Romo is suspended, now that would upset me.

But Rolando ?? lol cmon man, and he knew and jones knew this was his last season here.
and now with this Ro probably wont be in nfl next year.

Where is it written we arent allowed to cut him?
When I saw the title it reminded me of the country song This Ain't Nothing by Craig Morgan. I wish I could embed the video here but I can't.
Just like last year. "Step away from the ledge". "We will be fine".

4-12, no upgrades on defense in the offseason and 3 large suspensions to our starting front 7.

Apparently this does not change anything. "Next man up!" Worked so well last year. But hey, we have Tony back, Dez back and Zeke is going to tip the divisional scale.

I suppose we won't have any more injuries on defense this year. Oh, and if we do? "Next man up!"

Enough of this fluff, there's always an excuse built in for this team. It's on the horizon. Suspensions is the excuse this year. No! We just did not add to the defense and that's the truth.

We talk like Jaylon Smith is a sure thing to recover and play next year. He's certainly not.

I guess this really does change nothing. We're always going to have a reason to sound like we're contenders but when push comes to shove we don't end up contending because of some new excuse.
This changes a good bit. I do not think the McClain 10 gamer was planned for.

If it was, they were doing it wrong.

I guess it is kind of comforting to play the wait and see game.

Thing is, we have seen this same kind of scenario play itself out before.

And all you are waiting to see is the stunned disbelief from the organization and then the rationalization afterwards like it does not matter.

I'm sure everyone said the same exact thing in '14 when Sean Lee went down in TC, the sky was falling n the apocalypse has ARRIVED, WE ARE DOOOOOMEDD!! Yeaaaa..not so much. Iirc, we did quite ok in '14 n I have no worries now either. Add the fact that it's basically a 4-2-5 base 90% of the time anyways so as long as Lee stays healthy ( BIG if btw, not implying in any POSSIBLE way that's any kind of surety) , I have full confidence in Hitch, Gachkar (who played damn well last yr btw), or whoever else we plug in. The DL issue W Tank was a bummer as I thought it would've been reduced to at least 2 games but we knew it could've been 4 all along n I am one of the few on here who believes in what The FO is doing DL wise n I believe Russell, Mayowa, Tap, Collins, Crawf, and Irving will b BETTER than anyone ever expected. Again, this is just my humble opinion and I could easily b humiliatingly wrong lol but it's what I choose to believe
First of all this is totally irrelevant since we lost pass rushers not a corner.

And second I love Ramsay but if we're talking about who is the better pick to help us win when players are missing its Zeke hands down.

Yeah why invest in defense when we can pray to the mythological running efficiency wins games many faced God.
It's even more of an indictment on our approach to the 2nd round, we put a lot of faith in Rolondo McClain.
Where is it written we arent allowed to cut him?

I cant find anything one way or the other, so maybe they can and maybe they cant.
I know hardy wasnt cut till after his suspension was over.
They can cut a player before the suspension is formally announced.
I cant find anything one way or the other, so maybe they can and maybe they cant.
I know hardy wasnt cut till after his suspension was over.
They can cut a player before the suspension is formally announced.

I don't see why they cant cut them during the suspension. They didn't cut Hardy, they just didn't resign him.
I don't see why they cant cut them during the suspension. They didn't cut Hardy, they just didn't resign him.

Well probably in the cba rules, to protect players, but I think hardy was different, he got full pay.

I did find this at
Marijuana threshold: The NFL is ramping down it's stance on marijuana use. The threshold for a positive test has been increased from 15 ng/ml to 35 ng/ml........ in english anyone?? lol looks like they made it easier to pass test.

Marijuana discipline: The punishment for a positive test is also changing. As is the case now, a
1.first-time offense lands the player in the substance abuse program without a suspension. The primary difference is the punishment for a 2.second positive test: simply a two-game fine.
Each additional violation receives the following progressive discipline:
3.four-game fine,
4.four-game suspension,
5.10-game suspension. A player can therefore test positive for marijuana three times without getting suspended.
All totaled up this weed smoking has cost Ro about 2 mil or more.
That is some expensive smoke !

He may need psychiatric help ?? lol
You've lost your mind

I don't agree. I don't know if this is a team that will win more than 8 games if the defense doesn't plug the leaks...and yes I lost my mind about ten years ago....LOL
I did find this at
Marijuana threshold: The NFL is ramping down it's stance on marijuana use. The threshold for a positive test has been increased from 15 ng/ml to 35 ng/ml........ in english anyone?? lol looks like they made it easier to pass test.
The unit of measure is nanograms per milliliter in a urine test. A nanogram is one billionth of a gram. So a positive test must show 35 nanograms per milliliter of urine instead of the former 15. Yes, easier to pass the test, but it also depends on when the subject last used and how much they smoked. An occasional smoker usually isn't going to piss hot on anything over 20 ng/ml unless they're tested within a week of use. If it's raised to 50 ng/ml, then they'll be "clean" after 3-4 days.
It's even more of an indictment on our approach to the 2nd round, we put a lot of faith in Rolondo McClain.

And don't forget they showed no interest in James Laurinitis when the Rams released him.

'How's that workin' out for ya?'


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